Qin Shu subconsciously pulled her black robe and wrapped her slim figure tightly. She looked at Lu Jin warily and said, "Your heart seems to be too easily disturbed."

Lu Jin looked at her as if she was guarding against thieves and glared at her with a dark face, "I take back what I just said."

Qin Shu smiled and loosened her hand holding the hem of her clothes, "If you say that, then I'll be relieved."

She raised her hands and clasped her hands behind her back, and walked out in a swaggering manner. Seeing this, Lu Jin quickly chased after her.

"Qin Shu, the person from Xuantian Sect who has been replaced by our Tianji Pavilion seems to be named Qin Mian? He has the same surname as you, do you know him?"

Qin Shu didn't even stop, she strode towards the outside of the house, and said casually: "I don't know you."

Lu Jin didn't doubt his presence and quickly followed him, "There is someone else you don't know in Jian Zong? It's also strange, but Sui Han might want you to exchange for him."

Qin Shu chuckled and glanced at her, "If he wants me to go, I'll go? I have my own things to do, and I'm not the kind of person who comes and leaves at the drop of a hat."

After hearing her words, Lu Jin felt a strange feeling in his heart.

She is really...chicken.

At this moment, Qin Shu's jade slip suddenly fluctuated. Qin Shu took it out and looked at it, and the smile on her face froze.

Did the slap in the face come so quickly?

I saw a message from Sui Han on the jade slip, "I'm ready here. Come over another day and let's draw the spiritual roots together." 】

Qin Shu had a dumb look on her face and quietly glanced at Lu Jin out of the corner of her eye. Seeing that she didn't notice her, she quickly replied to Sui Han, "Okay." 】

Obviously, Lu Jin didn't know about this episode, and he asked himself: "How did you select the people who replaced us in Tianji Pavilion? Could it be that they are also talented people like me?"

Qin Shu: "..."

It’s not her who said that it’s good for people to be more confident sometimes, but...

She is over one hundred and forty years old and is still in the late stages of foundation building. How dare she? Say you are a genius?

Lu Jin might be a little embarrassed herself. She coughed lightly and raised her hand to touch her nose.

Qin Shu also turned around at this time, looked at Lu Jin and said, "I'm going back to practice. This is my master's mountain top. I can't take you as a guest. You should go back first."

Lu Jin nodded and asked her expectantly, "Then when will you come out next time? I'll come and take a bath with you!"

Qin Shu: "..."

How can such a nice girl have a vulgar temperament as soon as she opens her mouth?

"If nothing else happens, I will come out once every five days. If there is anything else, I can't tell."

"I know this. I waited for you for eight days last time!" Lu Jin complained.

Qin Shu coughed lightly and said, "Okay, go back and practice hard."

This was the second time Qin Shu told Lu Jin that she should practice well. As soon as she finished speaking, she disappeared in front of Lu Jin's eyes.

Lu Jin watched Qin Shu walk away, and the anger in his heart rose.

"Land from!!"

She held the jade slip and complained: "You taught Qin Shu how to shrink to an inch, and you didn't teach me! Am I still your biological sister?"

Lu Li also responded very quickly, "Lu Jin, I'm warning you, you are here to practice, don't go looking for trouble with Qin Shu, you know?"

Lu Jin was already aggrieved, but when he said this, he immediately became even more aggrieved, "I want to cause trouble for her, but you don't want to think about her cultivation level and my cultivation level? How to find it! Lu Li! You must Dad picked it up, that’s why he’s not close to me!”

Lu Li was slightly relieved after hearing this, "It's rare that you still have such awareness."

"We are talking about being reduced to an inch, don't change the subject!" Lu Jin said fiercely.

"Okay, okay, okay, since you saw it, why don't you take a closer look? Take a good look at her shrinkage. Is it the same as mine?! She has earth spirit roots! She uses earth spirit energy to shorten the distance." Lu Li was not angry either. said.

Lu Jin was stunned, and his anger dissipated a lot.

Could it be...that she really saw it wrong?

Lu Li continued: "When I taught her the movement technique, she realized this new movement technique on her own, and also taught me an algorithm."

"Wait a minute." Lu Jin interrupted him, "Brother, are you not mistaken? You, a disciple of Tianji Pavilion, actually asked an weapon refiner to teach you the algorithm?"

"What kind of weapon refiner? Qin Shu is a physical practitioner!" Lu Li corrected decisively.

Lu Jin: "?"

"But she is refining weapons now." Lu Jin said.

Lu Li was silent for a long time, and then said, "Maybe... she has developed other interests and hobbies?"

Lu Jin thought it was possible, "Okay, let's not talk about it for now. The female cultivator from Xuantianmen who went there today..."

She originally wanted to ask if Suihan had approached Suihan, but then she thought, Qin Shu's words seemed to ring in her ears again.

"Practice well, there are many men...cultivate yourself, how can you succeed if you focus on others..."

She coughed lightly, bringing her thoughts back, and the words on her lips became, "Tell her happy holidays for me."

Land from:"?"

"Happy holidays? Are there any holidays recently? Tomb-Sweeping Day? Not appropriate, right?"

Why is my sister acting strange just a few days after leaving?

"Oh, then I wish her happiness every day! Let's not talk about it for now, I'm busy!"

Lu Li held the jade slip and looked at Lu Jin's name gradually fading, and shook his head helplessly.

I really don’t know whether it is good or bad to let Lu Jin go to Xuantianmen this time?

But his father had predicted that Lu Jin’s opportunity was in Xuantianmen, so he pushed him there desperately.

As for the female cultivator from Xuantianmen…

Lu Li’s eyes fell on the female cultivator who was practicing sword in the martial arts field. She was practicing sword when he passed by here an hour ago. Why is she still practicing now?

Looking at her stubborn look, she looks a bit like Qin Shu in the past.

Are all the disciples of their Xuantianmen so stubborn?

As for what Lu Jin asked her to say? Lu Li just forgot about it.

Happy every day? She seems to be very happy practicing sword.

It’s almost Qingming Festival. The important task of Tianji Pavilion’s ancestor worship this time falls on Sui Han, and he has to go again.

Sui Han has recovered well now. Seeing him sitting leisurely under the tree drinking tea, his face is ruddy and his mind is focused, it is easy to make people jealous.

"Sui Han, Master asked me to pass on a message. You will lead the ancestor worship during the Qingming Festival this year." Lu Li said.

Sui Han's hand holding the teacup didn't even shake, and he said directly: "Most of the burial sites of the sect are for your ancestors, why do you want me to go?"

Lu Li shrugged, "I want to know too, but I'm just a messenger."

The teacup was brought to his lips, and Sui Han's hand paused slightly, saying: "You go for me."

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