I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 679 Centipede Catching Treasures

After leaving Nanxiang City, the no-fly formation was gone. Qin Shu took out her sword again and stood up, flying in the direction of Maoshan according to the flight guide on the jade slip.

This is a mountain depression with a large ditch in the center and many small ditches around it.

At this time, Qin Shu was standing on the sword. Looking from a high place, it looked like a centipede crawling, with a clear head and tail.

There are rows of buildings standing at the other end, which should be the location of Maoshan Jiang's family.

This kind of earth vein has a special name in Feng Shui, it is called - centipede catching treasure.

Ordinary people would definitely not be able to live here, but it would be extremely suitable for the Jiang family to live here.

Qin Shu couldn't fly as soon as she got close to the centipede. She must have set up a no-fly formation.

Qin Shu fell from the sky, and as soon as she approached the centipede area, a surge of evil energy rushed towards her.

Qin Shu clicked her tongue twice and quickly circulated her spiritual energy twice.

Here, even if the evil spirit comes, we have to stay away, right?

With such a powerful evil spirit, how many zombies have they raised?

Qin Shu thought about it for a while, but finally went in anyway.

However, before she could take two steps, she was stopped by a middle-aged female cultivator.

The female nun looks to be in her thirties, wearing a ponytail, and looks cold.

"Who is coming?"

Qin Shu was stopped by her and quickly bowed, "Qin Shu from Xuantianmen wants to do some small business with the Jiang family. Please pass the news on my behalf."

The female cultivator glanced at her lightly, but Qin Shu couldn't help but feel hairs on her back, as if she was being stared at by something vaginal.

At this time, an extremely ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in Qin Shu's mind.

Could this person... be a zombie raised by the Jiang family?

If that was the case, if he could maintain his appearance and cultivation after death... She could suddenly understand why so many people signed life-and-death contracts with the Jiang family.

She originally thought that the nun was going to say something else, but she didn't expect that she just took out a stick of incense, flicked it in the air, and lit it.

Qin Shu watched her put the incense on the ground. Green smoke was lingering. After a while, someone... ah no, it couldn't be said to be a human being came over carrying a sedan.

Compared to the female nuns, these two people are obviously more like zombies. Their legs and feet are very stiff, their eyes are rolled upward, and their skin is a little brown.

The walking was different from what they saw on TV in their previous lives. Although they were a little stiff, they did walk through it.

The sedan stopped in front of Qin Shu, and the female cultivator made an inviting gesture towards Qin Shu.

Qin Shu felt brave as she hugged her beautiful son, but she got on the sedan with a calm expression on her face.

Sitting on the sedan chair, he raised the curtains and looked outside.

"It doesn't seem to be very slow." The scenery outside flashed past her.

Ji Duo also stuck his head out from her chest and looked outside.

After watching it for a while, it immediately turned its head and buried the large flower plate into Qin Shu's arms.


Qin Shu raised her hand and patted him, "Don't look, we'll be here soon."

She had already seen that the sedan chair had reached the head of the centipede, and there were rows of buildings in front of it.

Unlike the Yan family, the layout of the Jiang family is exactly the opposite. They are gradually sunken layer by layer, and the lowest house is gradually shrouded in the thick evil aura, making it difficult to see clearly.

The sedan finally swayed and finally stopped.

Qin Shu opened the curtain and jumped down.

At this time, a monk happened to come towards me and raised his fist towards Qin Shu. "It's really rare that a righteous monk comes to my Jiang family alone."

Qin Shu smiled and said, "The right path and evil cultivation are just empty names. In my opinion, the Jiang family does not kill innocent people indiscriminately, but the skills they practice are different from mine."

Her words made the people who came to greet her laugh. "Fellow Daoist Qin is an eloquent person. I am in Xiajiang Ming. Please come in."

Seeing his magnanimous appearance, Qin Shu felt relieved a little. As she followed him inside, she said, "Your Jiang family's hospitality is really good. This is the first time in my life that I have sat in a sedan chair. "

Jiang Ming also smiled happily, "Fellow Taoist Taoist teachings are profound and will make you laugh."

Qin Shu shook her head, "My compliment is true."

Jiang Ming was stunned when he met her sincere eyes. After a moment, he smiled again and continued to lead the way.

After going down two levels, we came to a tiled house.

The house is very bright, but it is in a shady place.

As soon as Qin Shu walked in, a chill hit her face.

She didn't even have aura to circulate, and her expression didn't change at all.

This made Jiang Ming look at her with admiration again. It was unclear what kind of cultivation this fellow Taoist had, but he knew with just one hand that she was not a soft persimmon.

Jiang Ming stood in the main room and said to the inner room: "Third uncle, fellow Taoist Qin is here."

There was a muffled groan in the room, and after a moment, he coughed a few times, "Here he comes..."

The sound was like an old bellows that someone's family had used for many years. Just listening to it made my ears irritate.

Qin Shu's expression was natural, but Jiang Ming quietly looked back at her.

Qin Shu caught it and smiled at him.

Such a bright smile is rare in their Jiang family.

Jiang Ming lowered his head and said to Qin Shu: "Fellow Daoist Qin, Third Uncle please come in. His legs and feet are not good, so please bear with me."

Qin Shu nodded, "Fellow Taoist, you're welcome. I'm a junior. It's my duty to go and see the seniors."

Jiang Ming stepped back two steps and made way for Qin Shu.

Qin Shu walked in and found that the light in the inner room was particularly dim, with only a small window open.

Jiang's third uncle was sitting in the backlight, and only his shriveled figure could be seen, and nothing else could be seen clearly.

"Senior Jiang." Qin Shu bowed respectfully.

Jiang's third uncle also responded, "Yes."

After a while, he said, "Fellow Daoist Qin, what are you doing here in my Jiang family?"

Qin Shu's attitude was still respectful, with her eyebrows lowered and her eyes flattering. She held Ji Duo in one hand and stood with her other hand hanging down.

"Junior wants to buy some corpse oil from you." Qin Shu said directly.

Jiang Ming outside the door couldn't help but cough, and Qin Shu heard a little smile from it.

Uncle Jiang also raised his head at this time and looked at Qin Shu, "You are a righteous cultivator, and you want to buy corpse oil from us?"

The tone seemed to fluctuate a little, and Qin Shu nodded, "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I'm not going to do anything bad. I came here just because I heard that your Jiang family's corpse oil has less karma."

Uncle Jiang was silent for a moment, and obviously didn't plan to ask her what she wanted the corpse oil for.

After a moment, he continued: "I can sell you corpse oil, and I can also help you get rid of karma, but..."

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