There seems to be a street on the stone wall of the crater, and many monks are doing business here.

Tie Niu shouted excitedly, "There are people?! Let's go down and take a look!"

Qin Shu stretched out her hand to stop him, picked up a stone and threw it hard towards the street.

However, just when the stone was about to fall on the stone wall, it seemed to hit a barrier and stopped the stone.

Qin Shu sighed, "It's not that simple."

Qi Liu on the side also touched his chin and said, "This makes sense, why there is a street here just after the volcano erupted."

Pei Ya had just entered the Tao, and her body was not strong enough to withstand the scorching temperature of the crater.

She took two steps back and accidentally stepped on a stone. She immediately moved her center of gravity forward to stabilize her body.

The stones under her feet slid down the hillside. She looked down and her heart suddenly skipped a beat.

She looked up and called Qin Shu, "Husband, look."

Qin Shu looked over, her pupils shrank, and she immediately shouted, "There's another flood, hurry up! Get on the flying magic weapon!"

She guessed correctly, even if they changed the scene, they would still enter a new cycle.

After the flood, there was another volcanic eruption, and then heavy snow.

If they want to enter that street, they must find the key to leave here.

Several people hurriedly pressed the spirit stone on the card slot of the flying magic weapon, and just as they sat on it, they saw the volcano start to smoke.

Qin Shu counted the spirit stones in her arms and roughly estimated how long these spirit stones would last them.

"Let's find a place to stay first."

"Okay." Tie Niu and Qi Liu looked at the speed of spiritual energy consumption and agreed without hesitation.

You Zijin, who had been lying there to rest, saw them coming back, turned over and sat up, looked at the four of them and said with a smile: "Why are you back again? The crater is not that easy to climb, right?"

Qin Shu ignored him and sat down cross-legged on the spot.

The spiritual energy in Dantian began to circulate subconsciously. Qin Shu was stunned, opened her eyes, and asked Tie Niu and the others: "Brother, can you use spiritual energy now?"

Tie Niu tried it and shook his head.

Qin Shu looked at Qi Liu again, and Qi Liu also shook his head.

Qin Shu was a little confused, what was going on?

She could actually use some weak spiritual energy, although it was very little, almost only a strand of spiritual energy like a hair, but it was better than nothing, at least enough for her to open the storage ring.

"Wait for me here, I'll go explore the way."

Qin Shu had been floating in the water before, and she had never known much about the terrain of this place. However, when she sat on the flying magic weapon now, she had a panoramic view of the entire land.

It was this glance that made Qin Shu fall into deep thought.

The flood here was connected from beginning to end, forming a circle.

The crater that could erupt at any time was at a point in the circle. The red magma gushed out with the power of destroying the world, but finally sank into the dark yellow flood.

If Qin Shu had not studied the hexagrams with Lu Li for a while, she might be confused at this time.

But now, looking at this scene, four words immediately popped up in her mind.

Yin and Yang.

The way of yang and yang should be complementary.

Now that yin is strong and yang is weak, it is natural to find a way to readjust the feng shui here.

When she thought of this, she went back to the mountain and told Tie Niu and Qi Liu that she wanted to dig a lake.

"Lake? Junior brother, what do you think? The flood is so rampant, how big a lake do you have to dig to hold the water?" Tie Niu is getting more and more comfortable calling him junior brother now.

Even Qi Liu, who had been following them, showed a trace of confusion at this time, "Daoyou, we are here to look for treasures, why dig a lake?"

The two were relatively polite, and You Zijin on the side laughed and mocked directly: "If you can't spare time, why don't you massage my shoulders for me, and I can give you a few spiritual stones. Go to the trouble of digging a lake? In the end, there is nothing, and it's a waste of effort."

Qin Shu shook her head and said to them: "If I want to find the secret treasure, I must go to the real secret realm. I will never find it here. I think this place seems to be a formation, with imbalance between yin and yang. Perhaps only by storing water can it get back on track. Of course, this is just my guess, I don't know if it is right or not."

The scene was a little silent for a while, maybe these people were stupid and couldn't keep up with her thinking.

But Pei Ya was the first to stand up and say, "I listen to my husband."

Tie Niu thought about it and nodded, "Junior brother, I'll go with you."

No matter what the secret treasure is, he originally followed his junior sister out to experience. What he got is not important, what is important is that he has experienced it.

After saying that, he looked at Qi Liu again and said sincerely, "Old Six, I will go with my junior brother to take a look, you don't go."

If the junior sister's guess is false, he can just treat it as his own junior sister fooling around, but he really has no reason to let others fool around with them.

Qi Liu was still hesitating, and when he heard this, he quickly said, "No, no, no, I think what Qin Daoyou said makes sense. Instead of being trapped here, it's better to give it a try."

The four of them reached a consensus, and just when they were about to get up and leave, You Zijin actually followed.

Tie Niu looked back at him, raised his eyebrows, "You Zijin, what are you doing?"

"Of course I'll go with you to dig the lake. I've rested for so long, and I still have nowhere to use my strength!" He had a careless smile on his face.

But he knew it in his heart. Instead of being trapped here and waiting for the secret realm to throw them out, he might as well try the Yin and Yang she mentioned.

When there is no way out, no possibility can be missed.

Qin Shu pulled Pei Ya to sit on the flying magic weapon, and then said to You Zijin with regret: "It's a pity that there is no room on the flying magic weapon."

You Zijin didn't care, "It doesn't matter, you send them over first, and then come back to pick us up."

"Now we can't use spiritual energy, and flying magic weapons use high-level spiritual stones." Qin Shu pointed out.

You Zijin sneered and threw a top-grade spiritual stone to her. Qin Shu reached out and grabbed it.

You Zijin said, "Is it enough for my travel expenses?"

"Deal." Qin Shu's lips curled up slightly.

Someone is willing to serve as a soldier and is willing to pay for spiritual stones, so why not?

She found the place she had chosen, put a few people on a nearby hilltop, and then just showed them.

"The lake will be dug there."

You Zijin looked at the topographic map, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, "Daoyou, are you crazy? Such a big mountain is blocking the waterway. To bring in water, you have to move the mountain?"

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