I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 361 I was bullied by your people

"Shall I go?" Yan Que looked surprised.

The head of the Yan family, Yan De, nodded, "Well, we can't make any mistakes with the Yanyang Pearl. We must also get the Setting Sun Secret Ice. You go with her. If she does anything strange, you can get her as soon as possible." Down!"

Although Yan Que didn't really want to go, he also knew that the family master's arrangement was foolproof.

In the end, she could only sigh and agree, "Okay, I'll accompany her in."

Qin Shu was not surprised when she learned from Yan Gap that he was going in with her.

Yan Que explained to Qin Shu apologetically: "The head of the family also did it just in case."

Qin Shu nodded to express her understanding.

But at the same time, she asked: "Do you think there is a possibility that the real problem may not be with me, but with your own tribe?"

Yan Que was stunned for a moment, then retorted: "This is impossible!"

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and asked, "Why is it impossible? Could it be that Senior has forgotten the Beast Control Sect?"

When Qin Shu said this, Yan Que was obviously a little anxious. After sending Qin Shu away, he went to find the head of the family, Yan De, again.

After hearing Qin Shu's words that he relayed, Yan De also looked serious, "We do not rule out the possibility that she said, let all of them take a Qing Yuan Pill when entering the Red Flame Formation. Send the order, the clan members All the elders who are not in retreat will join the Red Flame Formation!"


Qin Shu didn't know about these arrangements of the Yan family. When she came out of Yan Que's place, the competition outside had already ended.

Many monks set up stalls on the spot, and everyone took this opportunity to exchange some useful things for themselves.

Qin Shu glanced around here, not only did she not see Yan Ming, but Sui Han was also missing.

Her master is even missing.

Qin Shu sent a message to Sui Han but did not receive any reply.

She was a little anxious and sent another message to Yan Ming, but still no one responded.

She put away the jade slip and ran outside.

Suihan couldn't use his spiritual energy, and the temperature outside was so high, where could he go?

She ran and searched, but was finally stopped by Yansen.

Except when Yan Sen took her to see Yan Ming when she first came here, she had never seen Yan Sen again since then.

The little one called her, "Fellow Taoist, are you looking for your companion?"

Qin Shu stopped and glanced at him in surprise, "Do you know where he is?"

Yan Sen nodded, "He and Yan Ming were captured by Yan Liang's people and said he wanted to compete with them. Come with me and I will take you to find them."

Qin Shu was furious, "You can't beat me, but you want to retaliate against the people around me?! No matter how talented this person is, he will never become a great person in the future!"

She followed Yansen all the way to a corner on the edge. Now the entire Red Flame Valley went to the central square to celebrate the Fire Festival, and the outside was really deserted.

When Qin Shu arrived, she saw Yan Ming kneeling on the ground with blood all over his body.

Sui Han stood in front of him, the chaos in his eyes had long since dissipated, and he slowly said in a cold voice:

"The sun and the moon are shining brightly, and the sun and the moon are shining brightly.

It's bright in the sky, but the stars are shining brightly.

The brilliance of the sun and moon shines brightly on one person.

The sun and the moon have their own routines, and the stars have their own movements. "[1]

As he spoke, the group of people in front of him froze in place.

Until Suihan finished reading the last sentence, they seemed to be possessed by evil spirits and suddenly launched an attack on the people around them.

This was also the first time Qin Shu saw Suihan's attack, which looked as mysterious as him himself.

Qin Shu didn't dare to stop, and quickly crouched to the ground to catch up.

Before leaving, he did not forget to leave a message to Yan Sen, "Don't follow me, be careful of their revenge and hide!"

Qin Shu stepped in front of Sui Han and Yan Ming, checked their status worriedly, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Something's wrong."

As soon as Sui Han finished speaking, he fell accurately in the direction of Qin Shu.

Qin Shu quickly raised her hand to support him, fed him a handful of Five Elements Blood Coagulation Pills, and gave two more to Yan Ming.

Seeing that Yan Ming had almost recovered, she handed the fainted Sui Han to his care, then drew her sword and rushed towards the group of Yan family disciples who were fighting in a ball with an evil look on her face.

"You bastard! How dare Qin Shu's people bully me?! Today I will teach them how to be a new person!"

Qin Shu always fights with people mainly for physical training. In her eyes, all opponents are tools for physical training.

But this time, Qin Shu, who had superimposed anger gain, was undoubtedly terrifying. She went up and directly used the sixth form of the Cloud-Piercing Rain-Piercing Sword.

These people were controlled by Sui Han and did not know how to defend themselves. Qin Shu's move directly knocked most of them to the ground.

Only Yan Liang was half-kneeling on the ground, looking a little confused, as if he was on the verge of waking up.

Qin Shu stepped forward and kicked him in the heart. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell back.

Qin Shu took out the Qibao Glazed Pagoda and suppressed it!

Seeing these bastards lying on the ground, unable to move, she sent a message to Elder Yan Que to complain:

"Elder, I was bullied by your people."

Elder Yan Que looked solemn, Qin Shu was now a guest of their entire Yan family, which blind little brat dared to bully her?

"who is it?!"

[Note: [1] Taken from "Shangshu". 】

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