In the early morning of this day, Qin Shu had just woken up from her trance when she noticed the fluctuation of spiritual energy on the jade slip.

She took out the jade slip and saw that it was from Cen Han.

"My boss, we have a big order!"

"Someone bought two places in the Mulberry Secret Realm, and a total of 120,000 top-quality spiritual stones were obtained."

When Qin Shu heard this, she suddenly woke up.

One hundred twenty thousand? The best spiritual stone? !

The strength of the Endless Sea cannot be underestimated!

She immediately asked: "Do you know who the buyer is? Do you need protection?"

"It's the Pei family, they don't need protection."

Qin Shu: "..."

Yes, the good news does not flow to outsiders.

"Is there anyone else here to consign the letter stone?" Qin Shu asked again.

"Yes, there are eleven people here so far."

Qin Shu squinted her eyes and her head started to spin.

Eleven people came, which means there are eleven faith stones. One person can bring five people, which is sixty-six people.

I don’t know how many faith stones will be released from this Mulberry Secret Realm each time. If one more person enters, there will be one more competitor.

No, she had to go find her father-in-law to find out.

While Qin Shu was thinking about it, Cen Han continued: "Boss, these people need protection. Our store has just opened..."

Qin Shu came back to her senses, looked at Cen Han, and asked, "What's wrong? But there are not enough manpower?"

Cen Han frowned and nodded. Qin Shu thought for a moment, seemed to have thought of something, and showed a confident smile.

"I'll think of something."

Don't be afraid if you don't have enough manpower. With her senior brother Ruiming here, her father-in-law is a ready-made man.

Cen Han had always trusted her, and he was relieved when he saw that she had taken over the matter.

Qin Shu continued: "Cen Han, please help spread the word and hire thugs who can enter the secret realm of Sanghuai at a high price."

After hearing what Qin Shu said, Cen Han looked at her in surprise and asked, "My boss, are you looking for a bodyguard for you?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "No, let's ask others."

Cen Han responded, "What price do you need for a guard?"

"A thousand top quality spiritual stones."

Cen Han noted it down and asked: "How many guards are needed? What kind of cultivation level?"

Qin Shu smiled with bright eyes and heard her say: "Of course, the more, the merrier. As long as they have permission to enter the secret realm of Sanghuai, no matter what their cultivation level is."

This kind of employment relationship can actually be regarded as a kind of wooing. As long as more people are brought into their camp, the competitiveness will be stronger.

But Cen Han didn't understand. He frowned and asked: "My boss, regardless of cultivation level, what should I do if there are monks who are in the Qi training period? Then the subordinates of Sanghuai Secret Realm have heard a little bit about it recently. Find a practitioner. As for the guardians of the Qi period, it’s still unclear who will protect whom.”

Qin Shu shook her head gently, the smile on her face looked a little unpredictable, "It doesn't matter, there is strength in numbers."

Cen Han didn't understand her thoughts, but she had an extraordinary trust in Qin Shu.

She believed what Qin Shu said, "I will do it now."

After Qin Shu left Nishang Pavilion, she went to the inn to talk to Rui Ming, but Rui Ming couldn't quite understand why she wanted to go around in such a big circle, "Junior sister, if you are short of manpower, I will help you keep an eye on it." Just leave it.”

Qin Shu shook her head, "Senior brother, you are not well yet. You don't need to take action on this small matter yourself. Just let Ancestor Pei go."

After saying that, she grinned again and said to Ruiming: "Senior brother, you have to kill his prestige so that he knows that those who come out to fool around will always pay back."

Ruiming thought for a while, but didn't refuse. He took out a transmission talisman and sent it to Patriarch Pei.

Qin Shu quickly got out of the way. If Pei Laozu caught her in the act, it would not be easy for her to continue the show in the future.

Patriarch Pei came to Ruiming to receive orders, and then left in a hurry.

Ruiming looked at his expression of being angry but unwilling to speak, and suddenly understood what his junior sister was doing.

Giving him a quick blow is far less satisfying than using a dull knife to pull out meat.

Patriarch Pei returned to his house and smashed a tea set, a bunch of vases, and even a table.

However, when Qin Shu returned to the house, there was no trace of anger on his face.

Qin Shu clicked her tongue in her heart. It seemed that her father-in-law's ability to swallow his anger was really extraordinary!

"My son-in-law pays homage to my father-in-law." Qin Shu bowed her hands in salute.

Patriarch Pei hummed, "Get up."

Seeing Qin Shu looking over, he asked again, "What are you doing here?"

Qin Shu chuckled, and without being polite to him, she asked directly: "Father-in-law, do you have any news about the secret realm of Sanghuai?"

As soon as she raised her head, she met Patriarch Pei's inquiring look. She grinned and continued: "My son-in-law went back and thought about it again and again, and finally decided to find out more about it. If I can get the map of this secret realm, my son-in-law will It can better protect Ya'er. There are also many faith stones in the secret realm, and I don't know how many people will enter the secret realm this time."

After hearing what she said, Patriarch Pei's face brightened slightly. It seemed that she was really worried about her daughter.

In this way, he told all the things he had experienced in the past.

"There are a total of one hundred faith stones in the Sanghuai Secret Realm, which means that only 600 people enter the secret realm each time. This does not rule out that some people will look for those who have faith stones in order to reduce the competitiveness in the secret realm. Grab the letter stone from their hands..."

When Qin Shu first learned about the invitation system, she knew that this situation would occur.

Everyone has different ideas. If she can think of uniting some of the cultivators, then naturally someone will think of eliminating some of them first.

Patriarch Pei told Qin Shu everything he had experienced in the past when he went to the Sanghuai Secret Realm. At the end, he paused slightly before continuing, "Tomorrow, your father will have someone send you the map."

Qin Shu also understood at this time, and smiled and praised, "So, father-in-law, you have been to the Sanghuai Secret Realm! There is no need to ask someone to make a special trip. I am free, so I will come to get it myself tomorrow."

As soon as these words came out, Patriarch Pei's face darkened.

Then he heard him gritting his teeth and squeezed out a sentence from his lips, "Tomorrow, the emperor has something to do and will not be at home."

"Your son-in-law can come the day after tomorrow."

"You will not be at home the day after tomorrow!"


Seeing that Patriarch Pei was almost impatient, Qin Shu did not jump around in his minefield, and agreed, "Then your son-in-law will wait in the room."

Patriarch Pei hummed, raised his hand and drove him out, "You go back first."

Now he was annoyed by the smile on her face. Why did he sometimes feel that he was very sensible, but sometimes he felt that he had no sense at all? It was really strange.

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