I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 465 The Young Master is Missing

This time, the backlash against Sui Han was much gentler than before. He lay awake for about an hour.

His consciousness glanced at Guo Chong, who was sitting cross-legged on the couch not far away, and he was stunned for a moment.

Wen Chi said that he would not let him stay alone in the same yard with Qin Shu, so he moved out for him on the pretext that Qin Shu, a girl, could not take care of Sui Han.

Guo Chong also smiled when he saw Sui Han woke up, "Are you awake?"

Sui Han responded reservedly, "Yeah."

Guo Chong came to him and looked at him, "I didn't notice it before. Is there something special about your spiritual root?"

Suihan didn't care, "No matter what is special or not, it is still cultivation."

Guo Chong was convinced by him and nodded, "That's true."

But he quickly raised his head and looked at Sui Han again, "No, it's not the same. Ordinary five elements spiritual roots will not be targeted like you."

Suihan: "..."

Guo Chong turned around and sat down again, then said leisurely: "Fellow Daoist Qin asked you to wake up and go find her, don't forget."

Sui Han knew that she was waiting for the second operation, so he stood up and walked out.

This time Qin Shu went back to yesterday morning and found two of her in the distance, plus Suihan.

I think that if I return to this time point too many times in the future, will there be a grand scene of rows of myself and rows of Suihan?

She didn't waste time thinking about it, and absorbed the purple energy quickly. As her sea of ​​consciousness expanded, the purple energy she absorbed each time would be more than the last time.

Qin Shu raised her head and glanced at the purple air on the horizon with satisfaction, and another terrifying thought came to her mind.

Will... one day, all this purple energy will be absorbed by her?

It seems that it is not advisable to return to the same time point repeatedly.

Of course, it turns out that Qin Shu thought too much.

Suihan's body couldn't support her for two days, but she might be able to do it after she recovered a little.


Time passed like this bit by bit. Qin Shu and Sui Han were busy practicing and entrusted the matter of finding Qin Wuya to Wen Chi.

Si Xuan also regained the East Yue Kingdom in this short month. Qin Shu also knew some physiognomy now, and she knew with just one glance that the current third senior brother was not far away from success.

That day Wen Chi came to Qin Shu excitedly and said, "Qin Wuya's whereabouts are known!"

Qin Shu's eyes lit up and she asked excitedly: "Where?"

"Fanyin City! The last time Qin Mian appeared was in Fanyin City!"

"It's strange that he would give up going to the capital?" Qin Shu was puzzled.

Wen Chi was relatively calm. He explained to Qin Shu: "Qin Wuya didn't know where he learned that even the evil god he believed in had failed in your hands and had damaged their chief executive, so he He ran back to Fanyin City overnight, but was unexpectedly assassinated by Qin Mian who was following him and injured his left hand."

Qin Shu: "!"

The difficulty of the task suddenly decreased!

"Let's go back to Fanyin City." Qin Shu said.

Because the current situation in Fanyin City was unclear, Qin Shu did not dare to take her mother back with her, so she went with only Wen Chi, Sui Han, and Guo Chong.

Fanyin City was obviously much hotter than when they left, and everyone's clothes were much thinner.

Qin Shu and the others, on the other hand, were still wearing the same robes they had worn at the beginning.

"Where to look for it?" Qin Shu turned to look at Wen Chi with a confused expression.

Wen Chi was happy, "The mountain man has his own clever plan."

Qin Shu blinked and then asked, "What's the clever idea?"

Wen Chi took out a golden token with a big word "Cheng" engraved on it.

"Let's go to the government. It's easy to get things done under the banner of the third child. Why should we bother ourselves?"

Qin Shu: "..."

It turns out that the least down-to-earth person is myself.

This is so inappropriate. After all, I have lived in the mortal world for eighteen years, and now I have only been in the world of immortality for a few years. I have forgotten even basic common sense.

When the four of them came to the City Lord's Mansion, it seemed that something big had happened to the City Lord's Mansion.

People were coming in and out of the door one after another. Qin Shu grabbed someone and wanted to inquire about it, but she didn't expect that person to open his mouth and curse.

Wen Chi raised the token in his hand, allowing Qin Shu to experience the unique skill of changing faces.

The four of them were welcomed into the mansion with smiles by the people from the city lord's mansion. At this time, the housekeeper told them, "My eldest young master is missing, and our city lord is also angry. He has been in a bad mood for the past two days. If there is any negligence, please Please forgive me."

As soon as he said these words, Qin Shu's face suddenly changed, "Oh no!"

The smile on the butler's face disappeared, "Wha...what's wrong?"

Qin Shu stood up and said solemnly: "I want to see your city lord! Must! Immediately! Immediately!"

When the housekeeper saw her like this, he seemed to know something, and he frowned and responded, "Please wait a moment, and I'll report it right away."

As expected, the city lord saw them, and he looked very bad at this time.

He and the city lord can be regarded as half monks. Most monks have children, so he only has one son and one daughter.

He Xin was sent to Xuantianmen. He only had a son, He Xu. If something happened to his son again, he would not be able to bear it.

Qin Shu came up and asked him to retreat, and then revealed her guess, "He City Lord, do you and your family have a way to reach the upper world?"

Hearing this, the city lord and the city lord suddenly changed their expressions, "Stop talking nonsense!"

Qin Shu saw him refute, and quickly raised her hand to stop him, and took out her identity token of Xuantian Sect disciple, "I went to Xuantian Sect with He Xin, and we lived together day and night. Your He family must have some connections. Lord He, don't rush to refute me. I suspect that someone kidnapped He Xu for this reason."

Perhaps it was because he heard that she was also from Xuantian Sect that he calmed down a little.

Qin Shu continued to analyze: "If the person who kidnapped He Xu was after money, I'm afraid they would have sent someone to deliver a letter long ago? Lord He, could it be that He Xu also knows the connections of your He family?"

Lord He's face was very exciting at this time, red and purple, and after a long time, he nodded heavily, "Indeed."

There were only two masters in the family, and he was afraid that he would have an accident, so he told He Xu everything about his family's foothold in Fanyin City.

Who would have thought that this would harm him?

He looked up at Qin Shu and found that her eyes were obviously out of focus and filled with purple.

And the person next to her had white pupils?

Two of the four people in this group were blind?

He suddenly thought of the three blind people who were rumored to be in the city a while ago, and asked with pursed lips: "Who are you? Do you know who attacked my son?"

Qin Shu answered directly: "I am Qin Shu. If I am not mistaken, the person who attacked He Xu is most likely Qin Wuya."

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