I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 409 Anti-ejection inhibitor

Heavenly spiritual roots!

She couldn't help rubbing her hands, and suddenly they swelled a little.

Lingxu Zhenren also looked at the test spirit stone in front of Qin Shu in disbelief. He remembered that the last time Qin Shu came to him to test spiritual roots, the highest fire spiritual root seemed to be only more than seventy?

"It's ninety-seven now? How come it suddenly increased so fast?"

Qin Shu thought for a moment, and finally said her guess.

"Master, I took a medicinal bath when I was in the Endless Sea before. Since then, I suddenly felt that my cultivation was faster. I wonder if it has something to do with that medicinal bath."

"Medicinal bath?" Lingxu Zhenren asked back.

He has lived for more than eight hundred years, and this is the first time he has heard of such a significant medicinal bath that enhances spiritual roots.

"After using it, the spiritual root value has increased greatly? Is there any natural treasure?" Lingxu Zhenren pondered, while digging out his long-buried memories from his mind.

Qin Shu couldn't tell whether the spiritual root value increased or not.

She shook her head, "My disciple, I know quite a few spiritual plants now, but I still can't tell what they are just by the smell in the medicinal bath."

Ling Xu Zhenren raised his hand to interrupt her, "If it is really the kind of natural treasure that can greatly increase the spiritual root value, it is normal that you don't know it."

Qin Shu: "..."

Don't you just think that I have never seen the world?

"Master, you may not believe it. After taking the medicinal bath, I didn't notice a significant increase in the spiritual root value at that time, but I felt that the use of spiritual roots was more handy. It seemed that there was always a layer of separation before..." Qin Shu squinted her eyes and carefully recalled the subtle feeling she had at that time.

Ling Xu Zhenren listened to her description, and his brows gradually twisted into a knot.

After a long time, he slowly raised his head.

Just when Qin Shu thought that the old man could point her in the right direction, he opened his thin lips and said, "Shu'er, why don't you go to the library to have a look?"

Qin Shu: "..."

"Your spiritual roots and physique are rare. How can your spiritual roots grow so fast after taking a medicinal bath? It's like adding a catalytic spiritual plant. Master, I have never heard of it. You can go to the library to have a look. Maybe you can get something..."

Qin Shu listened to his words and was stunned on the spot, with a solemn face.

At this time, her mind was full of a word: catalytic spiritual plant.

Catalytic spiritual plant? Catalyst?

She suddenly thought of something that is often used in modern science-anti-rejection inhibitors.

She has a good memory and will not remember it wrong. Before she crossed into the book, it was clearly written in the book that "Qin Shu"'s three spiritual roots were wood, water and fire.

At that time, she was still thinking that water and fire were incompatible, no wonder her cultivation speed was so slow.

But when she crossed over, her spiritual roots became fire, wood and earth.

At first, she thought it was the butterfly effect caused by her time travel, but now thinking about it carefully, it was terrifying.

Her spiritual roots were different, could it be replaced by someone?

That medicinal bath was originally prepared by Patriarch Pei for his daughter. Pei Ya had a heart transplant, so she must also need an anti-rejection inhibitor.

She took this medicinal bath by accident, which made her spiritual roots more compatible with this body.

At the same time, Qin Shu suddenly thought of Xie Shiyuan again.

If the medicinal bath was really an anti-rejection inhibitor, how to explain Xie Shiyuan who absorbed more medicine than her?

What was replaced on his body?

Qin Shu carefully recalled the book she had read that year. Unfortunately, the main plot of the book started after Qin Mian ascended, and there were not many clues for her to study.

It seems that she must go to this human world again...


Zhen Lingxu was talking, and when he looked up, he found that Qin Shu was distracted.

He raised his hand and waved it in front of her eyes, "Shu'er, what are you thinking about?"

Qin Shu came back to her senses and smiled at him, "Nothing, I just thought that since I have to go to the library, I have to go to the Transmission Hall."

Ling Xu Zhenren sat down again, looked at Qin Shu and said, "You can go if you want, but you have to go as soon as possible. You can go to the mortal world when you have time."

Qin Shu hurriedly asked, "By the way, Master, I was just about to ask you! Why do you want me to go back to visit my parents?"

Ling Xu Zhenren sighed, "Alas, your two useless senior brothers are in trouble, go down and take a look."

Qin Shu was stunned, raised her hand and pointed at her nose and asked back, "Me?"

Ling Xu Zhenren nodded, "Yeah."

Qin Shu said again, "How can my disciple solve the problems for my senior brother with this little cultivation? My senior brother's cultivation is much higher than my disciple!"

What's more, her third senior brother Si Xuan is the future emperor of man. If even the two of them can be stumped, what can she do if she goes there?

"Isn't it because you are the only one among my disciples who cultivates the body? And you were born in the mortal world, so as long as you don't use spiritual energy and magic in the mortal world, you won't be involved in karma." Lingxu Zhenren explained.

At first, he thought about letting the eldest brother go, but he thought that although the eldest brother's swordsmanship was not bad, he was not as smart as the younger brother, and it was probably useless if he went.

The sect stipulated that disciples below the golden elixir level could not go to the mortal world at will. It happened that Shu'er hadn't received the previous reward, so he took this opportunity to apply for a leave for her to visit her parents.

Qin Shu really didn't expect that one day she would be sent to the mortal world by her master because she was good at fighting?

"Okay! Then I'll go!"

Go and take a good look at what kind of ghost thing can even trap the second and third brothers.

Zhenren Lingxu gave her three days to do whatever she needed to do.

Qin Shu went directly to the Transmission Hall, because she subconsciously felt that the reason she wanted to find would not be found for a while. It was better not to waste time in the library, and wait until she came back.

Qin Shu came to the door of the Transmission Hall, just like arriving at the door of her own home. The crimson wooden door opened automatically when she saw her coming.

Qin Shu walked in and looked at the portrait of the immortal in white clothes hanging opposite, kowtowed again, and the next moment she entered the red gold space again.

Qin Shu was already an old acquaintance in this space. She picked up the "Transmission Guide" on the table and turned a page.

This time, the little golden man in her consciousness field was more solid than before, and Qin Shu could even see the facial features on his face clearly.

It is worth mentioning that this person looks exactly like the ancestor hanging at the door.

This was also within Qin Shu's expectations. If the master hadn't taught her the body movements himself, how could she be recognized by the headmaster?

Now that she has made so much progress, let's see what else the little golden man can teach her?

Isn't it said that the master is a sword cultivator? Will he teach her another set of sword techniques?

Or a seal is also fine! She first learned the hand gesture of the seal, and now she thinks that there should be more later!

Of course, it would be good if he taught her a set of boxing techniques, which she could use when she went to the mortal world this time.

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