I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 737 You must have not practiced well.

Wen Chi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qin Shu's solemn expression, and he himself fell silent.

After a moment, he sighed and said, "That's all, it's not interesting if the Wen family does take it seriously."

Then he changed the topic and continued: "But, despite this, we are still a family!"

Qin Shu laughed, "That's natural, we are still a family in Lingxiao Peak."

As soon as she said this, Wen Chi also smiled in relief.

No wonder Qin Shu never called him cousin, but always called him senior brother.

After hearing what Qin Shu said, Wen Chi looked at Qin Shu with a much clearer look, "It seems that I must have guessed it right."

Qin Shu also nodded at this time, "It should be right? Even I am not very sure."

She later asked her mother about the innate moon spirit body and knew that practicing under the moonlight would help her practice, but her mother did not have purple aura.

She vaguely felt that her innate moon aura seemed to have mutated. No one knew what the situation was now and there was no way to verify it.

She was simply confused, as long as everything changed for the better, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Qin Shu looked at Wen Chi with a thoughtful expression, and asked again: "Senior brother, what's the matter with you? Why are you being detained again?"

Wen Chi shrugged, "Sparred with the second-fang Lao Si and broke his arm."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows, "Your family doesn't have the Qianyuan Recreation Pill?"

Wen Chi looked at Qin Shu and smiled a little ruffianly, "If Qianyuan hadn't created the pill again, how could he have just been in solitary confinement?"

Qin Shu thought about it and said casually, "They are all your own family members. It is better not to be so harsh in the future, otherwise you will be the one who suffers in the end."

Wen Chi glanced at her and said meaningfully: "If you knew what good things their family had done, you wouldn't say that."

Qin Shu's raised eyebrows sank, "Is it related to my mother?"

Wen Chi nodded, and Qin Shu's face became darker.

"The second brother-in-law is the leader in asking for things this time. I cut off the arm of his fourth son to let them know that it is no longer the time for the second brother-in-law to have the final say in the Wen family."

Qin Shu really didn't expect that when she came to the world of immortality from the later life, she could actually experience the legendary house fight...

"Then it will be okay if you escape?" Qin Shu asked doubtfully.

Wen Chi chuckled, "No, the gatekeeper is my father's personal guard, who has watched me grow up."

Qin Shu: "..."

I understand, it’s just a formality.

"Let's go. When we get back, my father and the others must have prepared a banquet." Wen Chi greeted.

Wen Chi flew in front, and Qin Shu followed slowly behind. Finally, she couldn't hold it back anymore and said, "Senior brother, do you want me to give you a lift?"

Wen Chi: "?"

In the end, he stood on Qin Shu's sword.

"Which way?" she asked.

Wen Chi: "Fly forward for about fifty miles and just stop."

Qin Shu understood that fifty miles was nothing.

As soon as she moved, Wen Chi's facial features were distorted, "You, you, you! Why so fast?!"

He was also in the Nascent Soul stage, and he had broken through a few years earlier than her. When did her body skills become so outstanding?

Qin Shu grinned, "An adventure! An adventure!"

"There are so many adventures that will make you lucky all day long."

Qin Shu's voice drifted back, "Why not? Maybe I am the legendary child of luck?"

Wen Chi: "..."

He was about to retort, but when he thought of Qin Shu's terrifying cultivation speed, he swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips.

After a moment, he choked out a sentence, "Why aren't you..."

Qin Shu stopped without saying a few words.

The two of them landed on a grassy field, and Qin Shu took back the Zixiao White Jade Sword.

"We're here," Qin Shu said.

Wen Chi was stunned, looked up, and saw that he had arrived at the door of his house.

There is a barrier in the valley outside the Wen family. If it is not opened correctly, it will always linger here.

It is also commonly known as ghost hitting the wall.

Wen Chi took two steps forward, raised his hand and struck a spell into the air in front of him.

In an instant, the air was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, with ripples appearing all around.

"Have you remembered how to open the door?" Wen Chi asked.

Before Qin Shu could speak, Wen Chi continued: "During the competition, you can copy the spells that others used once you see them. You shouldn't be able to remember such a simple technique, right?"

Qin Shu shook her head and said firmly: "No, remember. Don't worry, if someone bullies you again next time, I will definitely break in and beat them to a pulp."

If anyone else had said this, Wen Chi would have laughed it off, but now it was Qin Shu who said it.

He thought about it carefully and it seemed possible.

According to her cultivation speed, he believed that she could ascend within a hundred years.

Oh, I almost forgot, today’s world of cultivating immortals can no longer ascend.

The restriction was opened, and the two Wen family members guarding the door came out to take a look. When they saw Wen Chi, they quickly bowed, "Mr. Chi."

Wen Chi responded and pointed to Qin Shu beside him, "You guys recognize me, my junior sister. If she comes next time, just let her in."

The two Wen family members immediately clasped their fists and said, "Yes!"

How could someone who could let his son personally go out to pick him up be an ordinary person? They would not be so tactless.

Stepping into the forbidden area, a strong spiritual energy suddenly hit him.

Qin Shu was a little surprised. The spiritual energy was so strong, and his senior brother stayed in Lingxiao Peak all day and did not go home for many years.

Wen Chi looked at Qin Shu's reaction and laughed, "Almost everyone who came to the Wen family for the first time has this reaction."

Qin Shu looked around and found that the spiritual plants here were much more vigorous than those outside.

"Go further inside, and you will experience it carefully when you go up the mountain later. The spiritual energy on the mountain is much richer than here." Wen Chi said.

Qin Shu opened her mouth and wanted to say something. Wen Chi saw it. He glanced at her inexplicably and said, "Just say it if you have something to say."

Qin Shu coughed lightly, "Senior brother, the spiritual energy is so strong, why are you practicing so slowly?"

Wen Chi: "?!"

He is a Yuanying who is less than 200 years old! Who is slow? ! Looking around, she is considered a talent in the entire cultivation world!

"You have to work harder in the future, otherwise these spiritual energies will be wasted, right?"

Wen Chi walked in front angrily, and Qin Shu chased after him, "Brother, wait for me! I will urge you to practice in the future! I will definitely help you break through the Spiritualization Stage as soon as possible!"

Wen Chi's pace suddenly became faster. This little sister is like a cultivation maniac. She practices all day long.

Whoever loves this hard life can live it. He has to run away quickly...

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