The houses here are all carved into the volcanic walls, and the beds, tables and chairs in the houses are made directly from volcanic stones.

As soon as Qin Shu walked in, she felt the strong fire element. She could even feel the excitement of her fire root.

Tieniu quietly came to her ear, lowered his voice and said to her: "Junior sister, the prices here are so cheap, you can live in a Tianzi house for five low-grade spiritual stones."

Qin Shu smiled, covered her lips with her hands, and leaned into his ear and said, "Senior brother, take some fire crystals with you when you leave."

Tieniu clicked his tongue twice, "Remember it."

The room was quite big. Qin Shu used a cleaning technique and then fell on the bed.

It had been an unknown amount of time since she had slept in bed. The fire spirit energy in the room was rushing into her body, so there was no need for her to practice it.

No wonder the people from the Fire Tribe were unwilling to leave this place, she didn't even want to leave.

This is simply... It used to be difficult to make water in the sea!

After being accustomed to this level of fire energy, who can bear to leave here and go outside to absorb those three melons and two dates?

There was no moon visible to the left and right, and Qin Shu didn't need to meditate diligently. She collapsed on the bed and fell asleep without realizing it.

This was her first sleep in the world of immortality, and what she didn't know was that while she was sleeping, a black shadow quietly slid down from her wrist, landed in the center of the room and transformed into its original shape.

His eyes fell on Qin Shu, who was sleeping on the bed, and gradually became resentful.

Then he turned his back and gradually disappeared from the room.


Qin Shu didn't wake up naturally, but was woken up by the banging on the door.

She immediately woke up, jumped out of bed, and asked warily toward the door: "Who is it?"

Tieniu's voice came over, "Junior sister, it's bad, something big has happened!"

Qin Shu quickly opened the door and saw that Tieniu was sweating profusely. As soon as he saw Qin Shu, he quickly said: "Junior sister, it's really bad. People from the Fire Clan said that someone broke into their forbidden area. They were furious. Most of God’s blessings have been lost…”

Qin Shu's heart thumped, "It's broken."

Tieniu continued: "The people of the Fire Tribe believe that they have never lost the blessings of the God of Fire before we came, so outsiders like us stole the blessings of the God of Fire."

"Do you know who took it?" Qin Shu asked.

Tieniu shook his head, "I don't know, no one will admit it."

Qin Shu could only say: "Let everyone hide themselves. If you can escape one by one, we will slowly figure out how to deal with the others."

Qin Shu had a magical weapon that could change her appearance. It was easy to turn her face as red as theirs, but others couldn't do it.

She hid outside the inn, her eyes constantly drifting towards the inn.

Suddenly someone approached her, and just as he was about to tap her on the shoulder, she threw him over her shoulder out of reflex.

One person was thrown to the ground by her, holding her arms and moaning in pain.

"Fellow Taoist, I don't want to take you like this. I just want to say hello to you."

This man also had a red face and looked a little unfamiliar, but the aura on his body was very familiar.

Qin Shu frowned and thought for a moment, then thought of something, and suddenly asked: "Are you You Zijin?"

You Zijin then stood up from the ground, pushed her dislocated arm back, and then complained: "Yes, let's talk somewhere else first."

Qin Shu nodded and agreed. This was really not the place to talk.

The two of them came to a teahouse and opened the ban in the room. Only then did You Zijin complain: "I have a magical weapon that can change my appearance. I ran away as soon as I saw something was not right. Qing Yi couldn't run away. He was They took them away. I heard them say that the leader of the Fire Clan was very angry and said that if they didn't hand over the blessings of the Fire God, they would sacrifice them to the Fire God to appease the Fire God's anger."

Qin Shu was a little angry, "Which bastard took the blessing of the God of Fire? He can do this kind of housebreaking thing. I don't think about it. We don't know how to leave now. How can the Fire Clan let go if we make such a fuss?" us?!"

When Qin Shu said this, an electric current suddenly flashed across her arm again, as if she was expressing her dissatisfaction in a shallow way.

Qin Shu's words suddenly stopped when she reached her mouth, and a possibility flashed in her mind.

Although she found it a bit unbelievable, it was extremely possible.

The monks who came into the secret realm with them were only at the peak of foundation building. How could they remove most of their Vulcan blessings under the eyes of so many people from the Fire Tribe?

But if this person is Xie Shiyuan... then it makes perfect sense.

His cultivation is unfathomable. Not to mention taking away part of the Vulcan Blessing, I'm afraid he'll be lenient on the rest.

Qin Shu dismissed You Zijin with a few words. After he left and she was the only one left in the box, she asked secretly: "Big snake, did you do it?"

Xie Shiyuan didn't dare to admit anything, he said softly "Yeah".

Qin Shu felt dizzy for a while, "How can you take so many blessings from the God of Fire? Give them back quickly."

Xie Shiyuan chuckled lightly. His voice echoed in Qin Shu's mind for a long time, and his figure gradually appeared in the room.

With a swish of his snake's tail, he sat down on the stool beside Qin Shu.

"Didn't you come here for this too? You actually asked me to return it?" From his dark golden pupils, Qin Shu actually saw a slight smile.

But at this moment, she didn't care about his teasing at all, but keenly grasped the key point of his words, "What?!"

Xie Shiyuan stretched out his hand, and in the middle of his white palm was a dark red crystal, the color of which really looked like a sunset.

Qin Shu's eyes slowly fell from the crystal to Xie Shiyuan's face, and she uttered four words, "Sunset dense ice?"

Xie Shiyuan's lips gradually curled up, and he raised his hand and threw the crystal towards Qin Shu.

Qin Shu subconsciously took it, and felt a bone-chilling cold in her hand, as if it was really a piece of ice.

She became more and more certain in her heart that this was the sunset dense ice she was looking for!

At first, she wanted to pay part of the money to exchange this sunset dense ice from the locals, but now that Xie Shiyuan had taken away most of it, how could she dare to meet the leader of the Fire Tribe?

"You took so much of the Sunset Ice, can you use it all? Give it back, and only keep two pieces. I can talk to them and see if I can buy it." Qin Shu frowned and said.

Xie Shiyuan was silent for a while, "Little boy, have you forgotten? I am a snake."

"What's wrong with being a snake?" Qin Shu frowned subconsciously and retorted.

"Have you ever seen a snake living in magma?"

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