Ye Wubian in the tent shivered with fright, rolled over from the couch, and pulled up his pants.

"Somebody come!"

As soon as he spoke, Qin Shu broke into the tent. The two soldiers outside the door had already been knocked unconscious by her. No matter how loud he shouted, no one cared.

As soon as Qin Shu entered, she saw the naked woman lying on the bed. She frowned and struck Ye Wubian with a palm.

Ye Wubian grabbed a chair to resist, but the chair was also smashed to pieces by Qin Shu's palm.

When his palm reached Ye Wubian, it stopped suddenly and turned to strangle his neck.

Ye Wibi's pupils shrank, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"You...who are you!"

"Prince of Hell!" Qin Shu squeezed out three words through her teeth.

Ye Wubian naturally didn't believe it, but that didn't stop the fear in his heart.

Obviously, if the other party said this, it was obvious that he wanted his life!

He closed his eyes, almost suffocating with fear, but the expected death did not follow.

The woman in front of him took out a rope from nowhere and tied him tightly, then picked up a pair of obscene pants from the ground and stuffed his mouth, and then rushed out of the big tent.

He watched Qin Shu running towards the northwest, and he was overjoyed. The northwest was where their granary was, and it was the most heavily guarded. Did she think she was Guan Yu? He can warm wine and kill Hua Xiong.

Although I don’t know how she got in, she definitely can’t escape!

However, he watched with his own eyes as this woman led him away with incredible movement skills, and also ordered their granary on the way.

Ye Wubian was no longer calm. He suddenly realized that she didn't knock him out just so that he could witness this scene with his own eyes.

Qin Shu returned to Jimo City, carrying dozens of kilograms of Ye Wubian with one hand and threw it to the ground!

"Someone, tie him to the city gate!"

After the deputy general led his men to escort Ye Wubian down, Qin Shu sat down again and took out the book of life and death again.

Invisibly beside her, a black-faced man asked the white-faced scholar next to her: "What do you think she wants to do?"

The white-faced scholar shook his head, "If you are not her, how can you know her happiness?"

Prince Yama raised his hand and slapped him on the back of the head, "Old Cui, please speak to me!"

Judge Cui sighed and explained: "She has a pen and a notebook in her hand, why shouldn't it be up to her to do whatever she wants?"

The Prince of Hell frowned, "If we just let her go like this, will things get messy? You tell me, how can you write out the pen?"

Judge Cui glanced at him, "You still have the nerve to accuse me? How many times have I told you that drinking will cause trouble, but you just don't listen."

Lord Yama blushed, but luckily his dark skin could not reveal his guilty conscience, so he said, "Okay, let's not talk about this for now, let's see what she plans to do first."

Judge Cui hummed, and both ghosts' eyes fell on Qin Shu.

He planned that if she really wanted to do whatever she wanted, the two of them would fight to the death to get the pen and notebook back.

However, Qin Shu just put her hand on her chin and looked thoughtful.

The Judge's Pen plus the Book of Life and Death, isn't this equivalent to her having a Death Note?

Then she writes down various ways of death for these people in her notebook, and she doesn’t know if it will come true...

Ye Wubian still had thirty years to live. Looking at the women he had harmed, the surviving family members each gave him a little, leaving him with the last ten days of life.

For this kind of person, let him see a glimmer of hope and finally extinguish his hope.

Qin Shu started writing, and the story of Ye Wubian spread throughout the East Yue Kingdom, and the people were indignant about it. He suffered humiliation while hanging in Zimo City for ten days, and his life was broken by stones...

He was rescued on the ninth day, but when he was approaching the capital of Dongyue Kingdom, his longevity was exhausted, the carriage overturned, eight ribs were broken by the ruts, and he finally died...

Qin Shu felt a little unhappy when she saw the short story she had written. However, Ye Wubian only had ten days to live, which was not enough for her to perform.

The Lord of Hell and Judge Cui, who were standing behind her and watching her write, looked at each other in confusion. After a long time, Lord of Hell finally came back to his senses and said with a surprised look on his face: "Can you still play like this?"

Judge Cui chuckled lightly, "Why not? The Judge's Pen and the Book of Life and Death are treasures generated by heaven and earth at the beginning of the birth of the Three Realms, and the rules contained in them are also recognized by Heaven. She will not suffer any consequences for her actions within the rules. Backlash."

The Prince of Hell felt it was a pity, so he said with emotion: "If I had known that there was such a way to play, I wouldn't have gone out to drink. It would be so interesting to write short stories."

Judge Cui rolled his eyes at him, "That's only if I'm willing to let you use the pen."

Prince Yama rolled his eyes, smiled at him, and said, "Old Cui, how about we also make a bet?"

Judge Cui saw what he was thinking at a glance and snorted coldly, "Dreaming."

Qin Shu felt a slight chill on her back. When she glanced back, her heart felt even colder.

"You two are..." Why hadn't she noticed it earlier?

Prince Yama didn't expect that he would be discovered. Hearing her question again, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked: "We haven't seen each other for just a few days, but you don't know me?"

Qin Shu: "..."

She stood up and bowed respectfully, "Lord of Hell."

Then she looked at the white-faced scholar next to her, frowned and asked, "This is..."

Lord Yama explained: "Old Cui."

Qin Shu's heart thumped. Good guy, why did two creditors come to the door together?

Seeing the expression on the face of the little girl in front of him change rapidly, Prince Yama also showed a bit of amusement on his face.

Qin Shu quickly explained: "I really didn't want to take away the Book of Life and Death, I just... just..."

Her mind was spinning rapidly, but she was horrified to find that no matter how she explained it, it seemed that she was wrong to sneak into the Palace of Hell.

Her head drooped, thinking that she should just admit her mistake.

"It's my fault, I'm willing to return the book of life and death." As she spoke, she reluctantly handed over the book of life and death.

Prince Yama and Judge Cui did not even touch each other, and Qin Shu's arms were slightly stiff.

I heard the Lord of Hell sigh helplessly, "You shed your blood to confess your master, and why are you giving it back to me? What's the use?"

Qin Shu frowned while holding the Book of Life and Death, and after thinking for a long time, she finally asked tentatively: "You think...why don't you give me a position in Fengdu? From now on, I will be at your disposal at any time, so that the Book of Life and Death and I will both be the same." I’m one of your people. If you ask me to go to the left, I will never go to the right..."

The Prince of Hell was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, "You little girl, you are quite interesting."

However, Judge Cui carefully considered Qin Shu's proposal. After thinking for a long time, he and the King of Hell looked at each other and nodded in unison.

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