Thinking of this possibility, Qin Shu became slightly excited.

Once she has completely mastered this set of body movements, will the world be just a step away?

With this excitement, Qin Shu did not care about the spiritual wings behind her, and directly took out the sword and stepped on it.


The Qinglong Patriarch shook his head as he looked at the two figures that were leaving in a dusty manner, "What's the matter with the speed? One force can defeat ten skills... Hum~"

He moved his body, disappeared from the sky, and fell into the pool again.

The older I get, the less I want to move. I don't know why Zhu Zhu is still so energetic.

At this time, Qin Shu followed the Suzaku Patriarch and landed on a mountain top. Although this place is high, it is not cold at all.

The morning breeze whistled through the forest. Qin Shu looked around, and the strange feeling in her heart sprouted again.

The Suzaku Patriarch glanced at her, and Qin Shu's sharpness surprised him again.

"Did you notice anything?" Suzaku Patriarch asked.

Qin Shu frowned and shook her head gently, "Nothing, I just feel... not cold?"

It is said that the higher you go, the colder it gets, but this place is thousands of feet above the ground, and the morning breeze blows without any chill?

Could it be that her body has been tempered to this extent?

It shouldn't be? She won't feel cold, but she should still be able to feel the temperature drop.

Just as Qin Shu was stroking her chin and thinking, the Suzaku Patriarch beside her spoke, "This small world here is a world of its own, isolated from the way of heaven, and it is precisely because of this that even the remaining rules are incomplete..."

Qin Shu suddenly realized it, but then she was puzzled again, "Since the rules here are incomplete, why can the disciple still comprehend the true meaning of water?"

Could she have comprehended it wrongly? Qin Shu was a little panicked.

The Suzaku Patriarch glanced at her and said meaningfully: "Because the old dragon has already comprehended it."

Qin Shu: "..."

The ancestor is worthy of being the ancestor!

At the same time, looking at the wind in the sky, Qin Shu suddenly thought of something.

Could it be that the wind she felt now... and the magma she felt that day...

Qin Shu's pupils shrank, and she turned her head in surprise to look at the Suzaku Patriarch beside her.

Suzaku Patriarch glanced at her, "Don't stand there, the wind is strong here, you should experience it carefully, and when you have learned something, come to see me again."

Qin Shu just responded, and Suzaku Patriarch flapped his wings and disappeared in front of her.

The wind on the top of the mountain was very strong, blowing Qin Shu's black robe.

She was about to sit cross-legged, but suddenly thought of something and stood up again.

Not only now, she also opened her arms.

Increasing the contact area with the wind should be able to feel more...

She closed her eyes, gathered her consciousness, and everything around her dimmed from her mind.

The wind brushed her cheek, and the speed seemed to scratch her skin.

Then, it seemed that a wisp of breeze slipped away from her fingertips, as naughty as a child who had just begun to learn.

Her robe was lifted up, and her wide sleeves spread out...

Qin Shu stood on the top of the mountain in a daze, as if she had become a monument.

The old ancestor Suzaku had just put away two thousand-year-old spiritual herbs when the old ancestor Qinglong appeared beside him, "Is it still blowing?"

The old ancestor Suzaku responded, and the old ancestor Qinglong glanced at the top of the mountain in the distance.

Under the dome, a slender black shadow could be seen faintly.

"Isn't this girl's comprehension pretty good? How come she hasn't even learned a single move after such a long time?"

Compared to him, Suzaku Patriarch was much calmer, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Qinglong Patriarch had just frowned when he heard Suzaku Patriarch continue to ask: "Guess how long it took me to learn this set of moves?"

Qinglong Patriarch: "Three days?"

Suzaku sneered, his eyes fell on him again, his expression became more serious, "Three years."

Qinglong Patriarch: "?"

"Really? Isn't this your inherited move? Why is it so slow to comprehend it?"

Suzaku Patriarch: "Why do you think Kunpeng can't beat me in terms of speed alone?"

Qinglong showed a thoughtful look. In fact, inheritance is not that easy to comprehend, and not all divine beasts will inherit the same inheritance.

The stronger the strength, the stronger the inheritance will be. Perhaps Zhu Zhu has obtained some powerful inheritance.

Seeing that he stopped talking, the Suzaku Patriarch continued, "She has entered into a state of meditation. The longer she comprehends, the more she will comprehend. Let's wait and see..."

Just as they were talking, the black figure on the top of the mountain finally moved.

"The sound of the wind...seems to be calling me."

Qin Shu's eyes moved slightly, and gradually, her five senses gradually recovered. A thick layer of dust had already fallen on her body.

Qin Shu pinched a cleaning spell and tidied up her clothes that were messed up by the wind.

A year later, her hair had grown long and was tied up high by her.

After doing all this, the first ray of sunlight broke through the darkness.

Qin Shu grinned, took a run and jumped directly to the edge of the cliff.

This time, she did not use her spiritual energy to transform into small wings, but her whole body was like a leaf, swaying in the air...

She did not see any movement, and suddenly jumped a hundred feet away.

The Qinglong Patriarch was also stunned when he saw the girl who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Qin Shu turned over neatly and landed in front of the dragon and the bird.

"Not bad." said the old ancestor of the Vermillion Bird.

Qin Shu herself was also very satisfied. In the past, she used the wings of spiritual energy to build a three-dimensional flying model. Although it made sense, there were still some areas for improvement in terms of spiritual energy consumption and resistance.

But this time, after blowing the wind on the top of the mountain for a year, she suddenly realized it.

The wind is originally everywhere. Since there is wind everywhere in the air, it is equivalent to building countless brackets in a three-dimensional model. She only needs to find traces of the wind to take advantage of it to fly.

The small wings are no longer needed, spiritual energy is saved, and the speed is faster.

Kill three birds with one stone.

Qin Shu bowed to the Suzaku Patriarch, then smiled and asked, "Ancestor, what do you think of my understanding this time?"

The Suzaku Patriarch nodded slightly, "You have already understood the essence of this set of body techniques, but if you want to use it to the fullest, you still need to practice it well."

Qin Shu clasped his fists again solemnly, "Disciple will remember the teachings of the ancestor."

The Suzaku Patriarch moved his wings, and a haystack appeared in front of him.

"You have almost learned what you should learn, and we have done what we promised Xuantianmen, so we will not keep you. You can keep these things, and regard them as my practice for you."

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