I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 713 Keep going towards the southwest

The old ancestor woke up again and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Why did the surroundings seem... brighter?

He immediately used his spiritual sense to look around and found that the source of the light came from him.

He immediately turned his head and looked behind him, and was almost blinded by the light.

This!!! This is too beautiful, right? !

If Zhu Zhu saw it, wouldn't she be envious to death?

With this movement, he suddenly noticed something strange again. With a glance, he saw the little thing hanging on his beard.

Qin Shu didn't expect that the old ancestor who had been lying here for a month without moving would suddenly raise his head. She was grooming his beard and was caught off guard and flew into the sky...

She let go of her hand holding his beard, and the spiritual energy had gathered at the bottom of her feet. When she was about to land safely, a dragon claw suddenly caught her.

"You did it?"

Qin Shu listened to his voice transmission but couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy, and she felt a little uneasy.

Although the old ancestor's body now looks mighty and radiant, she is still not sure whether he likes it or not.

"Yes..." She said a little unconfidently.

She lowered her head and waited for the ancestor's anger. Now her physique is only the sixth level of the tendon-forging stage, and she doesn't know if she can withstand the old ancestor's move.

Just when she was thinking about it, a low voice suddenly came to her ear, "Not bad."

Qin Shu raised her head, "Huh?"

Praise her? It seems that she is on the right path!

"Old ancestor, do you want your disciple to help you take care of your nails again?"

As soon as she said this, she knew that she had offended again.

The dragon race relies on biting, dragon claws, and tail swinging to fight.

Her request now is like asking a sword cultivator to touch his sword.

Thinking of this, she quickly explained, "I'll just talk. If you don't like it..."

"Just talk? Young people nowadays are getting more and more unreliable. They only say nice things to fool us old people."

Qin Shu: "?"

Hey? It's done again?

"I just talk to others, but I have a sincere heart for you! You can watch! My skills are good!"

The ancestor showed his claws, and Qin Shu hurried forward. One fingernail was as big as a small hill. It seemed that he would be busy for a long time.

Taking care of the ancestor these days was more tiring than her practicing sword all night.

Qin Shu first took out a knife to scrape off the excess dead skin, but found that it couldn't be scraped off at all, and then input some purple spiritual energy...

"Huh?" This time it was the ancestor's turn to be surprised.

Why is her spiritual energy so similar to...Hongmeng purple energy? !

He was suddenly relieved. No wonder Xuantianmen had to send this child in. It turned out to be this reason.

Seeing that her cultivation level was not high and her aura was a little unstable, she was probably about to break through.

But it was just a little spiritual energy, so it was okay.

His spiritual sense swept over Qin Shu and found that she really removed some of the dead skin on his dragon claws and used wood spiritual energy to take care of him.

He was surprised again. The spiritual energy of this little thing was really special.

Qin Shu took a lot of effort to polish all his nails, and finally applied the Xiangyun ointment. She clapped her hands with satisfaction, turned around and looked at the ancestor and asked: "Ancestor, how do you see this?"

The ancestor was paying attention to her movements with his spiritual sense from beginning to end. How could he be satisfied?

Qin Shu waited for a long time but didn't get his answer. She felt that the ancestor didn't want to pay attention to her again, so she raised her hand and scratched the back of her head helplessly.

Her hair has grown up now, and her black hair is tied into a bun on top of her head.

Suddenly, the ancestor sent her a message again.

"Go southwest, find a bunch of yellow flowers, and dig them up for me."

Qin Shu immediately regained her spirits, "Yes! I'll go now!"

Although she didn't know what the ancestor wanted those flowers for, the ancestor loved beauty so much, so what was wrong with just a bunch of flowers?

She stepped on the shrinking earth into an inch and disappeared in a flash. The ancestor chuckled and lay back in the water again.

Qin Shu didn't know how big this place was, nor did she know where the bunch of flowers was.

She even thought about which bunch she would dig if she encountered too many yellow flowers along the way?

However, she walked all the way and found that none of these flowers were yellow.

The farther she walked to the southwest, the richer the spiritual energy she felt.

She used the shrinking earth into an inch to the extreme, trying to consume the spiritual energy she absorbed as soon as possible.

However, the spiritual energy here was too rich, and the speed of consumption could not keep up with the speed of absorption. The spiritual energy in her body had accumulated to a limit.

Suddenly, she vaguely heard a sound, "Pop——"

Qin Shu paused, it was over.

She couldn't help it, she broke through.

She stood there blankly like a big fool, the spiritual energy around her swept towards her, and her body's terrifying absorption speed actually formed a spiritual vacuum around her.

This vacuum was instantly filled with crazy surging spiritual energy. If you look down from a high altitude, you will definitely find that a huge spiritual vortex has formed here.

Qin Shu didn't need to practice the skills at all, the spiritual energy consciously formed a large circulation in her meridians.

When passing through the golden green inner elixir in her dantian, it also tempered it.

As for the little green sword floating near the inner elixir, it also quietly fell silent at this time.

With the crazy influx of spiritual energy, an internal circulation was formed with her golden elixir as the center, and gradually the golden elixir began to show human-like facial features...

If you look closely, this little man looks a bit like Qin Shu.

As more and more spiritual energy is absorbed, the appearance becomes more and more similar, completely a smaller version of Qin Shu.

Until the spiritual energy around her returned to calm, Qin Shu felt the surging power in her body, but still didn't react.

No, it's really wrong, where is the thunder tribulation? How come she didn't even go through the thunder tribulation, but directly formed a baby?

Qin Shu looked down at her hands, and then looked inward at her dantian.

It's really formed a baby? Even the sea of ​​consciousness has expanded more than twice, and her mental power has increased greatly.

She looked up at the sky again. There were no clouds in the sky, and a group of sun hung on the horizon. There was no sign of thunder tribulation at all.

Just when Qin Shu was wondering, a bird suddenly cried in the air.

It was so sharp that it was like a nail scratching her eardrum, causing her to tremble all over.

Then a strong wind blew towards her. It was too late to hide, so Qin Shu quickly put up a protective shield.

Qin Shu stood in the middle of the flying sand and rocks, and saw a big red bird flying over her head from a distance through the protective shield...

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