I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 371 What does rounding mean?

The demons are different from humans. Humans live in groups, most of them gather in cities and villages.

But there are demons who live in groups, and there are also those who like to walk alone.

And the demons have a strong sense of territory. If they accidentally step into the territory of a big boss, then...

Qin Shu walked for a long time in fear, and finally thought of something, and raised her hand to take Xiao Xiao out of the demon bag.


Xiao Xiao just screamed, and Qin Shu covered her mouth.

She looked around carefully and found that there was no movement, so she said to Xiao Xiao: "Don't make a sound, we are in the demon tribe, can you help see if there are any big demons nearby?"

Xiao Xiao's mouth was covered by Qin Shu, and his eyes lost focus, and he nodded stiffly.


After asking this question, before Xiao Xiao opened his mouth to answer, Qin Shu also noticed it.

She turned around and looked at the huge leopard not far away, and fell silent.

With one hand, she stuffed Xiao Xiao into the monster bag, and with the other hand, she immediately took out the little turtle from the storage ring and injected spiritual energy into it, then picked up Sui Han and started to escape.

She was familiar with escaping, but this time it was a hell of a difficult task.

The leopard was originally known for its speed, not to mention its huge size. With its streamlined body and strong limbs, it caught up with Qin Shu in one leap.

Qin Shu's heart was about to jump to her throat, and she could only raise her spirits quickly, but the next moment she was hit by the leopard's palm.

Qin Shu and Sui Han rolled on the ground for several rounds under this impact before they stopped.

They saw the leopard rushing in front of them, pressing a palm on Qin Shu's chest, and the talismans on Qin Shu's body were burning one after another.

The leopard had just opened its bloody mouth when it suddenly realized something.

The eyes as big as fists were full of confusion.

It released its claws that were pressing on Qin Shu, and placed them on Qin Shu's dantian. After a slight touch, it quickly retracted.


Qin Shu subconsciously stepped back, but she didn't expect that the leopard would jump away as if frightened just as she moved.

Qin Shu waited until it disappeared before she breathed a sigh of relief and raised her hand to touch her dantian.

The inner elixir was still floating above her purple spiritual liquid vortex, and the gap on the inner elixir was getting smaller and smaller.

It seems that the inner elixir of the big snake is still very useful here.

Qin Shu's eyes turned, and she thought of the two scales again. She took them out of the storage ring quickly.

She put a scale in front of her chest, as if holding a huge shield.

She gave the other piece to her brother Sui Han who was spitting blood. Sui Han looked at the scale in his hand and was stunned, "This... can it be useful?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "I don't know if it's useful, anyway, just give it a try."

Sui Han thought so and reached out to take it.

But what neither of them expected was that as soon as his hand touched the scale, it was like touching the nine-day thunder, and the whole person was numb from the electric shock.

Sui Han spit out another mouthful of blood, retracted his hand, and shook his head, "Forget it, this thing is more of a death warrant for me."

Qin Shu was puzzled, she clearly didn't feel anything when she held it?

While wondering, she hung another piece behind her neck. At this time, she was more like a tortoise shell.

After doing all this, she also asked Xie Shiyuan quietly.

"Big snake, what's going on? Why can't Sui Han use your scales? He said there's electricity on them?"

Xie Shiyuan didn't fall asleep this time. He snorted coldly, his tone was inexplicably unhappy, "Even if I don't want my scales, not everyone can use them."

Qin Shu clicked her tongue twice, "We are friends, Sui Han is also my friend, and if you round it up, Sui Han is also your friend. It's okay for a friend to borrow it. It's said that a snake's belly can support a boat. Don't be so stingy..."

Xie Shiyuan interrupted her mumbling, "Who is his friend?"

Qin Shu wanted to say more, Xie Shiyuan said again: "I am not a friend of yours either."

Qin Shu opened her mouth, and Xie Shiyuan asked again: "What do you mean by rounding up?"

Qin Shu: "..."

"Are we really not friends?" Qin Shu asked him.

"Yeah." Xie Shiyuan said with certainty.

Qin Shu sighed, "In that case, I'd better refine your inner elixir. It's just a nuisance."

Xie Shiyuan sneered, "If you have the ability, just refine it. This thing that's in the way just saved your life. You're so young, you can't do anything else, but you've learned to say one thing and mean another."

Qin Shu tried to transform the spiritual energy into fire spiritual energy and roasted the inner elixir.

But who knew that after roasting for a long time, the inner elixir was not damaged at all, but seemed to be a little brighter?

She admitted her fear, "Forget it, if we're not friends, then we're not friends. At least we have a contractual relationship. Can't you help us leave here?"

Xie Shiyuan laughed even more after hearing this, "Little boy, are you confused? This is the territory of the demon clan, and I... am a snake."

Qin Shu was silent again. She was stupid.

This is the demon clan, which is equivalent to going home for Xie Shiyuan. Naturally, he didn't want to leave.

Although she couldn't figure it out, wasn't he the Demon Lord? Why is there another demon?

And Guo Chong and Daji are demons, but they also have demonic energy.

Qin Shu curled her lips. Well, these are beyond her cognition for the time being.

"We should go." Sui Han's voice successfully brought Qin Shu back to his senses.

She nodded slightly, "Come on, you follow me, with these two scales to deter, ordinary little monsters should not dare to come close."

Sui Han also nodded, "Okay."

This time, I don't know if it was because of the scales or because this place was the territory of the leopard, but they didn't encounter other monsters along the way.

Qin Shu then took Xiao Xiao out again, and she was still holding the clown bird in her hand.

The clown bird has grown a lot fatter now, and a few feathers have grown sparsely on its body, looking fleshy.

Qin Shu looked a little greedy, this little bird must taste good when roasted.

"Do you think so?" Xie Shiyuan's voice came from Qin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Qin Shu: "..."

Snakes feed on flying birds, she just thought so, and the big snake might... really want to eat.

Qin Shu hurriedly warned him to be on the safe side, "Don't do anything rash. He has signed a contract with me now. If he gets into trouble, I will get into trouble, and if I get into trouble, you can't escape. We are in the same boat!"

Xie Shiyuan's calm voice sounded again, "Oh? If I remember correctly, we signed an equal contract."

Qin Shu: "..."

Equal contracts can be terminated at any time by the strong.

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