I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 665 Midnight Demon Hunter

Qin Shu knocked on the door of the small courtyard and appeared in front of Sui Han and others.

Sui Han looked her over from head to toe and nodded slightly, "Yes, you are dressed in black at the right time."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows after hearing this, "What's wrong with the black clothes?"

Seeing that she really didn't know, Qian Ning said, "Don't you know about the Midnight Demon Hunter? I heard that a female cultivator in black single-handedly singled out hundreds of demons last night, beating them until they were unable to fight back. "There are far fewer demons on the streets today."

Qin Shu: "?"

What about this? She was also hunting demons last night. Didn't she hear any movement in the city?

"You don't know?" Qian Ning asked.

Qin Shu shook her head, "I was out hunting demons last night, but I didn't see the midnight demon hunter you mentioned?"

Qian Ning was stunned and looked confused, "Huh?"

Sui Han suddenly felt blessed as he listened to the conversation between the two of them, "You guys think that the legendary midnight demon hunter outside is probably... Shu'er, right?"

Qin Shu's tiger body trembled, and she waved her hands wildly: "Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously, I only hunted eight demons last night, which is much worse than one against a hundred! Maybe I went there late, and the midnight demon hunter had already left ”

Sui Han thought about it. Although Qin Shu was powerful, it was still possible for her to deal with four or five demons at the same time. To fight one against a hundred, she might need to be at the level of a god or above.

Qin Shu spoke and gave the eight cores to Wen Yu.

"Mom, please keep it and use it slowly. I will go out to hunt a few more at night."

Wen Yu looked at the heavy crystal nuclei of various colors in her hand, then raised her eyes to look at her daughter, her face full of relief.

Although my daughter is young, she is already able to take care of herself. "You don't have to work so hard. When you return to Scarlet Gold City, my mother will not come out easily."

Qin Shu shook her head, "When your spiritual roots are recovered, you can practice again and go wherever you want."

Sui Han on the side saw this and asked, "Where is Qin Wuya? Did you bring him back?"

Qin Shu nodded, glanced at the empty yard, and asked them to take a few steps back.

Wen Yu and others retreated as instructed, but saw Qin Shu shaking her head, "No, keep retreating."

Several people were confused, why is such a big place not enough? Is Qin Wuya so fat?

But they were still confused, so they moved back a little further.

It wasn't until Qin Shu estimated that the distance was almost there that she told them to stop. Then she raised her hand and touched the bracelet on her wrist. A huge black gold and black iron cage appeared in front of them without any warning, making a "bang" sound. .

A figure was sitting in the cage, leaning against the arm-thick railings. His hair had grown to his ankles and was knotted messily.

Perhaps the sudden brightness caused some discomfort to Qin Wuya. He squinted his eyes for a long time to adjust before looking at the crowd not far away.

In a daze, he seemed to see his stepmother Wen.

It seems that they are determined to take away the spiritual roots.

Could it be that... they really have mastered the method of extracting spiritual roots?

Until his eyes fell on the two people standing beside Qin Shu and her daughter. A male cultivator with yellow hair, from Central China?

Another one with white hair? It seemed that he had seen him in the mortal world, but this time, he was wearing clothes from Tianji Pavilion.

Qin Wuya's brows wrinkled little by little...

"A guy in the foundation building stage is still worthy of you using a black gold and black iron cage?" Sui Han clicked his tongue twice.

Qin Shu was silent for a moment, "They said they were worried about Qin Wuya causing harm, so it would be safer this way."

Sui Han thought for a moment and then nodded, "Yes."

As soon as she turned her head, she met Qin Shu's expectant gaze, "What to do next? What preparations are needed? Do you need me to do anything else?"

Suihan glanced at her lightly and said, "You still have a lot to do."

Qin Shu sighed, but she had already prepared in her heart. It would definitely not be that easy to extract the spiritual root.

However, he heard Sui Han continue to say: "You have to do it yourself to draw the spiritual root."

Qin Shu was stunned. She originally thought it was Sui Han who was doing the operation, but she was helping him, but now she was actually allowed to do it by herself.

Qin Shu was a little shocked. She couldn't do it at all. It was a spiritual root. If something went wrong...

How could Suihan not know what she was thinking and just explain the reason directly.

"If you draw out your spiritual roots, there will be a backlash. I'm afraid my broken body won't be able to withstand it."

He looked at Qin Wuya in the cage, and then said slowly: "But you are different. It was him who drew your spiritual root in the first place. There is cause and effect between you. In addition, I didn't give you a Jade slip?"

He has never been able to understand the most critical part of the secret of shielding, but it is obvious that Qin Shu has understood it.

Qin Shu suddenly realized, "Then... I can only come."

Staring at Qin Wuya in the cage, Qin Shu grinned, "What should I do?"

Suihan took out many things and placed them in the yard, and drew large and complicated patterns on the ground with the spiritual blood of the earth dragon.

Qian Ning watched curiously. In this regard, Zhongzhou and Dongzhou were really different.

Most of the runes in Central Continent are used in alchemy runes, and it is rare to draw such large runes.

Suihan's hand with sharp bones held a pen and dipped it in the earth dragon spirit blood in the bottle before finishing the last stroke.

He stood up and looked at the entire rune, and found that there was nothing wrong with it. He flipped his hand and put the pen and ink in his hand back into the storage ring.


Qin Shu looked at it for a long time and was very sure that these runes involved her blind spot in knowledge, which she had never touched before.

"What are these used for?" Qin Shu asked.

Sui Han retracted his gaze, "Assisting the formation, aren't you going to learn how he extracted spiritual roots eighteen years ago?"

Qin Shu just nodded, and heard Sui Han continue to say: "You have to go quickly, you are getting older, and the more spiritual power you need to travel through time and space for one more year."

Qin Shu: "..."

I didn't feel anything at first, why did I suddenly feel old after hearing him say that?

Just when Qin Shu was silent, Sui Han beside her continued to speak, "Three times."

Qin Shu was startled and looked up at him.

Sui Han said solemnly, "You must learn it within three times. This formation can only be used three times, and my spiritual energy is only enough to take you back three times."

Qin Shu was relieved when she heard that this was the case, "Don't worry, it won't take three times at all."

Sui Han raised his eyebrows, "So confident?"

Qin Shu smiled, "You will know later."

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Sui Han asked Qin Shu to put Qin Wuya away first, and then led Qin Shu to stand in the center of the formation, raised his hand and pinched a complicated formula, and the two figures disappeared from the courtyard bit by bit.

Eighteen years ago, Qin Shu was still a baby in swaddling clothes.

The young Qin Wuya held Qin Shu in one hand and drew large black runes on the floor and walls of the house with a pen in the other hand...

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