I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 381 The way out is by water

"Difficulties? What's wrong?" The enthusiastic Xiaoshu came online.

Liu Cheng sighed, "I stayed in the secular world for too long, and I was stained with too much worldly dust. Now there are only two ways to break through."

"Which two ways?" Qin Shu asked.

"One is to see through the world, and the other is to cleanse the world."

Qin Shu was confused. These were indeed beyond her cognition.

Liu Cheng's delicate face was full of bitterness. She lowered her head and said, "To see through the world, you must first understand the world. I just grew up in a small village and have limited knowledge. And because I am a willow tree, I can't travel around the world... As for cleaning the world, I don't know how to do it."

Qin Shu frowned after hearing what she said.

After a long time, she touched her chin and said, "Maybe we can ask the Buddhist monks in Putuo Temple? Don't they claim to save all living beings? I believe they should know about this."

Liu Cheng raised his little head and looked at Qin Shu, as if he was counting on her in the future.

Qin Shu took back her hand, looked down at her and asked, "Acheng, what is your current cultivation level?"

Liu Cheng thought for a moment before saying, "According to your human calculations, I should have reached the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment."

Qin Shu tutted twice, "Your cultivation speed is really fast enough."

The demon race has a pure mind, as long as they practice with one heart, they will progress very quickly.

But humans can have a variety of exercises to assist in their cultivation, and it is hard to tell which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

Qin Shu took out the communication jade slip and found Brother Kong Shen, who had not been in contact for a long time.

Qin Shu: [Brother Kong Shen, are you busy? ]

After about a quarter of an hour, Kong Shen replied, [Busy. ]

Qin Shu: "..."

Qin Shu: [What are you busy with? ]

Kong Shen: [Escape. ]

Qin Shu: ? ? ?

"Brother, be careful! Do you need me to help you with anything?"

Kong Shen stopped writing and replied with a voice message, "Junior sister, if you really care about me, then tell me a fortune!"

Qin Shu took out the paper and oracle bones without saying anything, told her a fortune according to the method that Sui Han taught her, and then wrote all the possible things on the paper, writing and drawing for a long time.

However, looking at the life gate shown on the paper, she replied to Kong Shen.

"Brother, the life gate is in the waterway!"

Kong Shen held the jade slip and looked at his current location, with a puzzled look on his face.


Where should he go?

There are houses on all sides, and there is not even a pond in the yard. Where can there be a waterway?

He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on a pit toilet in the southwest corner, and his expression changed.

When he led everyone to say that they wanted to go out of the pit toilet, everyone else was very opposed.

Kong Shen said, "If you don't want to leave, stay here. If you want to go with me, go."

The others were still watching, and Kong Shen said, "Don't think about waiting for us to try first. What if the formation changes once we step into it? If we want to go out here, it will probably be a dead end again."

"It's death anyway, and I don't want to die in the toilet! If you want to go, go!"

"Yes, I won't go either. Maybe there are other ways out."

"Then I will follow the monk Kong Shen first. I'm afraid of death."

"I'm afraid of death too."


For a while, everyone present was divided into two factions. Kong Shen wanted to persuade them again based on the principle that saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda.

But these people were simply unmoved, and no matter what he said, it wouldn't work.

Kong Shen had no choice but to say, "Then let's go and take a look first, and you can talk later."

Fortunately, they still had protective shields, but their noses suffered a little.

Someone blocked his nasal cavity with spiritual energy, and then he felt much better.

"These mortals are really smelly."

Kong Shen glanced at the person who spoke and said, "People eat grains and cereals, so it is normal to have some miscellaneous things. Daoyou don't need to do this."

The moment they stepped in, the formation really changed, and there were no more puppets and traps that attacked them in a mess.

A very long corridor appeared in front of them.

Someone said again, "This place is really full of secrets. They probably didn't expect that we immortals would choose to go to the toilet of mortals, right?"

Someone next to him also said, "Don't be too happy too soon, there may be an ambush here."

Kong Shen nodded when he heard it, "This Daoyou is right, everyone should be more careful."

Until they left here, everything was peaceful.

When they completely escaped, everyone was completely relieved and asked Kong Shen which master he had found as a rescuer?

Kong Shen smiled but said nothing, "The secret cannot be revealed."

Kong Shen himself has studied the formation deeply, and it is precisely because of this that everyone took him with them on this expedition.

But who knew that the formation encountered this time was so difficult. He calculated for a long time, but still could not find a way out.

Every time he took a wrong path, two Jindan stage puppets would be drawn out. At the beginning, everyone could work together to deal with it. Later, as they took more and more wrong paths, more and more puppets were drawn out. Everyone could not cope with it at all and could only run away.

He really didn't expect that Junior Sister Qin Shu could calculate his way out by divination thousands of miles away?

It seems that he also needs to learn divination.

It is said that formations and calculations are inseparable. He was too superficial in the past.

After he parted ways with his fellow Taoists who had been exploring together, he took out the communication jade slip and reported his safety to Qin Shu, and then asked her what she wanted to talk to him about.

Qin Shu was relieved to hear that he was safe, and now she could ask about the real business.

"Brother, I just want to ask, how to cleanse the world of mortals?"

Just as Qin Shu was waiting for Brother Kong Shen to explain, her communication jade slip lit up the next moment, and when it was opened, Kong Shen's excited voice came over.

"Junior sister! Have you figured it out?! Do you also want to cleanse the world of mortals and enter my Buddhist sect after your six senses are purified?"

Qin Shu: "..."

She really didn't want to.

"Brother, this is a misunderstanding. I just want to ask for little Liu Cheng."

She told Kong Shen all the troubles Liu Cheng had encountered. After a long time, Kong Shen replied to Qin Shu, "Junior sister, if possible, please bring her to Putuo Temple."

After saying this, he put away the communication jade slip and got on the teleportation array.

He had to go back before Junior Sister Qin Shu went there, otherwise he was afraid that he would be exposed again for not practicing Buddhism well and studying the formation with others.

Qin Shu also put away the jade slip at this time, looking at the big willow tree in the yard, it was indeed not easy to take her away.

She could only imitate the method of bringing her back at the beginning, and found another scroll to take her in.

Just when Qin Shu was about to leave, someone blocked the door again.

"Master, I have waited for you so hard!"

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