I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 641 Can I watch from the sidelines?

Sunlight slanted into the room through the crystal on the window. The floor was filled with porcelain bottles, each of which was filled with Qing Yuan Dan.

Qin Shu stood up and stretched, looking at the results of the battle, she smiled with satisfaction.

Yes, so many pills should be enough to deal with the big snake for a while.

The spiritual plants she had exchanged from the sect had all been used up at this time. Although she did not know how many spiritual plants the sect had stocked, if the demonic energy really overflowed, tens of millions of monks in the entire world of immortality would be I'm afraid the Qingyuan Pill is simply not enough.

Qin Shu waved her sleeves and put all the porcelain bottles and alchemy furnaces on the floor into the storage ring. She then performed a cleaning technique to restore the alchemy room to its original state, then opened the door and walked out.

When she handed the sign of the alchemy room back to the little medicine boy, the little medicine boy also passed a message to Cheng Yan.

"Senior Sister Qin Shu! Senior Brother said that if you come out, please wait for him."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows when she heard this and asked in surprise: "Elder brother? Has he been here?"

The little medicine boy nodded, "You just entered the alchemy room with your front foot, and senior brother arrived with your back. Seeing that you were refining alchemy in seclusion, he also opened the alchemy room for a month, and I guess you will come out soon."

Qin Shu was even more surprised when she heard this. From the day she worshiped at Xuantianmen, this was the first time she saw her elder brother refining elixirs in seclusion for so long.

If he was so diligent in the past, why did he end up being the poorest in Danzong?

"Then I'll wait for him."

As soon as Qin Shu said these words, the young disciple on the side quickly stood up and offered her seat, "Sister, please sit down."

Qin Shu shook her head and rejected his kindness, "No need, I have been sitting in seclusion for a month and my back hurts."

This was the first time that the young disciple was so close to the legendary Senior Sister Qin Shu. Seeing that she seemed to be much easier to get along with than the other senior brothers and sisters, he tentatively asked, "Senior Sister, when did you come back?"

Qin Shu leaned on the table nearby, folded her arms, and chatted, "I just came back last month."

As she spoke, she thought for a while and then reminded, "It's not peaceful outside recently. Please be careful when you go out for training."

As soon as she said this, two other Dan Sect disciples who were passing by came over and said, "Sister, are you talking about the demonic energy outside? What does the demonic energy look like? We saw someone talking about it in the communication square, but Never seen it before!”

Qin Shu had nothing to do anyway, so she told them in detail what she had seen outside.

As time went by, more and more people watched.

When Cheng Yan came out of the alchemy room, he saw a large number of people gathered outside. In the center of the crowd stood a tall girl, talking with high spirits.

Qin Shu seemed to have noticed Cheng Yan's gaze, so she raised her head and looked at him, "Elder brother!"

Everyone also followed her line of sight and saw the senior brother standing at the door of the alchemy room.

Suddenly, everyone became nervous and kept their heads down obediently, not daring to say a word.

Qin Shu laughed when she saw this and said, "Okay, senior brother and I have some important matters to discuss. You all can go about your business."

Qin Shu's words were like a pardon, and everyone bid farewell to her one after another.

After everyone had left, Cheng Yan came over and said, "What nonsense did you tell them again?"

Qin Shu curled her lips in disapproval, "Why are you talking nonsense? I just told them how to fight against the evil spirit."

This time it was Cheng Yan's turn to be surprised, "Oh? How to fight? Let's talk about it."

Qin Shu smiled, "Qing Yuan Dan, what else? Not everyone can afford the Awakening Soul Hoop and Demonic Core. For most monks, Qing Yuan Dan is the best. "

Cheng Yan nodded slightly, "That's not bad."

Qin Shu continued: "I also taught them how to refine the Qingyuan Pill. No one who has it is better than myself. Once they all learn it, when the evil spirit overflows in the future, our Xuantian Clan will be able to survive safely." ”

After Qin Shu said this, she changed her voice again and raised her eyes to look at him, "Elder brother, why are you so anxious to find me?"

"Sword refining." Cheng Yan said two words calmly.

It was not too different from Qin Shu's guess. Her senior brother had tightened his belt for so many years and kept his natal sword. It was not surprising that he could produce the materials for sword making in a short time.

"Have you found a suitable swordsman so quickly?" Qin Shu asked.

Cheng Yan nodded, "Well, Master Qi Zong Yuezhi promised to help me refine my sword."

Yue Zhizhen is the number one person in the Qi Sect, so it must not be easy for the senior brother to ask him to take action.

"Do you just need me to be angry?" Qin Shu asked.


Qin Shu thought for a while and then said: "Brother, can I make a small request?"

Cheng Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "Say."

Qin Shu coughed slightly and said, "Can you take my disciple with you? Let him watch aside? Just watch and make sure not to say a word."

Cheng Yan: "?"

Cheng Yan thought for a long time before he thought of Qin Shu's disciple who had been forgotten by everyone.

"Is he an outer disciple? Are you so interested?" Cheng Yan asked curiously.

Qin Shu sighed, "My disciple is filial. As a master, I have to make plans for my disciple."

If the master Yue Zhi could practice sword practice, it would definitely be of great benefit to You Zijin in improving his weapon refining skills.

If his weapon-refining skills could improve by leaps and bounds, she, as a master, could also follow suit.

Seeing her mature appearance, Cheng Yan was speechless for a while. He had never seen anyone take on a disciple at the age of ten.

He did not immediately agree to Qin Shu's request, but said, "I'll ask Master Yue Zhi before I speak."

He took out the jade slip and sent a message to Zhenren Yue. After waiting for a moment, his jade slip lit up again.

Cheng Yan glanced at it, then raised his head, and met Qin Shu's eager gaze.

"Take it with you."

They are all disciples of Xuantian Clan, and Yue Zhizhenren doesn't shy away from it. If a good candidate can be found, it will also be good for Xuantian Clan in the future.

Qin Shu's eyes lit up when she heard this and she quickly sent a message to You Zijin.

"Xiaoyou! Hurry! See you outside Qizong Mountain! Right now!"

You Zijin had just finished tempering his body according to the body-building exercises given by Qin Shu, and ran to Jianzong to take a bath, when he received this message from Qin Shu.

He immediately stood up, wrapped himself in a robe and ran outside. As he ran, he asked, "Master, what's wrong? But you want to fight with someone? Disciple, bring more magic weapons to help you!"

After hearing this, Qin Shu was really angry and funny, "Do we need you in a fight?! Come here quickly! I'll take you to refine weapons!"

"Weapon refining?" You Zijin scratched his wet hair with the fragrance of herbs in confusion.

Could it be that... you want to take him to learn from the fellow disciples of Qi Sect?

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