The next moment, it moved and landed lightly on Qin Shu's shoulder.

Qin Shu could clearly see its little paws stretching in the direction of Xie Shiyuan, but she didn't dare to stretch them out, and finally jumped down and landed in Qin Shu's arms.

Unexpectedly, a big hand immediately pulled it out. It looked up at the instigator in surprise. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Xie Shiyuan?

A trace of doubt flashed in Daji's eyes, and Xie Shiyuan let go of his hand, and it fell to the ground again.

The cat's reaction is the most sensitive. It turned over lightly and landed on all fours.

It looked at Xie Shiyuan in confusion, and then at Qin Shu. It didn't understand why it wasn't allowed to be hugged.

"If you want a hug, go find your Taoist companion."

Xie Shiyuan's light words made Daji suddenly more confused. What is it? Taoist companion? It has a fart Taoist companion.

Qin Shu: "..."

After today, she seemed to have met the big snake for the first time.

The four demons in front of them are not vegetarians. Of course, it is impossible to give them too much time to reminisce about the past. "Are there any helpers? Then let's stay together!"

Qin Shu flipped her wrist, and a big hammer appeared in her hand again.

She now has some experience in dealing with these demons, and her defense against demons is astonishing, let alone such a high-level demon master.

If she uses sword skills, she may not be able to break through the opponent's defense. To deal with such a high defense, blunt weapons are better to use.

Daji hid behind the two of them, raised his paws and hugged Qin Shu's calves.

Seeing this, Xie Shiyuan hit him with spiritual energy, and it changed from behind to in front of people.

"People are here to help you, but you still want to be lazy?" Xie Shiyuan's voice sounded slowly.

Daji looked around and saw his own situation. Thinking of Xie Shiyuan's talent, he suddenly felt relieved.

"I can't break through their defense." Daji said matter-of-factly.

Xie Shiyuan had no intention of taking action and said directly: "My Taoist companion will help you."

Daji: "..."

Then, as if he realized something, he suddenly turned back, his big cat eyes full of shock.

It was about how he carried himself out so well, and how he let his Taoist companion hold him, so it turned out! I see! He actually has a Taoist companion? His bad temper? How come there are Taoist companions?

Thinking of Qin Shu's age, she suddenly sneered at Xie Shiyuan's behavior.

Hehe, he only takes advantage of his young age to coax people into becoming Taoist companions.

When Qin Shu sees his true face clearly, she will definitely abandon him!

The more dissatisfied it was, the better Xie Shiyuan's mood became. He did not forget to say to Qin Shu on the side: "Shu'er, you dare to go up to the eighth-level dream demon. Do you want to practice with the sixth-level demon control as well?"

Qin Shu frowned and finally said: "But facing four demon masters at the same time, I am more or less unable to defeat four hands with two fists."

Xie Shiyuan shook his head calmly, "No need to worry, I'm here, don't worry, you can play with them one by one slowly."

He finally understood that she didn't like the gadgets that other people's children liked, and she almost never wore those little skirts, not as often as this black robe.

I just like to fight, so what's the problem?

He raised his hand, and the entire space seemed to be isolated into a square. The middle of the square was divided into two. Two of them and one cat were facing one of the demon masters, while the other three were locked in the next space.

Qin Shu could have chosen 1v1, and it was precisely because of this that when Daji was about to rush forward with all his teeth and claws, Qin Shu grabbed him back.

"You stay, I'll go by myself."

She wasn't trying to be brave, she just wanted to test whether she could deal with the sixth-level demon master on her own.

At this time, with Xie Shiyuan watching from the side, can there be a better opportunity than now?

As for yesterday's eighth-level dream demon, it was only because of Elder Haoyang's restraint and her spiritual restraint that he could be forced out.

In the final analysis, it was Elder Haoyang who forced him out, and his relationship with Qin Shu was not very big. Qin Shu could still recognize the reality.

Daji didn't dare to show off easily. He tilted his head and glanced at Xie Shiyuan, asking for his opinion, "Meow?"

This time, Xie Shiyuan nodded, "Don't make trouble yet."

Daji: "?"

Why is it causing trouble? Didn't he let him have it in the first place?

Why does this snake seem to have become more double-standarded after having a Taoist companion?

Before it had time to think clearly about the questions in its heart, Qin Shu was already carrying a sledgehammer.

"I have a bold idea." Qin Shu stared at the demon in front of her and suddenly said.

The next moment, her body trajectory could not be seen at all, and she suddenly floated into the air. She raised the hammer with both hands and grinned, "I want to try to see if my weapon-refining technique can make you into a defensive magic weapon." "

As soon as she finished speaking, a hammer hit her, and her figure jumped again and appeared in front of the demon-taming creature.

At this moment, even Daji's pupils shrank.

So fast!

How can human cultivation be so fast? It couldn't see clearly the trajectory of her figure? This body technique! It seems to be more advanced than its inheritance!

If you look carefully, it seems... a bit familiar?

The strength of the Demon Control is defense, and it is not good at speed. It couldn't dodge Qin Shu's move, and didn't even think about dodging it. It just raised its arms to resist.

The hammer hit his arms mercilessly with Qin Shu's unique charm, making a loud and ear-piercing sound.

Qin Shu was actually more excited by the loud noise. Sure enough! Fighting with Yu Mo was fun enough. The previous nightmare was too uncomfortable.

Just when Yu Mo was about to fight back, he found that Qin Shu had disappeared again.

With this strange figure, he couldn't find where she would appear in the next moment, so he could only defend passively.

The human cultivator he encountered this time was really difficult to deal with. Under normal circumstances, people with strong physiques would not be fast, and people with fast speeds would not have good defense, except for... those ancient beasts.

They had been in the Beastmaster Sect for several years and had fought with many human cultivators, including those from various sects, but they had never encountered such an opponent.

He didn't even have time to think, and Qin Shu's next hammer fell immediately, "The first principle of refining weapons is to swing the hammer continuously and not interrupt it for too long."

The demon crossed his arms again to defend. Qin Shu's attack force was within his tolerance range, but her attack had a strange aftereffect, which penetrated into his internal organs along his arms.

The demon's attack method was too simple, and it couldn't keep up with her speed. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before the demon was beaten flat.

Her energy had a cumulative effect. One or two hammers at the beginning might not do anything to him, but... what about after hundreds or thousands of hammers?

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