I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 351 If you don't believe it, forget it

Sui Han watched Qin Shu's movements with interest. He knew that Qin Shu knew a little bit about arithmetic, but he didn't think she could calculate his own luck.

Just as he couldn't see her luck, his luck wasn't that good either.

Seeing Qin Shu write so many things that he couldn't understand, Sui Han suddenly became more curious.

Didn't Lu Li teach Qin Shu's algorithm? Why do you think what she wrote seems to be from another school?

After Qin Shu put away her pen and raised her head, Sui Han asked her with interest, "What? Have you calculated it?"

He expected to see a look of defeat on her face, but instead saw Qin Shu nodding confidently and saying with determination: "I figured it out, fellow Taoist, if you go this time, although there will be a small setback, you will also gain something. Do not worry!"

Suihan: "?"

Why is this so different from what he imagined?

"Really? False?" he asked.

Qin Shu glared at him dissatisfied, "Of course it's true. If you don't believe it, forget it. Anyway, I was just playing with it."

Suihan's consciousness swept over her body, and looking at her confident look, he actually believed it.

Although this girl Qin Shu is young, she is quite weird. Maybe she can really figure it out?

"I believe."

When he said this, Qin Shu's face looked better again, "You know what's going on."

Sui Han reached out and picked up the paper she put on the stone table. He read it for a long time, but still couldn't understand what she wrote.

Driven by a strong desire for knowledge, Sui Han asked, "What are you writing about?"

The string in Qin Shu's mind immediately tightened, "It's nothing."

If she were asked to teach math again, her patience would be completely exhausted.

Suihan didn't dig into the details. There were many secret techniques in the world of immortality that people didn't want to share.

He casually put back Qin Shu's piece of paper filled with Arabic numerals, and also gave her a piece of advice, "Don't tell fortunes to others in the future, or you may end up like me one day."

Qin Shu nodded obediently, then thought about it and said, "But my algorithm seems to be immune to backlash."

Suihan: "?"

This time he didn't believe anything he said.

"The secret must not be leaked, you'd better be careful."

Just as Qin Shu nodded, her message slip lit up.

"Shu'er, it's time to go."

Qin Shu immediately stood up and left her cave, taking Sui Han with her.

On her way down the mountain, she felt something strange coming from her wrist. It was obvious that a clingy spirit was following her again.

Qin Shu sighed helplessly and finally compromised.

Forget it, just follow it, it can be of great use in critical moments.

When they reached the square, Master Wang Jian was already waiting.

He is a sword cultivator, so naturally he can fly with a sword.

At best, there can only be two people standing on his sword, so it is inevitable to bring her beloved disciple with him.

As for Suihan, the only thing I can do is...

Just when he was thinking about how to speak, Qin Shu came over with Sui Han.

His eyes fell on Sui Han, and he was stunned when he saw his hair, "This...is this really Sui Han?"

Qin Shu assured him: "It will be replaced if it's true!"

After speaking, he patted Sui Han on the shoulder and urged: "Fellow Taoist, cough twice and let my master listen."

Suihan: "..."

He has lived for almost three hundred years and has never been so speechless.

When will it be his turn to cough to identify himself?

He rolled his eyes at Qin Shu, took off a token from his waist and handed it over.

Master Wanjian glanced at him, and the smile on his face rose, "It turned out to be Master Suihan, and I thought it was just my little disciple who was joking! I have never seen Master Suihan before, and now I see him Only then did I realize that Master Suihan was like this..."

He paused for a moment, as if looking for a suitable word, and then continued after a long time: "So advancing with the times!"

Qin Shu saw this and said, "Isn't it good? I helped Suihan choose this hair color for him."

Master Wan Jian gave her an indescribable look, and then praised her a few times without conscience, "It's really good."

Suihan glanced helplessly at the two masters and apprentices, then heard Master Wanjian continue to say: "It's time for us to leave. Master Suihan, I can only take one person with me, you can fly by yourself?"

Sui Han thought for a moment and realized that the flying magic weapon Qin Shu lent him, although it flew a little slower, could still come in handy.

But before he could speak, Qin Shu took the lead and said, "No, Master, let's fly ahead first and let fellow Taoist Suihan run over."

Suihan: "?"

Wandering sword: "?"

The two of them were full of questions. Master Wanjian even confirmed with Qin Shu, "Shu'er, are you serious? Our Xuantian Sect does not have such a way of hospitality!"

Qin Shu explained with a smile: "Master, you don't know something. Fellow Taoist Suihan has now begun to practice body training. He has not even reached the first level of body training. This trip is a long way and it is a good time to practice body training. ah!"

Wan Jian was even more surprised when he heard this, "What? Body training? Nonsense! Shu'er, Master Suihan is the genius of Tianji Pavilion, how can you be allowed to fool around like this?!"

Qin Shu flattened her mouth and whispered: "Why are you just fooling around? Master Suihan is not in good health. I asked him to cultivate his body. Why is it wrong?"

In front of Sui Han, Wan Jian said it was not good to put it too seriously, and it was not good to put it lightly.

Sui Han explained for Qin Shu at this time, "Daoyou, I want to follow Daoyou Qin Shu to practice body, please don't blame her. Her method is indeed good. My body has been much better in recent days than before."

The parties have spoken, and Wang Jian can't say anything.

In the end, he could only glare at Qin Shu and said, "Don't watch! Go and run with Sui Han!"

Qin Shu shrugged, "Let's run together, I'm afraid I'll run too fast and he will lose me."

Zhuang Jian knew that her body skills were outstanding, so he simply snorted and raised his hand to seal her spiritual energy.

"Since you want to practice body, don't use spiritual energy!"

Qin Shu: "..."

Oh, don't use it, her master probably still thinks she is a little waste who just started practicing body. Now she has reached the fifth level of body practice, so this speed is really nothing.

There are three of them, one flying in the sky and two running on the ground, which is also a kind of alternative harmony.

Qin Shu listened to her master calling him Sui Han Zhenren all the time, so she said during her free time, "Master, you can't do this. Sui Han Zhenren is well-known and knows too many people. We are causing unnecessary trouble, so let's give Sui Han Zhenren a new name."

"What name?" Wang Jian Zhenren accepted her suggestion, but couldn't think of a suitable name for a while.

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