I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 735 You don’t have a grudge against the Wen family, do you?

Daji lay in Qin Shu's arms, letting her hold him obediently. The next moment, the two of them moved and returned to Qin Shu's cave.

Just after entering the courtyard, Jiduo's voice came faintly, "Dad, Mom, why did you bring another treasure home..."

Qin Shu: "..."

The hand that was petting the cat was quietly withdrawn. When he was thinking about what to say, he heard Xie Shiyuan beside him directly say, "What kind of treasure is he."

"Huh?" Jiduo blinked curiously.

Xie Shiyuan glanced at Daji again, "Why don't you come down?"

Before he finished speaking, Daji's fur exploded, and he broke free from Qin Shu's arms like a ray of light and rushed towards the roof next to him.

Everything that happened today was too terrifying for it. Xie Shiyuan not only had a Taoist partner, but also had a child?

But there was one thing he really couldn't figure out. How could a human snake like them give birth to a flower?

It lay on the roof, its exploded fur gradually smoothed down, but its eyes were full of confusion.

Jiduo raised his big head, looked at the black cat peeking out from the roof, and asked curiously: "Daddy, Mommy, who is it?"


"A stupid cat."

They said it in different voices.

Jiduo was even more confused. Who should he listen to?

Xie Shiyuan glanced at Qin Shu, and Qin Shu repeated again: "Its name is Daji."

Xie Shiyuan didn't speak this time, which was considered as tacit agreement.

Jiduo nodded obediently, "Duoduo remembers it!"

His big flower plate changed direction, turned his head to face the house, stretched out his leaves and shook towards Daji, and greeted it: "Daji! My name is Jiduo!"

Daji "meowed" without emotion, which was considered a response to him.

Xie Shiyuan also called himself a stupid cat, and his son seemed to be more stupid.

Of course, it didn't have the courage to say this in front of Xie Shiyuan.

Qin Shu raised her hand and handed a few spiritual fruits to Ji Duo, "You and A Jin share them, mother is going to the back mountain."

Ji Duo knew that his mother had drawn a formation on the back mountain. Business was more important, so he didn't cling to anyone, after all, he was a sensible and good child.

Qin Shu walked in front, and Xie Shiyuan followed her slowly.

Da Ji watched them all leave, and then he completely relaxed, lying on the roof, basking in the sun and drowsy.

Qin Shu came to the formation she had drawn before, and her eyes swept across the formation, wanting to see if anyone had touched her formation during her absence.

"You drew it?" Xie Shiyuan's voice came from her side.

Qin Shu nodded, "Yes."

She took out the drawings she had drawn before from the storage ring and compared them one by one. After confirming that they were correct, she took out the materials she had collected and matched them.

At this point, it was much simpler for them, the alchemists, to make countless pills, and the matching ratios could be done at will.

She first took out the demon blood that Xie Shiyuan gave her, and then took out the corpse oil that the Jiang family sent.

Xie Shiyuan just glanced at it, and his eyes changed, "Where did it come from?"

Seeing him like this, Qin Shu explained to him the origin of the corpse oil to avoid being mistaken by him as having gone astray.

Xie Shiyuan's expression relaxed and motioned her to continue her work.

Qin Shu took out a new porcelain bottle, put all the necessary materials into it, and after a little sacrifice, she got a bottle of black liquid.

She held the porcelain bottle in one hand and shook it gently, raised her eyes to look at the formation in front of her, and gently exhaled a breath of turbid air, obviously a little nervous.

She didn't know if she would succeed. If she didn't succeed...

This thought just appeared in her mind, and she shook her head and shook it out of her mind.

How could you deny yourself before trying? You have already done it, why think about those useless things? Try it first, if it doesn't work... then improve it!

Qin Shu took a step forward, raised two fingers, and a stream of spiritual energy hit the mouth of the bottle, drawing out the black liquid inside, and filling all the grooves bit by bit along the formation she drew.

Qin Shu stopped only after all the gaps were filled.

The next thing was to activate it. Whether all the work was in vain or not depended on this time!

She put the porcelain bottle away with her backhand, and her fingertips quickly pinched the spell. When the spell was cast, her heartbeat slowed down.

However, success is not always so easy. She cast the spell, but there was no reaction on the formation.

Qin Shu's face changed, "What happened?"

Did it fail?

She didn't give up and tried again.

However, this time, the formation still didn't react.

Qin Shu carefully recalled the images she saw and replayed them from the beginning, but she didn't find out what went wrong.

Seeing her lost in thought, Xie Shiyuan suddenly said, "You have forgotten the most crucial point."

Qin Shu immediately turned her head to look at him, staring at him with a pair of eyes, eyes full of seriousness, "What?"

Xie Shiyuan looked at her, his lips slightly raised, "What kind of spiritual root are you?"

Qin Shu was stunned, she understood!

When Qin Wuya was drawing the formation, he had water and wood spiritual roots, but she had fire, wood and earth spiritual roots!

And her spiritual roots are abnormal, the smoky purple spiritual energy has a certain inhibitory effect on corpse oil and demon blood, and it may also affect the effect of the formation.

After figuring this out, Qin Shu was in a dilemma again, "Who should I ask for help? We are all fire spirits in the same sect, and you have a spatial talent."

Xie Shiyuan opened his thin lips and pointed out a clear way for him, "Chengfeng."

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, it's true! Chengfeng has a water talent! Maybe it can be done?

"I just happen to be going to the Wen family, Chengfeng is also there, wait until I find him and let him try."

After making this decision in her heart, Qin Shu couldn't stay for half a minute.

She went to the cave again in a hurry, comforted the well-behaved Ji Duo, and was about to go out.

This time, Xie Shiyuan took the initiative to bring Daji, and Ji Duo pouted in dissatisfaction.

The next moment, when he heard his father's words, the corners of his mouth opened again.

"I'll send it away."

Qin Shu didn't stop him. Playing with things will ruin her ambition. She needs to practice well and can't always play with cats.

Besides, Daji has demonic energy on him, and staying in their sect for a long time may cause trouble.

After leaving the sect, Xie Shiyuan said goodbye to Qin Shu.

"I'm going to Nanxiang City, and I'll send this stupid cat to Guo Chong."

Qin Shu frowned, "Aren't you going with me?"

Xie Shiyuan squeezed her hand and shook his head gently, "I can't go for now."

Qin Shu was puzzled, "Why? Don't you have a grudge against the Wen family?"

Could such a bloody thing happen to her? Qin Shu's mind was full of plots, and she even thought about how she would break with the Wen family with her mother, Dashe and her senior brother in the future.

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