I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 704 It’s time to use your big moves

Hearing this, Xie Shiyuan immediately turned his head to look at Qin Shu beside him. Qin Shu met their gazes and finally nodded helplessly, "Well... okay."

Xie Shiyuan's eyebrows were stained with a thin layer of joy, and Qin Shu naturally saw it.

Qin Shu thought of the expression her mother might have when she saw Xie Shiyuan, and suddenly...she couldn't help but look forward to it.

"When are you going?" Qin Shu turned her head and asked Xie Shiyuan.

Xie Shiyuan looked calm, and Qin Shu thought he was not in a hurry, but he said directly: "It's better to do it today than to wait for a day."

Qin Shu looked up at the gradually darkening sky, and said helplessly: "Today is not suitable."

Xie Shiyuan frowned, "What? Can't see you again?"

Qin Shu saw his look, and it seemed that he was going to get stuck in a dead end, so she quickly said: "Big snake, my mother is now a mortal."

Xie Shiyuan's brows frowned even tighter, "Are you afraid that I will scare her?"

"I mean, she has to sleep at night." Qin Shu was helpless.

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

He clenched his fist and put it to his lips and coughed lightly, hiding his embarrassment, "It's okay to see you tomorrow."

Qin Shu smiled, but Xie Shiyuan seemed to have thought of something, and he raised his foot to walk out of the restriction.

"Where are you going?" Qin Shu asked quickly.

Before the words fell, Xie Shiyuan's figure had disappeared from the spot, leaving only one sentence:

"You can't go empty-handed."

Qin Shu: "..."

Still quite polite.

"Mom, you look so beautiful when you smile. The way you smile at Daddy is different from the way you smile at Duoduo!"

Qin Shu lowered her head when she heard the words, and she was right in front of Ji Duo's raised flower plate.

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows and asked, "How is it different?"

Ji Duo touched his chin and thought for a long time, but he didn't find an appropriate description from his simple vocabulary.

In the end, A Jin couldn't stand it anymore, stretched out his hand and patted his big flower plate, "Stupid!"

Ji Duo rubbed his head and glanced at her with a flat mouth, "Then you say."

Qin Shu also looked at A Jin, and saw A Jin with his hands on his waist, "Your mother's eyes looking at your father are like... like... can draw silk!"

Qin Shu: "..."

She was wrong, she shouldn't be here, she should have gone with the big snake just now.

Jiduo looked at Ajin with admiration, and Ajin became more confident, "When your mother tasted your father..."

Qin Shu's heart trembled, and she quickly cast a silence spell.

Stop talking, what kind of lewd words are these.

Ajin's eyes widened, and she looked at Qin Shu's face flushed with anger.

Jiduo's two leaves were still pulling her sleeves and asking, "What happened when she tasted my father? Ajin, you should tell me! Why are you talking halfway!"

Qin Shu coughed lightly and quickly interrupted Jiduo's curiosity.

"Ajin is tired, don't shake her all the time, you kids won't understand adult matters..."

Jiduo looked at Ajin's flushed face, and she didn't look tired at all.

"Are you really tired?"

Qin Shu nodded, and then said with a stern face: "You are young, so you should focus on cultivation. You are not supposed to understand your parents' affairs. You will know when you grow up."

Ji Duo suddenly realized, and A Jin beside her also understood at this time.

She crossed her arms, glanced at Qin Shu, and whispered to her, "I see that your bone age should be much younger than mine."

Qin Shu: "..."

She was made of five-colored stones. It was unknown how many years had passed from the beginning of the world to the emergence of consciousness.

It was unknown how many years had passed from her consciousness to being found by herself.

But, she is old, but not experienced enough!

This little thing is like a blank sheet of paper, at most slightly better than her stupid son.

"Bone age can't explain everything. I know you need Xirang to cultivate, and it's just right for you to keep Ji Duo company during this period." Qin Shu also whispered to her.

A Jin knew that Xirang was a rare thing, and she also wanted to return the favor.

"I know you want the five-colored stones." A Jin suddenly said.

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows, and A Jin continued: "You are a good person. I can feel that you are not aggressive towards me. I will give you some of the five-colored stones after eating your Xirang, but... maybe there won't be many at the beginning."

Qin Shu was shocked. Really... pull?

A Jin continued: "My hair grows very slowly. I will give you some first. When it grows longer next time, I will give you more."

As she spoke, she touched her hair with her hand, and then reached out her hand, and there was a small piece of broken hair in it.

Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was just hair, otherwise she didn't know whether she should take it or not...

A Jin's shoulder-length hair did become shorter, and now it can only reach her chin, just covering her round face.

Qin Shu thanked her and saw that she didn't seem to like the length of her hair now, and always blinked when her bangs swept over her. She thought for a moment, took out a pink hairband from the storage ring, and tied two small tufts on Ajin's head, which made him look very cute.

Jiduo beside him also exclaimed, "It looks good! I want one too!"

Qin Shu looked at his bare head and had no idea where to start.

But seeing his eager look, she finally sighed and put a necklace on his neck, adjusting the size of the ring so that it would fit on his two leaves.

"This one is better looking!"

This Yingluo was a spiritual tool she bought when she first came to the world of immortal cultivation. It can not only hide her cultivation, but also change her appearance.

Of course, for her now, it is really useless.

But it is just right to coax the child.

Jiduo was very happy, "Jiduo must transform as soon as possible! Stay close to mother!"


Qin Shu just smiled and agreed, and there was another wave of fluctuations in the restriction outside the cave, as if someone was coming.

It must not be a big snake. He had no effect on the formation when he entered and exited the sect, let alone here.

To put it bluntly, the formation here is to prevent gentlemen but not villains. If any of the masters want to come in, she can't stop them.

Qin Shu got up and walked out of the cave, and she also saw the visitor this time.

"Xiao You?" Qin Shu was very surprised, "Why are you here?"

You Zijin helplessly held his forehead, "My good master, isn't it natural for a disciple to come to the master? You teach swordsmanship to everyone, why don't you care whether your good disciple has learned it?"

Qin Shu raised an eyebrow, "The master leads the way to practice, and the practice is up to the individual."

After saying that, she muttered in a low voice, "I have been a disciple for ten years, and I have not seen the master a few times."

You Zijin naturally heard it, and of course he knew her master's character very well.

It seems that it is time to use the big move.

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