Guo Chong had just seen this sentence, and before he could reply, the jade slip in his hand was snatched away again.

He glanced at Xie Shiyuan, watching him pursing his lips and frowning, and his expression did not look unhappy, but rather a little... aggrieved?

These two words just appeared in his mind, and he quickly threw them out of his mind.

Are you kidding, this is Xie Shiyuan? Xie Shiyuan, who had experienced cramps and bones without changing his face, how could he be associated with the word aggrieved?

Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!

He thought about it, but couldn't figure it out.

These two are really weird. They obviously knew each other first, so why do they have to rely on themselves to communicate? What went wrong?

Since he couldn't figure it out, he might as well ask directly.

"Old Xie, why don't you give her spiritual energy? She already has the snake skin and the inner elixir, but you are reluctant to give her a spiritual energy? Why are you being so reserved now?"

Xie Shiyuan's face turned red and white, and his brows were getting more and more furrowed. After a moment, he finally told the reason.

"She didn't ask for it either."

Guo Chong: "..."

He was silent for a while. He really didn't expect this reason.

One didn't ask for it, and the other didn't take the initiative to give it, so she just snatched it from him?

His communication jade slip is almost renamed Xie. Qin Shu doesn't look for Old Guo when she sends a message, but directly looks for Old Xie.

"You should add each other's spiritual energy as soon as possible, otherwise I will tell you everything next time you say something!" Guo Chong said solemnly.

Xie Shiyuan glanced at him, and the next moment he raised his hand and pinched him to shut up.

Guo Chong watched him turn around and leave with his jade slip. Just when he wanted to speak, he found that he couldn't speak anymore.

His face suddenly changed. This old Xie! He is so cruel!

Su You almost laughed at the side, walked over and put his hand on Guo Chong's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Look at you, why did you provoke him? You were not his opponent when you were at your peak."

"With your current level of cultivation..." He raised his hand and patted Guo Chong's butt, and then said: "Why don't you just keep your tail between your legs and behave yourself?"

Guo Chong's muscles were tense, he pushed him away, turned his head and glared at him.

Su You was not afraid of him, "Although your cultivation is higher than mine, you can't break my body's defense. Don't look at me like that, it's boring."

This time it was Guo Chong's turn to feel wronged. He was a divine beast who knew the past and the future. He should be respected wherever he went. How could he be bullied by snakes like this?

Or two snakes.

Xie Shiyuan took Guo Chong's communication jade slip, and just as he walked out of the house, he sent his spiritual breath to him.

"Add it."

Qin Shu also did it, and the two became "good friends".

She carefully annotated the spiritual energy that belonged to Xie Shiyuan with his exclusive name - Big Snake.

Xie Shiyuan then put away Guo Chong's communication jade slip with satisfaction, and took his own jade slip to send her: [She must have recognized the wrong person. She also has restrictions on her body and will not hurt people casually. You don't need to worry about this. ]

Qin Shu saw this sentence and hurriedly asked: [Do you know why there are so many bones in that canyon? Is it related to Bai Shuang? ]

Xie Shiyuan: [It doesn't matter. If someone hadn't taken action, she would have become one of those bones. ]

Qin Shu thought of those so-called "keys". At first, she thought it was a way out for Bai Shuang to leave for herself. Now it seems that someone else has saved her life.

Qin Shu frowned and asked again: [Who did it? ]

Xie Shiyuan paused with his hand holding the jade slip, and there seemed to be a surge in his eyes. The incident that he had almost forgotten countless years ago appeared in his mind again.

The picture was vivid, and everything seemed like yesterday.

After a moment, he came back to his senses, and his expression seemed a little lost.

He raised his hand and wrote three words on the jade slip, [I don't know. ]

Qin Shu frowned as she looked at the sentence sent by Xie Shiyuan.

However, she soon felt relieved.

As long as it had nothing to do with Bai Shuang and the Wen family, it had nothing to do with her.

"We should leave." Qin Shu said.

Others saw her quietly playing with the communication jade slip, and knew that she had asked for help again, so they didn't disturb her.

Now that she finally said she was leaving, they were relieved.

"Let's go, let's go quickly. There are so many bones here. If I stay any longer, my Tao heart will be affected." Run Lin said.

"Amitabha." Kong Ji chanted a Buddhist.

As for where to go, everyone looked at Qin Shu in unison.

More accurately, they looked at Bai Shuang beside her.

Qin Shu also understood what everyone meant, so she asked, "Bai Shuang, how should we go next?"

Bai Shuang shook his head blankly, "I don't know."

Qin Shu: "..."

Oh, by the way, Da She said that she seemed to be under some kind of restriction, so it's normal not to know.

"Then...return the same way?" Qin Shu suggested.

No one else objected, and returning the same way would definitely not be wrong.

Before leaving, Qin Shu secretly checked with Wen Chi, "Brother, there are no more treasures down there, right?"

Wen Chi shrugged, "I don't feel anything."

Qin Shu was relieved, "Coincidentally, I don't have it either."

But her next sentence was, "Where is the Earth's Core Fire?"

Wen Chi rolled his eyes at her, "Of course the Earth's Core Fire is in the Earth's Core."

Isn't this nonsense?

Qin Shu frowned and asked, "There is ice everywhere here, how did the fire of the earth's core come into being? I'm a little confused."

Wen Chi shook his head, "I don't know either, this is the news that the senior brother got."

Qin Shu spread his hands, "Let it be, if it's not fate, you can't see it even if you dig to the earth's core."

Wen Chi smiled, "You are right to think so, let's go, don't let them fall too far behind."

The way back was much smoother than the way here, and the few people were no longer as cautious as when they came.

After rushing all the way, they reached the ground in just three days.

As soon as they got out, Runlin and Runyu hugged each other and cried with joy.

"Great! Finally out! If I stay any longer, I will have a shadow on ice." Runlin said.

Runyu said, "Go back and practice hard. Fellow Daoist Qin has achieved this level of cultivation, and we are still lagging behind."

"Brother is right!"


Kong Shen, who was standing by, also said to Qin Shu, "Junior sister, are you leaving here?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "We just came in not long ago, and we want to go somewhere else."

Kong Shen was stunned, "You were sent here directly after you came in?"

Qin Shu nodded, pointed to the collapsed island on the side and said, "Yes, we landed there at the beginning and went down from there."

Kong Shen's expression was very complicated when he heard this, thinking about how they had walked all the way from the entrance of the secret realm, finally found the entrance to the tunnel, and experienced 81 difficulties underground...

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