I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 427 The spiritual roots cannot be found

Guo Chong touched his chin and thought for a moment before saying, "Let's see how you perform next."

Why is it based on performance again... Qin Shu can no longer complain.

This time the big snake didn't follow him, otherwise I would still be able to ask him some things, and I wouldn't know what he was doing.

Qin Shu took the two of them to the inn where she stayed. As soon as they arrived at the door, she met Xu Xian.

When Xu Xian saw the three of them, his eyes widened immediately, "Master! These two are..."

"My senior brother." Qin Shu said casually.

"Do I have to be blind to learn your skills?" Xu Xian's expression changed drastically.

Qin Shu: "..."

Guo Chong: "..."

Does this guy have bad eyesight? How could he be blind with such bright big eyes? !

"I also want my useless little son to become your disciple..." Xu Xian sighed.

Qin Shu hurriedly said: "Keep your eyes open, whatever you do is fine, don't try to imitate us. We have all seen things we shouldn't have...sigh..."

Xu Xian then remembered Guo Chong, turned his head and said, "But this..."

Guo Chong was also a smart person. When he heard that his words were wrong, he quickly rolled his eyes.

Xu Xian also accepted his fate, "Well, you are right. Compared with your abilities, your eyes are more important."

As soon as the person left, Guo Chong's eyes rolled back and he glared at Qin Shu.

Qin Shu sighed, went to the counter and asked the shopkeeper to open two upper rooms, and then led them upstairs.

"I found two senior brothers and could have rescued them, but the third senior brother still has unfinished business, so I have to wait for him for a few more days." Qin Shu said first.

Guo Chong was a little surprised, "Is it so fast? We just arrived and you found someone already? Can't we go back to the world of immortality again?"

It was obvious that not long after he came to earth, he already began to miss the life in the world of immortality. The spiritual energy here is too thin, not even comparable to their demon world.

Qin Shu shook her head, "I won't be able to go back for a while. I still have some other things to find out."

"What's the matter?" Guo Chong asked subconsciously.

Qin Shu thought of what he said before and curled her lips, "I won't tell you."

Guo Chong sneered lightly, "I know even if you don't tell me, don't you just want to find out your spiritual roots?"

Qin Shu: "..."

He actually knows? !

There was something abnormal about her spiritual root, and no one except Master Lingxu and Orochi knew about it.

Qin Shu's expression changed and her eyes became sharper, "Did the big snake tell you?"

Guo Chong laughed out loud when he heard her name, "Big snake? Hahaha, you actually called him snake? Didn't he kill you?"

Qin Shu: "?"

Isn't he a snake? It looks exactly like a snake, and even Snake Shinko vomits so vividly, it's strange that it's not a snake.

After Guo Chong finished speaking, he glanced at Qin Shu, who was still intact. It was obvious that his guess was unfounded.

Although he didn't know why Lao Xie became so kind, he still shook his head firmly.

Precognition is his gift and cannot be blasphemed by anyone!

"No one told me, I told you everything, I know everything. Otherwise, why do you think Lao Xie insisted on letting me come with you?"

Qin Shu folded her arms and nodded slightly, but did not ask any more questions.

She knew that Xie Shiyuan meant well, but it was obvious that he was too unruly and unruly, so he was not so easy to talk to.

Sui Han, who was sitting aside, spoke at the right moment, "You said you know everything? Then what happened to her spiritual roots?"

This time even Qin Shu pricked up her ears, only to see Guo Chong's dark face turning red from suppressing it.

It took a long time to hold back a sentence, "It's not that I don't know, and it's not that I can't tell. I'm really afraid that you won't be able to bear it. If I tell you, you will be taken away by the law of heaven, will Lao Xie still have to settle the score with me?"

Suihan always heard them talking about Lao Xie and Lao Xie, and he was a little curious, so he asked more, "Who is Lao Xie?"

Guo Chong coughed lightly and glanced at Qin Shu.

Qin Shu looked as usual and answered fluently, "I'm a friend."

Sui Han accepted this statement. After all, Qin Shu is a girl who makes friends everywhere, so she should have friends all over the world.

Qin Shu turned to look at Guo Chong again, "What can I say? You should say it first so that I don't have to think about it myself."

Guo Chong looked at Sui Han and motioned for him to leave.

Suihan also knew that what they were going to say was not something he could hear, so he got up and said he wanted to go back to the house to rest.

Qin Shu personally sent him out, and just as she closed the door behind her back, she heard: "Your spiritual roots can't be found, so don't bother."

Guo Chong came up and gave her a critical blow. Qin Shu was stunned on the spot, "Why is this?"

"If it was okay in the past, the drugs you absorbed before directly integrated your current spiritual roots with your soul body. If you want to get your spiritual roots back, you have to fuse these existing spiritual roots Use secret techniques to dig out. You were tortured when you dug out only one spiritual root. Now you have to dig out three. Do you think you can survive? "

He said this very smoothly, without any feeling of resistance. In other words...Qin Shu knew these things originally.

Guo Chong breathed a sigh of relief before continuing: "Even if you endure this pain and plant your original spiritual roots back, you may not be able to integrate them so well... And, the most important thing is , the water spirit root’s attack power is not very good, and your alchemy skills..."

He began to notice resistance, and Guo Chong realized that he had said something he shouldn't have said.

Qin Shu also realized the second half of what he didn't finish. He probably wanted to say that his innate moon spirit body originally had the function of growing spiritual roots. Originally, she would only cultivate her water spiritual roots to the heavenly spiritual roots, but who knew that her spiritual roots were dug out and accidentally replaced with three low-level waste spiritual roots, but they were also cultivated? !

This may be the reason why the Innate Moon Spirit Body is so unbelievable. No wonder the head of the Wen family wanted to give his mother away. If he gave away the baby, he would have to get back a lot of resources for the Wen family, right?

Qin Shu looked thoughtful. After a moment, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Guo Chong, asking: "Who does my spiritual root belong to now? Qin Wuya? Or Qin Mian?"

Guo Chongyi shrugged, "Qin Mian."

Qin Shu frowned and asked, "What about my mother's spiritual root? Is it on Qin Wuya's body?"

Guo Chong nodded slightly, and Qin Shu's eyes gradually became fierce, "When Qin Mian and I were young, we were exchanged for spiritual roots. I was a fish and he was a swordsman. It was a helpless move. Now we can be regarded as perfecting each other. I won’t cause trouble for her in the future, but if she comes to me, I won’t show mercy. As for Qin Wuya… I will cut out his spiritual root with my own hands and return it to my mother!”

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