I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 601 A powerful illusion

Back the way you came? That is of course impossible.

Senior brother Kongshen is still trapped down here, and besides... her Duhe technique is still running, which means there are other great opportunities deeper down.

Thinking of this, Qin Shu's heart couldn't help but beat rapidly.

What good thing could it be? Is that what she thought?

She looked at the other two senior brothers again. It was very dangerous to go forward. It didn't matter if she was alone. Where were the senior brothers and the others?

Wen Chi touched his chin and said, "We have an old saying in Dongzhou."

The three people's eyes fell on him at the same time, "What?"

"It's all here."

Qin Shu: "..."

As expected of his senior brother, he could convince everyone with just one sentence.

Cheng Yan also nodded, "You've come here and you just got an extremely cold ice soul and you want to go back? Why can't you pick up a few more?"

Extremely cold ice souls may be rare in other places, but it's really possible here.

Senior Brother Kongshen was also trapped in such an extreme cold formation. If every extreme cold formation used extreme cold ice souls as the formation's core, then... maybe they could really pick up a few more and take them back.

The three of them turned to look at Akabane again, only to see Akabane shrug his shoulders and say lightly, "I can do it, I'm not cold anyway."

Cheng Yan: "..."

He has come out of that formation and he is not cold!

Wen Chi glanced at the female cultivator Qin Shu was carrying on her shoulders again, and said thoughtfully: "But how can we take away those extremely cold ice souls? We can't each carry one?"

Qin Shu turned her head to look at Wen Chi in surprise, looking like she was hesitant to speak.

When Wen Chi saw this, he said, "Why are you still hesitating? Just say what you have to say."

Qin Shu then said helplessly: "Senior brother, I see that you are usually quite smart, but why today..."

Wen Chi glared at her, "Speak nicely!"

Qin Shu: "Just one container is enough. How about you put one elixir into one elixir bottle?"

The expression on Wen Chi's face gradually became weird, but the sense of disobedience in Qin Shu's heart became more and more serious.

She closed her eyes, circulated the purple energy in her eyes, raised her hand and punched it out.

But for some reason, her whole body seemed to be frozen, and her movements were extremely slow.


A note exploded in Qin Shu's ears. She opened her eyes suddenly and found that she was frozen in the ice, while her senior brothers and sisters were outside the ice layer with frightened faces and raised their hands to slap the thick layer of ice. ice layer.

She could only see their mouth movements, but could not hear any sound at all.

Senior Brother Wen Chi was holding magic spells at the side, and it seemed that it was the second senior brother who had just awakened her.

Qin Shu didn't know that there was a faint golden light emanating from the center of her eyebrows, which was exactly where a drop of blood was drawn by Wen Chi.

The female cultivator was lying not far from her, and she could even feel the distance between them gradually widening.

Qin Shu suddenly understood. No wonder there were so many corpses under the ice.

"What a powerful illusion, even Xiao Xiao couldn't detect it."

It seemed that she had been tricked the moment she came into contact with the female cultivator, but she had not noticed it before.

She didn't dare waste any more time, fearing that she would be pulled further and further away among the ice and eventually become one of the countless white shadows.

She immediately raised her hand to seal the secret, and used the most powerful move she had ever learned.

She formed seals with her hands, and as the spiritual energy in her body rotated, the sluggish feeling frozen by frost in her body gradually subsided.

Her seal movements were getting faster and faster, and the scene in front of her left eye kept changing.

She saw the portrait of her ancestor who mistakenly entered the Chuan Gong Palace and worshiped the ancestor, and finally learned this seal method in that golden palace.

Her seal movements became faster and faster, so fast that you could almost see the afterimages left by her fingers.

Cheng Yan, who was outside the ice layer, frowned more and more as he looked at it, "Wen Chi, look at how Junior Sister Qin Shu's move looks so similar to your "Innocent Formation"?"

Wen Chi shook his head, "Probably not. Her move is more powerful. Let's stay away to avoid being accidentally injured by her."

They had just dodged and put up the protective shield, and the golden seal on Qin Shu's hand was formed.

She opened her eyes, folded her hands and pushed out with her backhand.

The mark seemed to have little power, but wherever it went, the ice melted, opening up a passage for Qin Shu.

She quickly swallowed a bottle of spirit-boosting pills and pulled up the almost exhausted spiritual energy in her body.

Seeing the mark gradually exploding, she immediately grabbed the body of the female cultivator and jumped out.

It turns out that these people are still trapped in the extremely cold formation, and everything that just happened was just her fantasy.

"Are you okay?" As soon as she came out, her senior brothers and sisters immediately came over.

Qin Shu shook her head, "It's okay."

She glanced at Wen Chi gratefully and said, "Senior brother, thank you very much."

Wen Chi raised his eyebrows, "Are my brothers and sisters still so polite?"

The entire extreme cold formation had been destroyed by Qin Shu, and the coldness had dissipated, but they were still trapped here and could not find a way out.

Qin Shu was no longer talking to Wen Chi. She took out the jade slip and found that the message she had just sent to senior brother Kongshen had been sent.

Their cultivation level should be slightly lower, and the speed of poaching Bai Ying is not that fast. They should not have been attacked at this time.

She had to remind them immediately!

Qin Shu quickly sent a message to Kong Shen, asking them to stay away from the white shadow after digging it out, because there was a very powerful illusion array on it.

After receiving Kong Shen's reply, Qin Shu was completely relieved.

"There is an illusion array on this white shadow, and I don't know when it was hit. Everyone should be careful." Qin Shu put away the jade slip, raised her eyes and said to her senior brothers and sisters.

"I found out that you just carried this thing and drilled into the ice layer. We were terrified and wanted to get close to you, but it seemed that something bounced us away." Wen Chi said.

Chiyu's eyebrows were also twisted into a ball. Thinking of the scene just now, she still had some lingering fears.

She raised her hand and pinched out a drop of blood essence, and cast a spell to use her true eye to look at the corpse of the female cultivator again.

This time, she saw the extremely cold ice soul in her mouth, and also saw a remnant soul left on her shoulder...

When she wanted to look further, a chill attacked her eyes. She immediately closed her eyes, but still shed two lines of blood and tears.

Qin Shu was the first to react. She pulled Chiyu to sit cross-legged and raised her hand to use her wood spirit to heal her.

"Senior sister, relax, don't reject my spirit." Qin Shu warned.

Her spirit followed Chiyu's meridians into her eyes, and the creepy chill immediately eroded her spirit...

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