I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 728 Is there a demon?

Xie Shiyuan's steps were slow and leisurely, but the fairy mountain in the distance was getting closer and closer to them.

The surrounding scenes all receded from them like a fleeting sight. Qin Shu looked at it with a surprised look on her face, "Do you know how to move?"

"Is this strange?" Xie Shiyuan asked.

Qin Shu nodded, "I've never seen you use it before, so I thought you could only use your space talent."

Xie Shiyuan chuckled, "You haven't seen many of them."

Qin Shu tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. She felt that what he said was somewhat reasonable, so she nodded, "That's true."

They were getting closer and closer to the main peak, and they could see that there were restrictions around the main peak, and the disciples of the Beast Control Sect were now trapped inside.

Looking at the six peaks around the main peak, there is a faint black air lingering on them. The black air is most obvious on the one they are going to now.

When Qin Shu saw this, she exclaimed, "Come up and pick the most powerful one for me?"

Xie Shiyuan didn't stop, but his tone was slightly surprised, "Can you see it?"

Qin Shu nodded, raised her finger and pointed at the mountain peak in front of her, and said, "Of course, my eyes have been trained. The black energy on this mountain peak is the heaviest."

Xie Shiyuan smiled, "You humans have a saying, shoot the horse first before shooting the man, and capture the king first to capture the thief. I don't know if other demons are at level seven, but this one must be there."

Qin Shu thought the same thing. They came here with a clear goal.

Using the seventh-level demon as a whetstone for her, hehe, not bad.

As they approached, more and more demons appeared in Qin Shu's eyes.

There are blade demons, control demons, blood demons... and other demons that Qin Shu has seen before.

However, compared to those in Nanxiang City, the demons here are obviously more than one level higher.

Most of the demons in Nanxiang City are like walking zombies, but the demons here can talk, eat, drink and socialize, and are obviously sane.

No wonder it requires the demonic blood of high-level demons. Compared with the high-level demons, these low-level demons are like two species.

At Xie Shiyuan's level, it couldn't be easier to avoid being discovered by them.

He walked past the two demon guards. Qin Shu playfully reached out and flicked the Blade Demon's blade, but no one could find their traces.

"There's someone!" Blade Demon shouted.

"Where is there anyone?" said his companion.

"Someone just touched my blade!" The Blade Demon emphasized solemnly.

His companion looked around and said, "Is it your imagination? Where is there someone? We can't have all four eyes seeing it wrong, right?"

The Blade Demon also frowned and looked around, only to find that there was really nothing.

Finally he fell silent and said no more.

At this time, Qin Shu and Xie Shiyuan had arrived at the peak and stood outside a cave.

"This should be the cave that was originally owned by an elder of the Beast Control Sect, but it was occupied by them." Qin Shu guessed.

Xie Shiyuan hummed and looked away at her, "Are you going to call the door? Or should I go?"

"I'll go!" Qin Shu couldn't wait for a long time. After hearing this, she immediately jumped off his shoulders and ran towards the stone door of the cave.

Seeing her excited look, Xie Shiyuan's eyes were filled with a smile.

There are actually such warlike humans, who are somewhat similar to their demons.

Qin Shu rushed out of the stone door in three steps and then clapped her hands, "Is anyone there?"

No one responded inside. Qin Shu reflected for a moment and felt that it was her own problem, so she changed her mind.

"Is there a demon?"

There was still no movement, Qin Shu's eyes were filled with purple energy, and she could clearly see the black energy gradually filling the cave.

Qin Shu grinned, but a cold light flashed in her eyes, "If you don't open the door, I will come in by myself."

This time, there was a sudden fluctuation in the Shimen, and a black mass of demonic energy poured in the direction of the Shimen.


The stone door exploded under the influence of the black energy, and a black shadow was hidden among the broken stones and rushed towards Qin Shu.

Qin Shu immediately drew her sword to block. The black figure seemed to be afraid of her sword, and quickly retreated after just one move.

Qin Shu also saw the figure in front of her at this time, an old man with a white beard, wearing a Taoist robe and a Taoist crown on his head... He looked like an elder of the Beast Control Sect, except for a pair of scarlet eyes that revealed his identity. .

Qin Shu's face became increasingly ugly. If she encountered a blade demon or a demon master, she would be able to fight happily.

But she didn't expect that she would encounter a dream demon this time.

Could such a high-level dream demon not even be able to resist an elder-level monk? How should she start?

"Orochi, can you see it? Is this elder still alive?" Qin Shu quietly sent a message to Orochi.

Xie Shiyuan responded, "He is still alive. The spiritual consciousness of the monks in the transformation stage is very tyrannical, but the spiritual consciousness is the shortcoming of the demons. Even if they take over the elder's body, they cannot completely wipe out his soul."

The human race is recognized by the entire world of immortal cultivation as being difficult to deal with. The higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to deal with. If you want to completely destroy them, it will be several times more difficult than monks from other races of the same level.

When Qin Shu heard Xie Shiyuan's words, she immediately became jealous.

She was no match for the monks at the stage of becoming gods.

Ordinary dream demons can only put people into a deep sleep, but this high-level dream demon can replace them.

Qin Shu thought for a moment, put away the sword in her hand, and took out the hammer given to her by Master Yue with her backhand.

Sooner or later she will beat this guy out!

Xie Shiyuan was a little worried when he saw her put away the sword, but when he saw her taking out the hammer with her backhand, the smile in his eyes became even bigger.

The spiritual energy in Qin Shu's body slowly circulated, and the smoky purple spiritual energy gradually poured into the small palm-sized hammer in her hand along the palm of her hand.

The hammer seemed to become larger as it was inflated. Qin Shu carried it on her shoulder with one hand and then looked up at the old man in front of her.

He seemed to be very afraid of the hammer in Qin Shu's hand and never made a move.

Qin Shu was a little surprised and quietly asked Xie Shiyuan, "Orochi, what level is this dream demon?"

Xie Shiyuan: "Eighth level."

Qin Shu was shocked. The eighth-level demons were nothing more than this. They were even afraid of her at the Nascent Soul stage?

Just when Qin Shu was about to take action, the old man in front of him suddenly spoke, "Xie Shiyuan, you are also a demon, why do you want to be our enemy?"

Qin Shu was stunned and suddenly realized the truth of the matter.

It turns out that it was never him who he was afraid of, it was just her pretending to be powerful...

Xie Shiyuan raised his chin slightly, with a look of arrogance on his face, "Who do you think you are, how dare you get close to me? Who told you that I am a demon?"

The old man's face was not only ugly, but also a little surprised, "You have been in the Demonic Abyss since you were a child..."

Xie Shiyuan interrupted him directly, "Those who are in the Demonic Abyss are not necessarily demons. Don't lump me in with your dirty Demonic Abyss!"

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