I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 440 I can't beat him

Qin Shu had just left the City Lord's Mansion when she saw Guo Chong, who was leaning against the wall with his arms folded, waiting for her.

"Why are you here?" Qin Shu was a little surprised.

Guo Chong then stood up and asked her, "Aren't you looking for me?"

Qin Shu clicked her tongue twice. It was actually quite worry-free to make friends with such a person. He would understand even if you didn't say anything, and even understand more than you.

Qin Shu's spiritual sense swept around. Although there were not many people around, it was still not a place to talk.

"Let's change a place to talk." Qin Shu said.

After finding a secluded corner, Qin Shu's spiritual sense swept around and found that no one came. Then she asked Guo Chong, "Do you know who they are working for? I finally pried open the mouth of the messenger just now, but who knew that he had just mentioned the puppet... The whole person suddenly exploded."

Qin Shu's expression was very ugly. Looking at Guo Chong again, he also frowned, but there was not much surprise in his expression. It was obvious that what Qin Shu said was within his expectations.

"She was cursed." Guo Chong said.

Qin Shu nodded slightly, "Well, I guessed it."

Guo Chong said again: "This approach is somewhat similar to the style of our demon world."

Qin Shu: "..."

Why is it related to the demon world again?

She is not the heroine, and saving the world should not fall on her head.

"Guo Chong, Qin Wuya... is he a puppet?"

Guo Chong supported his other arm with one hand, and gently tapped his head with his right index finger. After thinking for a moment, he gave her an ambiguous answer.

"I guess so."

Qin Shu was shocked, "Yes, it is, no, it is not, what do you mean by I guess so? Daoyou, your statement is a bit too imprecise."

Guo Chong did not speak, Qin Shu realized, afraid that he was talking about a field that she could not touch yet.

"Is Qin Wuya from the demon world?"

Guo Chong still didn't speak, Qin Shu was speechless, "You can't say this, you can't say that, why did you come to me? It's better to find a place to hide, so that I can find an excuse in my heart."

Guo Chong heard her strong resentment, and laughed, raised his eyebrows, and said gloatingly: "I'm doing this to make you give up."

Qin Shu: "..."

Thank you.

Qin Shu didn't want to pay attention to him, turned around and wanted to leave, but Guo Chong called Qin Shu again at this time.


Qin Shu stopped and asked without turning her head: "Why? Want to say it again?"

"That's not it, it's just Qin Mian..."

He had just said half of the words, and Qin Shu turned her head away.

"What's wrong with Qin Mian?"

Guo Chong's smile became even more intense, "I knew you would be interested. The former Qin Mian might become a puppet, but the current Qin Mian might not be."

Qin Shu understood it almost instantly.

Sure enough! Qin Mian is back again.

It seems that the premise for Guo Chong to say it is that he has guessed a certain mystery.

According to what Guo Chong said now, if he continues to guess, the former Qin Mian will become a puppet, then it means that the "Qin Mian" who tortured him to death in the world of immortal cultivation may not be Qin Mian himself?

She realized it again! No wonder the atmosphere between Qin Mian and Qin Wuya was so tense when she met them that day.

Thinking back to the bowl of medicine Qin Wuya gave her when she first met Qin Mian...

If her guess is true, I'm afraid Qin Mian will hate Qin Wuya to death, and the two siblings will be in a situation of life and death.

Qin Shu was happy, and she was looking forward to seeing this scene.

Guo Chong watched the smile on her face getting brighter and brighter, and didn't know what she guessed.

All she heard was: "You go back first and take good care of Sui Han. I will be back in two days."

She still had two days of permission from the city lord. She went back and decisively took out a pen and paper to do a divination, and cleaned up all the evil things hidden in Guye City that harmed people.

She then asked someone to post a notice, saying that they could report each other. If they could report suspicious people, they would receive 100 taels of silver.

Of course, all this money was paid by the city lord's mansion, and Ling Wuye didn't lack this little money.

After Qin Shu left, Si Xuan asked Ling Wuye specifically, "Have you learned anything in these three days?"

Ling Wuye thought for a long time before he said, "Your Majesty, why don't I also learn the "Book of Changes"? "

Si Xuan: "..."

That's it, why bother? The city lord should just change someone.


Qin Shu returned to their residence. Wen Chi was playing chess with Sui Han. Guo Chong stood beside Sui Han and helped him cover his loose cloak tightly.

Qin Shu had just walked in from outside the yard when she saw Guo Chong lowering his head. His tall body blocked half of Sui Han, and his hand fell on Sui Han's thigh...

Qin Shu was shocked and asked quickly: "Guo Chong? What are you doing?"

Is this something she can watch without paying?

The atmosphere in the world of immortal cultivation is really open. Her second senior brother is still sitting next to her!

Guo Chong was startled and quickly withdrew his hand.

Looking back, he was relieved to see that it was Qin Shu who came back. He rolled his eyes and said, "Who do you want to scare to death?"

Qin Shu walked over quickly and asked again: "What are you doing?"

Guo Chong helped Sui Han tighten his cloak in front of Qin Shu.

Sui Han was wrapped in it, with only his head exposed.

Guo Chong then said: "Didn't you ask me to take good care of him? It rained last night and the weather has turned a little cooler. Don't let him catch a cold."

Qin Shu: "..."

This is too meticulous... right?

Sui Han was even more speechless than Qin Shu. Seeing Qin Shu coming back, he said in a hoarse voice: "Shu'er, can I take off my cloak?"

Qin Shu was shocked again and asked hurriedly: "Brother, your throat? What's wrong?! Are you sick again? Didn't I tell you not to take action?"

Sui Han looked at her helplessly, and the unspeakable grievance in his eyes was about to overflow.

"A little irritated."

This is a hot summer day, still in the south.

The few of them were dressed so thinly, one more chic than the other, but they covered him so tightly...

Qin Shu was also silent. Guo Chong's tricks were really one set after another. With her experience in two lifetimes, she had never encountered such a strange brain circuit.

"Since it's a bit hot, why do you still wear it?" Qin Shu didn't understand.

Sui Han didn't look like a person who would listen to others, especially after hearing what Guo Chong said.

Sui Han raised his head calmly and said softly, "I can't beat him."

Qin Shu: "..."

She turned her head and looked at Guo Chong. Guo Chong touched his nose and smiled awkwardly, "I suddenly remembered that I saw a fried fish restaurant that was good during the day. I'll buy some for you to try...haha...I'll go first."

Qin Shu looked at his figure running away and fell into deep thought again.

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