I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 707 The ugly son-in-law also wants to meet his mother-in-law

Jiduo opened his eyes and subconsciously retorted: "No way!"

Ajin said: "I saw them leave, but they didn't take you!"

Jiduo's eyes swept around the yard, and he heard Ajin continue to say: "Don't be sad, you have at least met your parents, how can you be like me..."

Jiduo looked at Ajin who suddenly became depressed, and thought for a while, "I'm not sad!"

Ajin was stunned, and when he looked up, he met Jiduo's little black face. Because the sunlight at this time just sprinkled on his big flower plate, his face was both black and bright.

Jiduo continued to grin, revealing rows of small fangs, "Dad and mom must have gone to see grandma! Duoduo must practice well! When you transform, you will also go to see grandma!"

Ajin: "..."

Jiduo's leaf touched Ajin's head, and then said: "Ajin, don't be sad, my parents are your parents, my grandma is your grandma! I will practice well and take you to see grandma!"

Ajin stared at it for a long time, and then turned away.

Jiduo thought she was embarrassed, but she didn't expect Ajin to squeeze out two words from her mouth, "It's so dark..."


This time, Jiduo was really sad.


Xie Shiyuan brought Qin Shu to Chijin City in an instant. Qin Shu's face was still recognized by many people in Chijin City.

She stared at the curious and gossipy eyes of the crowd, and couldn't stand it any longer. She quickly communicated with Xie Shiyuan quietly: "Big Snake, can I... come down first?"

Xie Shiyuan directly put a ban on her, and she found that she couldn't even move.


Qin Shu pulled the corner of her mouth, "Everyone is looking at us."

"Then let them watch."

Qin Shu blushed hard, but Xie Shiyuan was swaggering in Chijin City with his head held high.

The disciple who was interested in doing something waved at Qin Shu from a distance, "Junior Sister Qin Shu!"

Qin Shu smiled awkwardly and nodded, but the female disciple winked at Qin Shu and said, "Face-serving?"

Qin Shu hadn't spoken yet, but her heart was cold.

She quickly denied it, "No!"

Xie Shiyuan's expression had just improved a little, and Qin Shu quickly pointed to the wine shop not far away and said, "We're here!"

Xie Shiyuan looked up and saw an inconspicuous little wine shop with a flag hanging outside with the word "wine" written on it.

Seeing that he was about to meet his mother-in-law, Xie Shiyuan could no longer care about those people who were talking nonsense. He quickly straightened his expression and walked towards the direction of the winery.

Qin Shu was also a little nervous, and quickly patted Xie Shiyuan on the shoulder, "Put me down first!"

This time, Xie Shiyuan did not stop him. Qin Shu just stood still and walked towards the yard before him.

As soon as she took a step forward, she was pulled back by Xie Shiyuan's collar.

Qin Shu looked back in surprise and met Xie Shiyuan's calm eyes.


Qin Shu was stunned and suddenly felt a little funny. She thought about it and raised her hand to hold his big hand, "This way you won't be nervous."

Xie Shiyuan's lips curved up. He now almost understood her character.

She is a soft-hearted person who doesn't take hardship. Showing weakness appropriately seems... not bad.

Qian Ning just walked out of the woodshed with a large bunch of firewood, and saw Qin Shu pulling a man in from the door.

"Hua La——" He was so shocked that the firewood in his arms fell to the ground.

"Qin, he... who is he?" Qian Ning glanced at Xie Shiyuan, then at Qin Shu, with an incredible look on his face.

Qin Shu's face was stained with a blush, "My Taoist partner."

After saying this, it seemed that she was not embarrassed anymore. She coughed lightly and asked directly: "Where is my mother?"

Qian Ning blinked and came back to her senses, "In the kitchen, I'll go call my aunt out."

Xie Shiyuan looked at Qian Ning's back and suddenly thought of something, "He is the person you asked Li Niang to send back?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Yeah."

Wen Yu had already come out of the kitchen while talking.

As soon as they met, Xie Shiyuan found that his mother-in-law really had no spiritual fluctuations.

Qin Wuya? He remembered it.

Wen Yu looked at the pair of people in the yard, the man was tall and the woman was beautiful.

She was so excited that she couldn't close her mouth and wiped the water on her hands on her apron.

"Here he comes! Is this my good son-in-law? He is really handsome. Come in first! Come in first."

Qin Shu pulled Xie Shiyuan into the house and sat down. He sat on the chair obediently and let Wen Yu look at him.

Wen Yu has lived for more than 600 years, and her ability to judge people is much better than Qin Shu.

She looked at Xie Shiyuan from head to toe and couldn't help but "tsk tsk" twice.

It's really good. Whether it's physique or cultivation, he is a dragon among men.

The most important thing is that although this person is a demon, he has clear eyes and no hostility. He doesn't look like a treacherous and evil person.

But he is a demon after all. I heard that demons are strong and energetic. In the future, her daughter... will suffer a little.

She smiled, "You didn't even tell me you were coming. I'll prepare some good things for you."

Qin Shu leaned over and hugged her arm, "Why would you bother going back home?"

Wen Yu glanced at Xie Shiyuan again, "You're so easy to say. This is the first time for Xiao Xie to come to my house."

Xie Shiyuan couldn't help blushing when he heard Xiao Xie.

It felt good. It seemed that his mother-in-law liked him very much.

He quickly took out the gifts he had prepared, "I came here in a hurry today, so I didn't bring much. I'll make it up to you next time."

Wen Yu looked at the pile of red boxes in front of her, and her face was even more happy.

Although she didn't know what the things were, she would definitely like the gifts from her son-in-law.

She stood up happily, "Since you are here today, don't leave. Mom will cook for you."

Qin Shu quickly stood up, "Mom, I'll help you."

Chengfeng, who had just followed Wen Yu into the house, was about to walk out, but was stopped by Xie Shiyuan's eyes.

As Qin Shu and her daughter left, only Xie Shiyuan and Chengfeng were left in the house.

Chengfeng bowed to Xie Shiyuan, "Senior."

Xie Shiyuan glanced at him, "Is my mother-in-law doing well these days?"

Chengfeng originally thought that he was just trying to coax the female cultivator, but he didn't expect that he was serious. Even his mother-in-law recognized him, and his attitude immediately became more respectful.

"Everything is going well. Fellow Daoist Qin's fellow disciples are here to take care of us. No one is blind enough to cause trouble."

Xie Shiyuan just nodded when he heard Chengfeng pause and then said, "However, someone came here six days ago. He didn't show up but just watched from the dark for a day."

Xie Shiyuan frowned slightly, "Do you know who it was?"

Chengfeng shook his head, "When that person left, I followed him out of Chijin City, but I was worried that they were luring the tiger away from the mountain, so I hurried back. I only know that the person left in the east."

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