The third envoy held the pen in his hand and lay on the ground, looking at the blank paper in front of him. There was not even a test question on it.

"Write... what to write?" he asked.

Qin Shu snorted coldly, "Just write who instructed you and what is your purpose in doing this?"

The third envoy held the pen and hesitated to move. Qin Shu stepped on his injured spine again and shouted at him: "Write quickly!"

However, I didn't expect that the third envoy was still a stubborn person. Even in such pain, he still didn't compromise?

At this time, Wen Chi called her, "Junior sister, he... seems to have fainted."

Qin Shu: "..."

"Unable to withstand a single blow."

Wen Chi nodded in agreement, and then said, "Take the person back first, don't let the person be tortured to death before the Silence Curse is activated."

Qin Shu agreed, and Wen Chi added, "Many of the Third Brother's subordinates are good at interrogation, we must learn to sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor."

Qin Shu nodded, "That makes sense."

Guo Chong easily carried the Third Messenger on his shoulders and followed the three of them out of the city gate.

However, just as they walked to the city gate, they saw that the city gate was suddenly closed from the outside.

The whole city was filled with a strong evil spirit. Qin Shu looked up at the sky. There was only a dark cloud in the sky, but it just blocked the sun.

She asked, "Sunshade Evil?" [Note: Made up.]

Sui Han responded, "Yeah."

Qin Shu was like a primary school student who was affirmed by the teacher, and she was very happy.

Even Wen Chi glanced at her in surprise, "You know this?"

Qin Shu wiped her nose proudly, "Of course, I know a lot."

Wen Chi asked again: "Where did you learn all this nonsense?"

Qin Shu wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction, turned around and complained to Sui Han beside her: "Old Sui, Senior Brother said that you made me learn all this nonsense."

Sui Han: "..."

Wen Chi: "?"

Sorry, I didn't keep my mouth shut.

Wen Chi quickly apologized: "No, no, no, Master Sui Han, I didn't mean that. I'm just worried that my junior sister has learned too many things and will delay her in the future..."

Sui Han didn't pursue these with him, but calmly asked him back, "Do you think she has been delayed?"

Wen Chi was silent. Recently, he has been silent more and more often.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Sui Han added meaningfully, "Some things will be known sooner or later, sooner or later, it's the same."

Wen Chi had long been accustomed to the way their Tianji Pavilion monks spoke, and did not delve into his mysterious words. Instead, he turned his head and quietly asked Qin Shu: "Junior sister, you won't talk like this in the future, right?"

Qin Shu: "..."

The sky was brighter at this time, and Wen Chi was very close to Qin Shu. When he raised his eyes, he met Qin Shu's eyes.

He was shocked.

"Junior sister! Your eyes!"

Qin Shu raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, and asked in confusion: "Eyes? What's wrong with my eyes?"

Sui Han saw her confused look, and casually took out a small Bagua mirror hanging on his waist and handed it to her.

Qin Shu used her spiritual sense to see her eyes clearly for the first time.

These were a pair of dark purple eyes, and there seemed to be some lines in the pupils, which she could not see clearly.

She thought it was because she had absorbed the purple qi without permission, but she didn't expect that the purple qi hidden in her sea of ​​consciousness seemed to have some inexplicable influence on her.

She looked at herself in the mirror, raised her hand and tugged at her medium-length hair, and said, "I'm so handsome!"

Wen Chi: "..."

Guo Chong: "..."

Sui Han: "What do you mean by handsome?"

Wen Chi and Guo Chong nodded one after another. Qin Shu moved her consciousness away from the mirror, glanced at them, and said, "It means handsome and good-looking."

After this, the other three were even more speechless.

I have never seen such an unreserved person.

Wen Chi changed the subject at the right time and asked, "What does the sun-shading evil mean?"

Sui Han glanced at Qin Shu, "Tell them."

Qin Shu naturally would not miss such an opportunity to show off, so she recited what she learned from the book to them.

Wen Chi listened to Qin Shu's words and his face gradually changed. "What? According to you, we are locked up in the city and are going to be sacrificed?" Qin Shu nodded, "Yes." Wen Chi's face was very ugly. Qin Shu couldn't tell whether he was afraid of being sacrificed or felt it was embarrassing to be sacrificed. Wen Chi raised his eyes and looked at the others, but found that it seemed that only he had a big emotional fluctuation. The others seemed... not surprised? Thinking of the three people's charlatan attributes, Wen Chi was completely silent and relieved. Forget it, since it's here, they will definitely have a way. Just as they were talking, there was suddenly a special breath around them. This breath actually made Qin Shu feel a little familiar. Qin Shu held her breath and tried, but found that these breaths actually penetrated her meridians... Qin Shu opened her eyes, and she now understood why this breath was so familiar. "It's demonic energy..."

She just sighed, and saw Wen Chi and Guo Chong had taken out a Qingyuan Pill and consumed one.

Qin Shu: "..."

It's a good thing to be prepared, but it's a pity that Sui Han didn't have a Qingyuan Pill.

She handed Sui Han a pill and took a Qingyuan pill for herself.

Feeling the demonic energy in her body being removed by the power of the pill, Qin Shu couldn't help but sigh in her heart again. If her spiritual energy hadn't been sealed by her master, how could these demonic energy dare to run wild in her meridians? It's true that when there is no tiger in the mountain, the monkey is king.

Guo Chong was not afraid of these demonic energy, but he had just dispersed his power before, and he didn't want to do it again.

His Qingyuan Pill was given by Xie Shiyuan, just in case, but he didn't expect that he would encounter it when he came to the mortal world.

"It's demonic energy, it's really strange, is there a space crack here? But the human world and the demon world are not next to each other, right?" Guo Chong said.

Qin Shu looked at him in surprise and laughed, "It's rare that there are still things you can't figure out. It's really rare."

Qin Shu's words successfully made Guo Chong stunned in place. She really reminded him.

Even he couldn't see through it, and this circle was narrowed a lot.

Apart from the auspicious beasts that were blessed by heaven like him, there were only the ferocious beasts left.

The solemnity on Guo Chong's face also made Qin Shu realize the seriousness of the matter.

At this moment, Sui Han suddenly said, "Leave here first."

This small broken formation was not enough to trap them. Just as they pushed open the city gate and prepared to leave, a wave suddenly appeared in the city.

The four of them noticed it at the same time and glanced back. The wave behind them seemed to be afraid of being seen by them. It just flashed and disappeared again.

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