I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 342 I don't like you

Qin Shu took the young man in green who stood up and left, and fell silent again.

She actually just...just say it.

Suihan is the future star of Tianji Pavilion. His master allows him to follow a little-known disciple like himself?

Qin Shu herself thought it was unlikely, so she calmly refilled herself a cup of tea and sipped the tea contentedly.

However, before she could wait for Suihan to come, an uninvited guest arrived.

"Are you the female cultivator who came to see my senior brother?" A shout came from the side.

Qin Shu was still holding the tea cup in her hand. She turned her head and glanced at her. She saw a slender female cultivator whose appearance seemed familiar.

It seems a bit like...Senior Brother Lu Li?

"Yes, it's me. Who are you, Senior Brother Lu Li?" Qin Shu asked.

Her familiar look made Lu Jin stunned for a moment. She walked up to Qin Shu and asked her condescendingly: "What? Do you still know my brother?"

Qin Shu smiled, "That's more than just acquaintance, my friendship with your brother is not generally good. If he hadn't been in retreat now, and he heard that I was coming, he would naturally come for a while."

Thinking of the days when Lu Li followed her, Qin Shu couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Lu Jin took one look at her appearance and sneered, "You female cultivator is really capable of bragging. I have never seen my brother get close to anyone."

Qin Shu listened to her words and combined with her expression, she behaved like a young lady.

If this were in a novel, it would definitely be the fate of the cannon fodder female supporting character.

It's just that the original work only mentions things related to Qin Mian eight years later, and Lu Li and his sister are not even mentioned.

A smile flashed in her eyes, she looked up at Lu Jin, and asked her innocently, "Then have you ever seen any female nun who is the guest of your senior brother Suihan? You can also drink tea brewed by him himself. ?”

As Qin Shu spoke, she raised her hand slightly and showed Lu Jin the tea cup in her hand.

When Lu Jin saw this, he immediately exploded.

This teacup was given to Senior Brother Suihan by Master back then, but he has never used it to entertain guests.

And this tea is also the best tea that the head found to help stabilize the spiritual energy in the body. Why should she drink it? !

She went up and snatched the tea cup away, and said fiercely: "How dare cats and dogs drink my senior brother's tea?!"

Qin Shu was not angry, and looked at her with a smile on her face, her narrow eyebrows raised slightly, "Look, cats and dogs can drink your senior brother's tea, but some people just can't drink it... Do you think it's irritating?" "

Qin Shu suddenly thought about why she didn't see the scenes between Lu Li's brother and sister when she read the novel. Maybe Lu Li's sister was so arrogant that she might not have survived until Qin Mian was born...

"You!" The tea in her hand was poured directly on Qin Shu's face.

Qin Shu casually put a protective cover on herself to block the tea, and did not forget to mock her, "Senior brother Lu Li has cultivated Nascent Soul, how come you haven't even broken through the golden elixir? This fellow Taoist, cultivation is like sailing against the current, not If you advance, you will retreat. If you practice ten thousand times, your cultivation is yours, but if you look at Sui Han ten thousand times, Sui Han is not yours."

Perhaps it was this last sentence that hit Lu Jin's heart, and she jumped even more, "If it's not mine, how can it be yours?! Who are you!"

Qin Shu shrugged, "Although it's not mine, he will come with me~"

After Lu Jin heard this, she really couldn't bear it anymore. She drew her sword and stabbed Qin Shu directly.

Before the sword could reach Qin Shu, it was hit by a burst of spiritual energy.

Then there was a violent coughing sound. Lu Jin and Qin Shu looked over at the same time and saw Sui Han covering his chest with one hand and coughing violently, with blood stains on the corners of his lips.

Lu Jin panicked when he saw this, "Senior brother! Senior brother, you... you can't use spiritual energy! Why did you forget! Do you have to protect this female cultivator?!"

The more she spoke, the sadder she became, her eyes turned red and tears were about to fall.

Sui Han raised his hand and touched the blood on the corner of his lips, pinched it again, and then said coldly: "Lu Jin, don't come to my place again in the future."

Lu Jin was stunned, then raised his head and looked straight at Sui Han, his face full of disbelief, "Senior Brother Suihan, what did you just say?"

She raised her finger and pointed at Qin Shu, her tone was very sad, "Just for the sake of a female cultivator you just met a few days ago, are you going to draw a clear line with the junior sister you grew up with?"

Suihan didn't say anything. Qin Shu stood up directly and said for him: "Idiot, if you come to your senior brother's place a few more times, you might kill him! You only have love in your mind, your senior brother I’m afraid my life is not worth mentioning in your eyes, right?”

"Don't sow discord here!" Lu Jin turned around and pointed the sword in his hand at Qin Shu, angrily.

Qin Shu snorted coldly, "You made things difficult for me in every possible way when you didn't know my identity and why I came to your Tianji Pavilion. Just because I am a female cultivator? If I told you, what would I do today? I came here to help your senior brother with his illness, but now that you’ve made such a fuss, I don’t want to help him anymore, do you believe it?”

Lu Jin's hands began to shake, and Qin Shu said even more aggressively: "It's me who came today. If a powerful female cultivator comes here someday, it will directly harm your entire sect just because you are jealous for no reason." , then it will be too late for you to even die to apologize."

"You are so ignorant and brainless! How dare you dream of getting the favor of your senior brother Sui Han? He is not blind! What does he like about you? Is it your flawed swordsmanship or your empty brain?!"

Lu Jin was so angry that he was about to take action, but was stopped by the guards who came.

Sui Han waved his hand and signaled the guards to pull her away.

He also said directly: "Whoever dares to let Lu Jin in in the future will leave Tianji Pavilion by himself."

Qin Shu watched Lu Jin being forcibly dragged out, and then looked at Sui Han beside her. She suddenly had an inexplicable feeling.

He seemed to be a little...happy?

Qin Shu thought so, and asked tentatively: "Fellow Daoist Sui Han, did she feel good when I scolded her?"

Sui Han cleared his throat, "Ahem, a little."

Qin Shu laughed, "People like you are so stubborn that you want to save face. She is in this situation because of your indulgence. You think everyone in the world is her mother."

Sui Han just laughed after hearing what he said, but he didn't expect that the coughing became more intense.

Blood gushed out like a fountain. He raised his hand to cover his mouth, but it flowed out from between his fingers.

Qin Shu's expression changed, and she quickly stood up and took out two Peiyuan Pills from her storage ring and handed them to him to take.

She raised her hand again and injected her wood spirit into his body, reminding him: "Baoyuan Shouyi."

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