I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 690 A group of hypocritical hypocrites

Qin Shu glanced at him and saw that he closed his eyes and looked innocent, as if the words just now did not come from his mouth.

Qin Shu was in a good mood at the moment, so she didn't bother with him.

Qin Shu watched Ji Duo give all six skewers of barbecue in his hand to A Jin, and grilled a few more for him.

Who knew that her eldest son had just taken the hot skewers in his hand and gave them away again.

Qin Shu: "..."

Facing Ji Duo's pitiful eyes again, Qin Shu rejected him coldly this time.

"If you want to eat, grill it yourself."

Ji Duo knew that he was in the wrong, pouted his lips, lowered his head, and looked a little sad.

At this moment, a skewer of barbecue was delivered to him.

"Yeah?" Jiduo looked up in surprise, and saw Ajin saying with a look of disgust: "Why are you frowning? It's like someone bullied you! You eat it!"

Jiduo's eyes lit up, and he looked at the small skewers in her hand again, "Then I...really ate it?"

"Eat it!"

Jiduo: "Then will you cry?"

Ajin: "?!"

"Who cried! I didn't cry!"

"I saw it with my own eyes, how can it be false!"


One person and one flower quarreled while dividing the skewers in their hands.

Seeing this, Qin Shu stood up and raised her hand to clean up the traces they left here. She stuffed Sang Ze into the monster bag and turned to Ji Duo and A Jin and said, "It's time to go."

Her hair fluttered in the breeze. Ji Duo looked over and said excitedly, "Are you going home?!"

Qin Shu nodded, "Yes, I'll take you back first."

By the way, wait for the news from the big snake. She has gathered the materials for sword-making, but the five-colored stone may be a little more troublesome.

She took out the communication jade slip and sent another message to the big snake, and then took A Jin and Ji Duo on the way home.

"Do you have anything else to take?" Qin Shu asked.

A Jin shook her head, "No, everything here makes me bored."

She frowned, and there was some boredom between her young eyebrows that was inconsistent with her age.

Qin Shu chuckled, swept her eyes across the pile of rocks, and asked A Jin: "What happened here? These stones should not have been here originally, right?"

A Jin stood on Qin Shu's shoulder and chuckled, "Where I come from, these stones come from."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows. The five-colored stones were left over from the Nuwa clan when they repaired the sky. So these stones also came from the sky?


Qin Shu tilted her head, her thoughts began to jump again, but her steps did not slow down at all.

"Has there been a war here? Why do I see sword marks on these stones?" Qin Shu asked again as if inadvertently.

A Jin snorted again, "What war? It's just a masterpiece of a group of hypocrites."

Qin Shu wanted to ask again, and A Jin yawned at the right time, "I'm sleepy. I didn't sleep well last night!"

Ji Duo, who was rooted in the flower pot and held in Qin Shu's arms, raised his dark face and grinned at A Jin, "A Jin, do you want to sit in the flower pot for a while?"

A Jin smiled with the corners of his mouth and deliberately said, "Aren't you afraid that I will eat up all your Xi Ran?"

Qin Shu also raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and was a little curious about Ji Duo's answer.

Unexpectedly, the next moment she heard Ji Duo's crisp voice, "Don't be afraid! There are still a lot of them at home!"

Qin Shu: "..."

She was almost laughed at by this little bastard, "You don't feel sorry for using my things to do favors."

Ji Duo heard Qin Shu's voice, and his eyes fell on her face again, and asked again: "Mom, will you feel sorry?"

Qin Shu: "?"

This is not a question of whether you will feel sorry or not.

But when she met the two little ones' eyes, she still said tactfully: "Leave some for me, I need it for sword-making."

Ji Duo smiled, "Mother is the best!"

A Jin seemed to have thought of something. She was silent for a long time, and finally made a decision. She looked up at Qin Shu and said: "You are a good person, I will not eat your Xirang for nothing."

Qin Shu's heart skipped a beat. Why did she suddenly feel that her wish would come true?

The way here was quite difficult, but it was much easier to go back.

Flying north according to the route-finding guide, Qin Shu landed in less than a day.

"So fast?" Qin Shu was a little surprised.

That is to say, Penglai Fairy Mountain is actually less than a day's journey away from their Dongzhou, but she wasted countless months on the ship.

As soon as she landed, the communication jade slip suddenly lit up. Qin Shu opened it and found that it was sent by the big snake.

【You go back first, I'll come to find you. 】

Qin Shu also replied immediately, "Are you done? Where are you now?"

The deep voice of the big snake came from the jade slip, and there seemed to be a hint of laughter in it, "Is this what they call checking up?"

Qin Shu: "?"

The fingers holding the jade slip turned slightly red. She cleared her throat and just quietly organized her words to reply.

She heard Ji Duo's whisper, "It's my dad who is talking. My dad is very powerful... But don't be afraid, my dad listens to my mom the most..."

Qin Shu: "..."

Silence is the moonlight tonight, which is covered by dark clouds, making it difficult for her to see clearly.

"I'll be back soon." Thousands of words, finally converged into this sentence.

Qin Shu traveled overnight and took three teleportation arrays before she arrived at the gate of her own mountain.

She had just sent Ji Duo and A Jin back when she received a message from Junior Sister Chi Yu.

"Shu Er, I have come out of retreat and come to spar with you."

It was concise and to the point, but it was irresistible.

I really don't know how much the junior sister who absorbed the power of the ancestors has grown up to. It really makes people want to have a good fight.

Qin Shu said a few words to Ji Duo and let them play at home. Then she stepped on the sword and rushed to the next door sword sect.

As soon as Qin Shu arrived, she heard a series of cheers.


"This sword is so cool!"

"Junior Sister Chi Yu is amazing!"


Qin Shu walked over, and the senior brothers and sisters around her made a little space for her.

"Junior sister Qin Shu, come over here and look! I'll give you some space."

"Come over here, we're thinner, and we can stand three people."

"Come over here! I'm in the front!"


After pulling one and pulling the other, Qin Shu soon stood in the front row.

Seeing Senior sister Chiyu holding the Chixiao Sword, and standing opposite her was Senior Brother Cheng Yan.

Qin Shu was shocked. How did the two of them fight?

Senior sister Chiyu was one realm lower than Senior Brother, how could she be his opponent?

However, she soon understood that both of them were self-proclaimed cultivators, and this time the competition was purely about swordsmanship!

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