I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 725 The ancestor asked me to bring some local specialties

In just one move, the two of them landed outside the mountain gate of Xuantianmen, with long steps in front of them.

Ruiming recovered his human form, looked down at Qin Shu in front of him, and smiled, "Not only has his cultivation level increased, but he has also grown a lot taller."

Qin Shu straightened her back, "That's natural!"

She has been doing good deeds in her two lifetimes, and she deserves the long legs she has now.

Ruiming smiled at the corner of his mouth, looked up at the gradually clearing sky, and asked Qin Shu: "Your Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation, it doesn't look simple..."

Qin Shu moved her wrist, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and a sly smile flashed in her eyes, "It's okay, it's easier than I thought."

Although Qin Shu said this arrogantly, she felt like a mirror in her heart.

If it weren't for the two ancestors who enhanced her physical strength in the small world, although she could still survive the thunder tribulation this time, she would never be as relaxed as she is now.

While the two were talking, the figures of Head Qinan and Master Yue suddenly appeared beside them.

Qin Shu and Ruiming noticed the fluctuations of spiritual energy around them and looked back.

Qin Shu's eyes lit up and she immediately called out, "Master! Master!"

Her voice fell on Ruiming's ears, and she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, "Master? Junior sister, have you become a disciple of Master Yue Zhi?"

Qin Shu nodded and said cheerfully: "Yes! I can successfully overcome the tribulation this time, thanks to Master Yue!"

When she said this, the three people including Yue Zhimao looked at her in surprise.

Everyone saw Qin Shu diving into the thundercloud, but no one knew what happened in the thundercloud.

Could it be that... Master Yue Zhizhen gave her some magic weapon? Master Qi Nan and Ruiming were guessing.

But Master Yue Zhi knew about his family affairs, and he did have some good magic weapons, but his disciple had just come out of the small world, and he hadn't even met him!

Qin Shu met Sanshuang's curious eyes and laughed, "Didn't Master teach me how to refine weapons?"

Master Yue asked in confusion: "But what does this have to do with your tribulation?"

Qin Shu raised her chin, looking somewhat proud, "Me!"

She paused and the other three people raised their hearts. Qin Shu rolled her eyes and lowered her voice a bit, "I've trained myself."

Yue Zhizhen's pupils shrank, "What?!"

Compared to him, Master Qi Nan and Ruiming were relatively calm.

Master Qi Nan looked at Master Yue Zhi's expression of disbelief, and kindly explained to him, "This child is an individual cultivator himself."

Master Yue Zhi knew that Qin Shu practiced self-cultivation, but he did not expect that she would go so crazy in body-training.

While others refine weapons, she uses her body to make weapons.

Ruiming asked from the side: "What level has your physical fitness reached now?"

Qin Shu touched her chin, pondered for a moment, and then said seriously: "It was almost the seventh level of Spirit Tempering before, but now...it's hard to say."

The three of them were silent for a moment.

Why is it hard to say? Because she just borrowed the Thunder Tribulation Tempering Body again...

Master Qi Nan waved his hand when he saw this, "That's all, now that we have passed through the thunder tribulation safely, I am relieved. You have just broken through the Nascent Soul stage. Go back and wait until your realm is stable."

Qin Shu wanted to say that she had broken through the Nascent Soul for a long time, and her realm had long been stable, and now she was just out to survive the thunder tribulation.

But when she opened her mouth, she suddenly thought of the big snake waiting in the cave. Her eyes flashed, she coughed lightly, and she followed his words.

The big snake in the distance looked at Qin Shu and the four of them standing side by side, and felt that he was alone and a little lonely.

He sighed softly, and his figure gradually disappeared from the spot.

Qin Shu was about to leave, but was stopped by Qi Nan again, "Wait a minute."

Qin Shu turned around and heard Master Qi Nan ask: "Shu'er, have you seen those two ancestors?"

Qin Shu nodded, "I see."

Master Qi Nan continued: "The two of them... didn't embarrass you, right?"

When Qin Shu saw his cautious expression, she immediately understood.

She winked at Master Qi Nan and said, "No, the two ancestors were very kind to me! They even asked me to bring you some local specialties."

Master Qi Nan: "?"

Why is this a little different from what he imagined?

"What local product?" Qi Nan asked.

Qin Shu flicked her wrist, and several...feathers appeared in her hand.

The few people present were all knowledgeable, and they all recognized the origin of this feather.

"You, you, you, you! How dare you!" Master Qi Nan was anxious.

With so many feathers, she really wasn't beaten to death by Suzaku Ancestor?

Qin Shu said: "Ancestor asked me to bring it to everyone. Ancestor also said so! Although he is not in the world of immortality, his legend will always be spread in the world of immortality."

Master Qi Nan: "..."

After a moment of silence, he nodded, "That's true."

Qin Shu solemnly handed the feathers in her hand to him, "Master, there are only five feathers in total. You must allocate them carefully. Disciple, if you have something to do, go ahead."

Qin Shu was afraid that someone would find out that she still had a lot of feathers hidden on her body, so she quickly ran away.

Head Qi Nan held the five hairs in his hands and pursed his lips as if unable to speak. It was not until Qin Shu's trace merged with the wind and disappeared completely that he withdrew his gaze.

After looking at it for a long time, he finally handed one to Ruiming seriously...


When Qin Shu returned to her cave, she saw Xie Shiyuan had found a rocking chair from somewhere and was lying on it, staring at the sky in a daze.

Qin Shu came over and waved her hand in front of his eyes, "Come back to your senses!"

Xie Shiyuan's eyes rolled and he glanced at her, but he didn't say anything.

Qin Shu obviously felt that he was in a bad mood, so she asked, "What's wrong? What are you thinking about?"

Xie Shiyuan's low voice sounded, "I want to eat birds."

Qin Shu didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at this time, so she said, "That's not easy? I'll take you to the back mountain to catch two?"

It's not difficult to accept that snakes like to eat flying birds.

Xie Shiyuan looked at him with a smile, his lips moved slightly, "I'm picky about food."

Qin Shu laughed, "It doesn't matter, it's rare to have something you like to eat."

"Really?" Xie Shiyuan looked at Qin Shu, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

Qin Shu nodded seriously, "It must be true! What do you want to eat? Just tell me."

The smile in Xie Shiyuan's eyes became even more intense. He moved his thin lips and uttered three words, "Return to Fenghe."

Qin Shu: "..."

She opened her mouth, and suddenly her mind turned around.

"You... saw it?"

Xie Shiyuan said "um" softly, "I was standing on the top of that mountain, the closest place to you, and watched you being taken away by the crane."

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