I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 392 Who attacked my junior sister?

Everyone was silent. After a moment, Runyu turned his attention to Qin Shu and asked her, "Fellow Daoist Qin, what do you think?"

Qin Shu shrugged and said indifferently: "I can do it, even if I encounter the puppet of the Jindan period..."

As she spoke, she felt other people's eyes falling on her face. She paused deliberately for a moment before continuing: "I am sure I can survive, but if I say I will protect everyone and escape together, that is indeed a bit too much." Overestimating one's abilities."

As soon as Qin Shu said these words, the faces of these monks were immediately filled with disappointment.

Runyu also sighed, "Well, in this case, it seems that the good fortune of the few of us can only end here."

Just when several people were sighing in silence, Runlin suddenly asked: "You all said it's time to go out, but how are we going to go out?"

Everyone looked at Qin Shu. At this time, Qin Shu seemed to have become the backbone of everyone.

In addition, when they first arrived, Kongshen told them that Qin Shu might take them out.

Qin Shu took out a bunch of lottery chips under everyone's gaze and said helplessly: "Since science doesn't work, we can only try metaphysics. As for whether we can go out, I don't know."

Kong Shen was the first to stand up and respond to Qin Shu, "Junior sister, you give it a try first."

Qin Shu nodded and grunted, made a magic formula, calculated for a long time, and finally took a blank piece of paper to write and calculate for a long time.

Then he put it away and said, "Zhen Gua."

Everyone here has some understanding of the Bagua, and the Zhen Gua refers to the east.

And the east of this courtyard...

Everyone's eyes fell on the red door. Fei Ming swallowed and asked doubtfully: "Do you want to open this door? Is it reliable?"

It's not that he is too careful, but if this door opens and they encounter a Golden Core stage puppet, they may be doomed.

Everyone thought so, so when Fei Ming asked questions, no one stopped him.

Qin Shu glared at him with dissatisfaction, "I built a model and verified it many times from all directions and angles. The earthquake location is the most likely! If you don't believe it, you can leave on your own."

She was not willing to pay for other people's lives.

Although others didn't understand what the model she was talking about was, her ability to calculate the algorithm was enough to convince them all.

How come she has so many things? Wouldn’t studying too much affect the progress of cultivation?

But it doesn't seem to affect her?

Everyone frowned, a little confused.

Is it because she is too diligent? She seems to rarely take a break, either practicing this or that.

Everyone struggled for a long time, but in the end no one left.

Instead of running around mindlessly, it is better to follow Qin Shu, at least the possibility of survival is higher.

After all, they had already tried it once with the little monk Kongshen last time.

Just when Daming was about to get up and open the door, he was stopped by Qin Shu again.

"Wait a moment."

Daming heard her voice and turned to look at Qin Shu doubtfully, "Fellow Daoist Qin, do you have anything else to give me?"

Qin Shu curled her lips and smiled, and there seemed to be a flash of light in her narrow eyes.

"Who told you that Zhen Gua was leaving?" Qin Shu asked.

Ming dynasty:"?"

Not only Daming, but others also looked confused and didn't understand what she meant.

At this time, Qin Shu did not give in. She said directly: "Have you forgotten? Where did you leave from last time?"

"Waterway?" Runlin said.

Qin Shu laughed, walked behind a big tree in the yard, pointed to a dog hole underneath, and said, "Leave from here this time."

"What?! If you don't go through the main entrance, there's a lackey hole? Isn't this humiliating someone?" Runlin said.

Kong gave him a deep look, "You can jump into a cesspool, so what's not good about a dog hole?"

After he said this, he took the lead and walked towards the dog hole.

But Qin Shu grabbed him and said, "I go first!"

If her divination was not accurate, she would go over and delay it for a while.

Kong Shen shook his head, "I brought you here, you listen to me."

Qin Shu's brows furrowed even more tightly. Kong Shen smiled at her reassuringly, took out a formation plate and said, "Don't worry, I still have the formation."

Qin Shu: "?"

Okay, no more arguing.

"After you."

Kong Shen got through first, and just as Qin Shu was about to step forward, Runyu followed directly.

Qin Shu simply stood there and waited for them all to leave before leaving.

However, just when her head came out of the dog hole, someone suddenly tapped her head gently.

She didn't even have time to react before she appeared on a rooftop.

There was white mist all around, and she couldn't see the other courtyards clearly.

The next moment, a black shadow rushed directly in front of Qin Shu. The speed was so fast that Qin Shu had no time to react. The sword in the black shadow's hand had already struck Qin Shu.

This sword is enough to show that this puppet actually has the cultivation level of Nascent Soul!

I don’t know who created this small world, but even a puppet can create a Nascent Soul?

If she could get hundreds and eighty Nascent Soul-stage puppet guards, wouldn't she be able to walk sideways in Dongzhou?

A dark golden protective shield rose up on Qin Shu's body, blocking the sword for her.

Qin Shu didn't even take a breath from the beginning to the end, and it was only then that Qin Shu reacted.

I don’t know which damned bastard put a ten-mile teleportation talisman on her body, and now she doesn’t know which yard she was teleported to.

She only knew that this ghost thing she encountered was not easy to deal with. If it weren’t for the turtle shell on her neck that saved her life at the critical moment, she might have been beheaded by now.

“Big snake! Help!” Qin Shu hurriedly called for help, but still got no response.

She was a little anxious. This turtle shell defense magic weapon can only be used three times. According to the attack speed of this thing, three times is actually just a blink of an eye.

She exhaled a long breath of turbid air and realized that she was too dependent on Xie Shiyuan, which was not good.

She had a lot of protective things on her body, so she had to think of a way herself.

Qin Shu thought about it and took out the jade pendant given by her master. The strongest attack of the transformation period was enough to kill this puppet with one blow.

When she got out, she must find the person who did the dirty work to her!

He got so many good things from her, but he still had this kind of thought. Isn't this just destroying the bridge after crossing it? !

Just when Qin Shu was about to deal with the puppet, the people outside the small world also fell into a stalemate.

"You three! Who on earth attacked my junior sister!" Kong Shen asked in a deep voice with a dark face.

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