I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 448 Ask for external assistance

Qin Shu grabbed the soldier and walked into the empty city. Wen Chi wanted to follow him, but was stopped by Qin Shu.

"Someone will wake up soon. You stay here and I'll be back soon."

Since Qin Shu said so, Wen Chi stopped. He didn't think these soldiers would cause any harm to Qin Shu.

With his junior sister's third-level bone refining physique, even the best sword in the world couldn't hurt her.

Qin Shu thought so too, and fearlessly carried the person to an inn in the west of the city.

"Is it here?" Qin Shu looked at the inn in front of her and let go of the hand holding the soldier.

"Yes, it's here."

The inn in front of her only has two floors, which is quite large in this city.

Qin Shu had been here before. If she remembered correctly, she carried the old man who told stories in this inn out.

To be honest, she carried quite a few people out of this inn. After the Dongyue people broke into the city, the innkeeper and the guests united to kill many enemy troops.

She retracted her spiritual sense, stepped forward and pushed open the door of the inn.

The inn was empty, and Qin Shu's spiritual sense passed over the tables and chairs in the lobby and landed on a screen.

She turned her head and asked the soldier beside her: "Is the bell taken from here?"

"Yes, it's on the table over there. Taoist priest, I really only took this bell and didn't touch anything else. If you don't believe me, I'll take off my clothes and show you..."

He seemed to remember that the Taoist priest in front of him was blind, so he continued: "You can go back and let them search me. I really didn't take anything else."

Qin Shu ignored him and walked towards the table and chairs where the storyteller was.

Since the soul-catching bell is here, the corresponding soul-stealing flag should also be nearby.

Her spiritual sense searched inch by inch, and she would never let go of any suspicious place.

After looking around, she still found nothing.

However, when she accidentally raised her hand to the armrest of the chair, it seemed as if something was triggered, and a cloud of blood mist suddenly sprayed out and enveloped Qin Shu.

Qin Shu held her breath and escaped from the blood mist, but a lot of blood mist still entered her body through her nasal cavity and eyes.

Qin Shu waved away the blood mist in front of her with a palm, but found that her head was a little dizzy.

She turned around and found that the soldier who was standing at the door had disappeared.

Qin Shu shook her chaotic brain and staggered out of the inn.

At this time, the sky outside gradually began to brighten. Qin Shu subconsciously looked at the horizon and found that a touch of purple air appeared again on the horizon.

The frequency of purple air in the world is a bit too high, right?

Although Qin Shu was puzzled, it was also a good thing for her.

In addition, her brain was about to explode at this time, and she couldn't chase the escaped soldier at all, so she climbed onto the roof and sat cross-legged in meditation.

You don't know until you see it. When you see it, you will be shocked. The red blood mist in her consciousness and the purple air she absorbed before are entangled together, and it seems that they are inseparable.

And how can Qin Shu's immature sea of ​​consciousness withstand their fight?

If the fight continues, I'm afraid her sea of ​​consciousness will explode.

Qin Shu made a prompt decision and quickly asked for external help.

Now the purple air in the sea of ​​consciousness can't crush the blood mist, but what if she can absorb more?

Thinking of this, she began to try to twist her consciousness into a thread and reach out to absorb the purple air from the east.

She tried it once before, and this time it seemed more handy than before.

This time, the purple air she took back was slightly larger than last time, and it just entered her sea of ​​consciousness and joined the melee.

With the help of external help, the purple air quickly crushed the blood mist.

Qin Shu endured the headache and used her spiritual sense to guide from the side, and finally drove away all the blood mist.

At this time, her sea of ​​consciousness was like a typhoon passing through, a mess.

Her head still hurt dully, but it was much better than before.

Qin Shu was about to sit in meditation to recover, but she found several black figures on the eaves opposite her.

At this point, how could she not understand that she was being calculated by someone.

The other party was hiding quite deeply, and she was too careless.

Fortunately, she had hidden the purple air in her sea of ​​consciousness on a whim before, otherwise she would not have been able to react when the blood mist entered her body through her five senses.

I just don’t know what the effect of this blood mist is?

Qin Shu didn’t have time to think about it, and the group of people opposite came to her and surrounded her.

Qin Shu’s spiritual sense swept, and saw that these people were all covered with black headscarves, and their appearances could not be seen at all.

But their outfits are very similar to that of Niu Chang who was cursed, so it seems that they are indeed in the same group.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move. Qin Shu closed her eyes tightly, as if she did not notice them.

At this time, a voice came from the side, "Third Messenger, do you think we succeeded?"

"This person has an extraordinary physique and is more suitable to be a weapon, but I see that there is no spiritual energy fluctuation in her body, so she should not be able to resist this move."

"Then the weapon before..."

"Since she wants to run, it means that she is ignorant of the rise and fall, and there is no need to keep her."

"You mean..."

"Sacrifice her." The slightly gloomy voice of this person sounded, and it determined the fate of a person.

Qin Shu was a little speechless listening to their conversation. How could they say these things in front of the enemy?

Didn't they really know that villains die because they talk too much?

As for the "vessel" they mentioned, Qin Shu boldly extended it to a vessel. They might be looking for a suitable shell for someone.

Before, the vessel they were looking at might be Qin Mian, but now they have changed to her.

Who are they looking for a shell for? Xiangliu?

Qin Shu's mind was also wavering. She wanted to take advantage of the situation and simply become this so-called vessel. If someone really took over her body at that time, she would come back to kill her and her consciousness would increase again.

That's how her consciousness grew in Senior Brother Kong Shen's small world.

But she was worried that if the person who took over her body was really the fierce beast Xiangliu, wouldn't it be a matter of a moment to crush her?

Now the big snake did not come down to the world with her. She had to rely on herself and had no chance to struggle at all.

I sighed silently in my heart. At this moment, three men walked over on the empty street.

The three men were all very handsome and each had his own merits.

One of them waved a fan slightly, with one hand behind his back, looked up at the roof on their side, and shouted, "Junior sister, you are not really being calculated by others, right?"

The leading emissary immediately tried to hold Qin Shu as a hostage, but as soon as he made a move, his wrist was directly chopped off by someone's palm.

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