"This kid, he came here and brought so many things."

Although he said so, the joy in Wen Yu's eyes betrayed her long ago.

Her son-in-law said that he came in a hurry and didn't prepare any good things, but what's the harm? The children's heart is enough, why does she need so many things now?

However, when she opened it, she was stunned by the room full of jewels and gems.

Cheng Feng, who was following her, was also shocked. That was... Sea Pearl and Jade? ! He had been looking for it for 1,300 years! He couldn't find it!

And that, the Dragon-Breaking Treasure Bone!

Sun and Moon Fairy Spring!


If these things were given to him, I'm afraid he could turn into a dragon on the spot.

That senior actually called this...nothing good? So what is a good thing in his eyes?

The envy in Cheng Feng's eyes was almost condensed into substance, and he wanted to grab the things and run away.

But he didn't dare at all.

Qian Ning leaned over to a round fan and looked at it carefully. He asked Wen Yu, "Aunt, what is this? It's so beautiful."

Wen Yu smiled and picked up the round fan, "This is called a round fan."

"Youmeng Ruyi Fan." Chengfeng's voice sounded almost at the same time as hers.

Wen Yu turned around in surprise and looked at Chengfeng, "Do you know it?"

Chengfeng nodded, and then heard Wen Yu ask again, "What is the use of this fan?"

Chengfeng's voice was a little envious, "This fan is a top-grade Taoist weapon. One fan makes you confused, two fans make you dream, and three fans make you seduce."

Qian Ning's literary skills were not that good. He didn't understand what Chengfeng said, but he could roughly guess that this thing was very powerful based on his tone.

Wen Yu understood it, and she took the fan in her hand and looked at it carefully.

"You mean... this fan can evoke people's inner demons?" Wen Yu asked.

Chengfeng nodded slightly and agreed with her.

Wen Yu laughed and put the fan back into the box. "I don't even have my spiritual roots now. It's a waste of such a good thing in my hands."

Cheng Feng shook his head, "No, this fan doesn't consume spiritual power."

"No spiritual power?" Wen Yu was also surprised, "Then it will consume spiritual stones?"

Cheng Feng still shook his head, "No, if you want to use this thing, you have to consume mental power."

"Mental power!"

Wen Yu was interested. Qian Ning had taught her magic and how to use mental power before.

Although she is not very powerful now, she is not completely ignorant.

"Just input mental power?" Wen Yu asked.

Cheng Feng nodded slightly, "It should be so. I have only heard about it before, and this is the first time I have seen it."

Wen Yu controlled her mental power and input it into the round fan. Feeling that she gradually connected with the round fan, she gently fanned the fan.

This fan caused Qian Ning, who was closest to her, to suffer.

Seeing him standing there with his eyes gradually becoming blurred, Wen Yu quickly stopped.

No, no, I have to try with someone else next time.

She put away the fan, and Qian Ning gradually recovered.

Qian Ning is a great magician, and his mental power is very strong. It is precisely because of this that he can wake up quickly.

If it were someone else, it would take who knows how long he would be stunned.

Wen Yu pinned the fan on her waist. The fan was the size of a palm and did not take up space, but it could also make her no longer so... powerless.

Qian Ning and Cheng Feng knew what Wen Yu was going to do as soon as they saw her move, and no one said anything more.

"You help move these things in..."


Qin Shu followed Xie Shiyuan out of Wen Yu's small wine shop and headed towards Xuantian Gate.

Qin Shu was still placed on Xie Shiyuan's shoulder. She had gradually become accustomed to this mode of getting along, and it was not her who walked left and right.

"Are you going back?" Qin Shu asked.

Xie Shiyuan's footsteps were not slow, but he asked slowly: "Don't want to go back? Do you want to elope with me?"

Qin Shu: "..."

"I've seen my mother..." Qin Shu said.

Xie Shiyuan said: "You haven't seen your three masters yet."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows, "Do you dare to go?"

Xie Shiyuan chuckled, and Qin Shu heard some disdain from it, "Why not?"

But then, he changed his tone and continued: "I'm afraid that if they meet, they will definitely break up the couple."

Qin Shu couldn't help laughing out loud, Xie Shiyuan glanced at her, his tone was still calm, "I'm not afraid, but you...are you willing to go with me?"

Qin Shu couldn't laugh anymore, and the corners of her curved lips sank little by little.

Leave? Leave her sect, her masters, brothers and sisters?

It was clear that she had this idea from the beginning, but now she was reluctant to leave?

Her expression caught Xie Shiyuan's eyes. He was not surprised at all. He suddenly chuckled and said, "So... I can only be the one who hides from the light for the time being."

Qin Shu was stunned, and then she heard Xie Shiyuan say, "Since ancient times, good and evil cannot coexist. Although you are a righteous person, you have no grudges against me, so I will naturally follow you for once."

Qin Shu pursed her lips, feeling a little entangled.

She knew that Xie Shiyuan was not as indiscriminate as the legend said, but it was very difficult to convince the whole sect.

"Let me first tell Master, this time you openly give away Qingyuan Pills for free, everyone has changed their views on your Chongtian Palace. Maybe... Master and the others won't object." Qin Shu said.

Xie Shiyuan laughed, "Xiao Shu'er, I am satisfied with what you said."

Then, he suddenly changed his tone, "But... it's not the right time yet."

Qin Shu frowned, "Not the right time?"

Xie Shiyuan turned his head and looked at Qin Shu who was sitting on his shoulder, and said to her: "When the time comes, I will marry you in a grand manner, and no one in the world will stop me!"

These words were very firm, and Qin Shu's first reaction was...

"Are you going to... unify the world?"

The Emperor of Man has already appeared, so the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of Earth should also appear, right?

Well, this guess is reasonable.

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

He glanced at Qin Shu, "I'm not interested in this."

Qin Shu touched her chin, "What do you mean? Are you going to conquer all those who oppose us by force?"

Thinking of this, she suddenly became energetic again, "Big Snake! I will definitely practice hard when I go back! I will never let you fight alone!"

Xie Shiyuan: "..."

He was helpless, don't think he didn't know.

Why not let him fight alone, she just wanted to find someone to fight!

However, it's always right to practice hard.

When he finds a way to ascend, she will ascend together.

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