I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 473 How did you bring this back?

Qin Shu sat up, her consciousness glanced at her hand, and she was suddenly stunned.

"Xiao Shu'er, are you awake?" Wen Chi asked.

Qin Shu responded casually and raised her hand to pick up the booklet at hand.

I could clearly see the three big characters on it, "Book of Life and Death."

"Senior brother, I seem to understand why the King of Hell wants me." Qin Shu said quietly.

Wen Chi glanced at her in surprise, a glimmer of light flashing in his narrow eyes, "Oh? Why?"

Qin Shu turned over the book in her hand and showed it to him. Wen Chi was also shocked when he saw it, "Ah this? Why did you bring it back? How did you do it?"

Qin Shu smiled bitterly, "I don't know either. I clearly put it back for him. Senior brother, you also saw it, right? I put it in his hat."

Wen Chi nodded, "Yes, I have the impression that you put it in the hat for him."

"Could this book of life and death be confusing?" Qin Shu just whispered in a low voice, and suddenly thought of something, she froze on the spot, and her entire pupils were dilated, "could it be..."

"What's wrong?" Wen Chi asked.

Qin Shu sighed and told Wen Chi that she had opened the book of life and death but could not see the words on it, and was unable to drip a drop of blood in the end.

Wen Chi fell silent upon hearing this. It took him a long time before he regained his consciousness, "So, you mean you gave it a drop of blood to claim its master?"

Qin Shu's shoulders slumped and she whispered: "I know it's a bit ridiculous to say this, but apart from this possibility, I can't think of anything else."

Wen Chi raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder, and said: "Now it seems that you can only place your hope on Lao San. If he becomes the Human Emperor, he may be able to intercede for you. Otherwise, you will be afraid of the whole ghost." The whole world will fight you till death."

Qin Shu: "..."

Why is her life so miserable? Things in the demon world haven't been settled yet, so why did we provoke the ghost world again?

Is this a burden that she should bear as a foundation-builder?

She raised her feet and walked towards Fulingcheng. Wen Chi chased after her and asked, "Junior sister, where are you going?"

Qin Shu said: "Where else can I go? Of course I can hug my thighs."

She wanted to serve as a general for the third senior brother and unify the entire world as soon as possible. When the time came, she would ask the third senior brother to intercede for her because she was a staunch king's party member.

What Qin Shu didn't expect was that when she was a general, she inadvertently saved many people.

The common people spontaneously gave her the title of God of War and built a temple for her, and she gained a lot of will power.

Of course, these are all things for later.

Qin Shu went to Si Xuan, told him everything she had experienced, and begged shamelessly: "Third Senior Brother, I got into trouble this time just to help you. You can't just die without saving me!"

Si Xuan burst out laughing, "Easy to say, easy to say."

Qin Shu relaxed a little, and Si Xuan continued: "You are also very powerful. I'm afraid that Lord Yama himself didn't expect that I just changed some longevity while he was drunk, but my junior sister stole all his books. ”

Qin Shu was furious, "What is stealing! I didn't do it unintentionally, I didn't know at all!"

Wen Chi raised his hand and rubbed the top of her head, and said comfortingly: "Okay, third child, please stop teasing her."

Qin Shu turned around and walked out of the room holding back her depression, "I'm going to be in seclusion for a few days now, please don't disturb me!"

Isn't the ghost world good at ghost energy and spiritual power attacks? Her current shortcoming is mental strength, and she must quickly make up for it.

As for how to practice, it was time to test the soul-nurturing method she bought that day.

She sat cross-legged on the couch, turned her wrist, and a sapphire slip appeared in her hand.

As she returned to the mortal world, the forbidden spell that had been loosened as she crossed the boundary was sealed again, and her spiritual energy could no longer be used.

Fortunately, she can still protect herself without spiritual energy.

She put the sapphire slip against her forehead, and the words on it slowly emerged in Qin Shu's sea of ​​consciousness.

After absorbing the contents, Qin Shu couldn't help but sigh.

I don’t know who was the first person to unify the writing of the three realms, otherwise she would have to learn another writing if she wanted to learn the art of nourishing the soul.

But this "Soul-nurturing Technique" really doesn't live up to its name. How to nourish the soul? Is it sure this is soul nourishing?

The technique says that you must first condense the technique into a rope, then divide the soul into two, and then divide the two into four...

As we all know, if the soul is damaged, it will turn into a fool. This...if the soul is divided into countless filaments, will it really be okay?

However, according to this statement, it is possible to train the soul to become stronger.

Qin Shu sat on the bed, thought for a short breath, and then made a decision.


The purpose of cultivating immortals is to starve the timid to death and to starve the bold to death.

She didn't dare to be cruel to herself today, and someone would be cruel to her in the future!

Qin Shu's heart changed, and the soul-nurturing technique began to operate in her sea of ​​consciousness.

The transparent mental power seemed to be stirred by an invisible big hand. Qin Shu gradually felt a little swelling and pain in her head, but it was still within the range of her tolerance.

Qin Shu felt that it was when she used her spiritual consciousness to absorb the purple energy that it improved her tolerance.

But she didn't know that absorbing the purple energy not only improved her tolerance, but also tempered her soul.

It was precisely because of this that she was able to condense a rope the first time she practiced this so-called "Soul Nourishing Technique".

However, just doing this step almost exhausted all her mind. She rested for a long time, and the fatigue in her head gradually dissipated.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and Qin Shu's heart was immediately lifted.

Could it be that someone from the ghost world was chasing after him?

"Who is it?!" Qin Shu asked sternly.

"Shu'er, it's almost dawn, there is purple air today." The person who spoke was Sui Han.

After Qin Shu's bug-like treatment, he has changed dramatically.

There is a lot of blood on his face, and he is no longer sickly like before, and he will fall down at any time.

He is much more active than Qin Shu in absorbing purple air every day.

Qin Shu heard that Sui Han came, so she breathed a sigh of relief and walked over to open the door of the room.

"It's time to replenish the nutrients for the consciousness. I'm really too tired today." Qin Shu said in a deep voice.

Sui Han didn't know what Qin Shu did after closing the door. He just thought she was exhausted from the trip to the ghost world, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Qin Shu climbed onto the roof, and Sui Han followed closely, sitting cross-legged beside her.

Qin Shu used her spiritual consciousness to absorb the purple air, while Sui Han absorbed the purple air through breathing, so the two of them didn't disturb each other.

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