I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 369 Can I come again in the future?

Qin Shu was now sure that some people were really being chased by God to feed them.

No wonder his status in Tianji Pavilion is so high. Isn't this kind of talent just for making hexagrams?

Qin Shu felt very sad, but she still kept a straight face and spoke wildly without expression, "Your spiritual roots are not very practical. Without fire spiritual roots, it will be difficult to practice with the help of fire spiritual energy. Still Before the fire spirit energy can temper your body, you will be roasted to dryness."

Sui Han frowned even more tightly, "Your spiritual roots are better."

Qin Shu was very satisfied with what she heard. The corners of her lips raised slightly, and the smile returned to her eyes.

Then Sui Han asked again: "Is there any other way?"

Qin Shu hesitated, "This..."

"Add half a spiritual vein."

Qin Shu: "..."

"It's not that there is no way. It doesn't matter if you don't have the fire spirit root. I have it! I'll lend it to you." For the sake of her spiritual vein, she was not afraid of trouble.

Suihan: "?"

"Can I borrow my spiritual roots from others?"

"Theoretically, it's not possible. Digging out the spiritual roots will also damage your cultivation, but I can absorb the fire spiritual energy and then give it to you! I will absorb it first, and then I will lose it to you when the fire element in the spiritual energy is weaker. When we train together, nothing is wasted.”

The smile on Qin Shu's face was sincere, "It's not that I don't have spiritual pulse. The main thing is that we have a good relationship. I don't want to cause trouble like this for ordinary people."

When Sui Han heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Since you said so, can I not give you this spiritual pulse?"

Qin Shu: "..."

Damn it, she shouldn't have said that.

She scratched her bald head and racked her brains to think of a way to come back.

This scratching look was caught in Sui Han's consciousness and he found it very interesting.

Then she heard Qin Shu hesitantly say: "Don't you Tianji Pavilion pay attention to cause and effect? ​​No reward for no merit. If I don't accept half of your spiritual veins, you must not feel comfortable..."

"I feel quite comfortable." Suihan said again.

Qin Shu: "..."

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I won't miss even one of the spiritual stones that should be given to you." Sui Han said.

Qin Shu was satisfied and felt that the fire spirit energy all over her body became excited.

But she still didn't act too hastily. She was afraid that her too-high-temperature fire spirit energy would be directly destroyed by Suihan, so she had to make some more preparations.

"You will go to the martial arts field to train as usual in the past few days. We will wait until your physical condition recovers. You can take a shortcut. At least you must be able to walk."

Sui Han responded obediently, making Qin Shu feel that he was really easy to fool sometimes.

"Before that, you go with me to build the square." Qin Shu said.

Suihan froze on the spot, "Building a square? What are you doing?"

Qin Shu said seriously: "This is also a kind of body training."

Suihan followed her to the square. Looking at the messy square, he understood.

This is not a physical training at all. She was clearly the one who caused the trouble, and she came to help her deal with the aftermath.

Of course, he didn't expose Qin Shu.

He just sat calmly on an obsidian stone and asked her, "Are you just bullying a blind man like this?"

Qin Shu coughed slightly and felt a little guilty, "I'm not bullying you. It's just that you have a bad physique now, so you need to exercise more. Any exercise is not exercise. Instead of asking you to move the millstone in the martial arts field, why not come and help me move the stones?" , are you right?”

Suihan: "..."

This girl has all kinds of fallacies, but what she says does make some sense.

Suihan stayed like this, and not long after, Yan Ming also came.

Qin Shu took out all the obsidian that Nishang Pavilion had sent to her, and asked the two of them to move the stones, while she was responsible for laying the obsidian herself.

In this way, Qin Shu practiced in the square during the day and on the roof at night.

After she completely transformed the fire aura she absorbed in the Red Flame Array that day into purple aura, her body surface also went through the final stage of tempering.

The lungs are the main body surface, and now the lungs and body surface are tempered.

Next, it’s time to do the kidney exercises.

The kidney governs the bones. Once she has tempered all the bones in her body into steel bones, she will be able to break through the beating weapon in a fight without having to draw a sword at all.

Just thinking about it makes me feel awesome!

But at this time, the Fire Festival in Red Flame Valley was over, and her square was also finished.

Master Wan Jian lifted her off the roof and told her that he was going home, but Qin Shu still had some unfinished thoughts.

This kind of place with a strong fire spirit makes people really happy and forget about Shu!

She followed Master Wan Jian and walked out, looking back three times.

Yan Ming followed her reluctantly, "Shu Shu, I will definitely visit you when I go out for training in the future."

Qin Shu nodded, "If I am free, I will come to see you."

After she said this, she looked at Elder Yanzhen aside and asked, "Elder, can I come again in the future?"

Elder Yan Zhen naturally would not reject the favor of such an outstanding talent from the Xuantian Clan. He responded with a smile on his face and said, "You are most welcome. Come whenever you want, little friend."

Qin Shu was satisfied, and she would definitely come over next time she needed to practice!

A group of them left this place, and when they went back, Master Wan Jian did not join them anymore.

"Shu'er, Master has made an appointment with the Lost Sword Master for a decisive battle at the top of the Canglan, so he won't go back with you. You must be more careful on the way."

Qin Shu nodded, "Don't worry, Master, I know what's going on."

Of course she knew what was going on. After Sui Han's last forced attack and damaged his broken body, she asked them to send Sui Han a large number of talismans when she came to Nishang Pavilion to deliver the Fire Obsidian Stone.

Of course, all of these were paid for by Sui Han himself.

Sui Han looked at the talismans in a storage bag and opened the door to a new world. He could clearly use the talismans, so why did he need to do it himself?

Unknowingly, he was led by Qin Shu to go further and further on the road of ruining his family.

Of course, Qin Shu also explained it to him.

"Don't rely too much on external things. Now you are weak, use these to protect yourself. When you get better in the future, you can't use them anymore." Qin Shu said solemnly.

Sui Han nodded and agreed, "Okay."

Said this, but in his heart, he was thinking, can he really get better?

Looking at Qin Shu's confident look, he chose to shut up and didn't hit her.

Qin Shu sat cross-legged and healed him again, but this time, because there was no master to protect her, she only used half of her spiritual energy and stopped.

"Let's hurry on in the next two days. My cultivation is low, and if I take you out with me, it's easy to run into an accident. Let's go back first."

She just took the time to read the fortune for the two of them, and the fortune was not optimistic.

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