I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 749 How can anyone break through so quickly?

At this time, Wen Run's thoughts were relatively simple, and he could not imagine how energetic a monk could be.

What's more, she is a female cultivator. In his heart, female cultivators are all delicate.

He never dreamed that it was because of his inherent narrow-mindedness that limited his thinking. He practiced with Qin Shu for a day and a night, and felt that he was tired and turned into a puddle of mud. He lay on the ground without wanting to move.

Qin Shu also stopped her momentum, raised her feet and came to his side. She looked down at Wen Run, who was lying motionless on the ground, and asked, "Cousin, are you coming again? Why can't you move?"

Wen Run's thoughts were empty, and Qin Shu's voice gradually faded away in his ears...

There is no such way to be energetic, right? Who practices boxing for a day? Even the sun has its time to rest, but he does not.

He was so miserable.

Wen Run was still thinking here, so Qin Shu flicked her fingertips and fed something into Wen Run's mouth.

Wen Run came back to his senses in an instant, and quickly held it in his throat and was about to vomit it out.

"You, you, you...what did you feed me?!"

Qin Shu saw the panic on his face and seemed to not care about his fatigue. She quickly explained: "Cousin, don't be anxious. I saw that you were too tired, so I gave you some body refining pills."

"Body refining pill?" This time it was Wen Run's turn to be confused, "What kind of pill is this? Why have I never heard of it?"

As if she was afraid that he would miss her, Qin Shu put away the porcelain bottle containing the elixir with her backhand, and then explained: "My master gave me the elixir. It's normal that you don't know."

The broken string in Wen Run's brain seemed to be suddenly connected, and his pupils trembled.

By the way, she is cousin Wen Chi’s junior sister! From Lingxiao Peak, she should be an alchemy cultivator!

As we all know, Dan Xiu is not good at fighting and relies on raising servants to defend himself, but his cousin? ? ?

What kind of alchemy cultivator is she? Which weird thing grows out of the horn?

"Dan Xiu? You?" Wen Run couldn't help asking a soul question.

Qin Shu crossed her arms and replied matter-of-factly: "Yes, I am an alchemy cultivator. I made the elixir you just took with my own hands. What do you think?"

After being reminded by her, Wen Run remembered to carefully feel the changes in her body.

Body Refining Pill, as the name suggests, is for refining the body.

Seeing how proud my cousin is, this elixir must still be somewhat effective.

After carefully comprehending it like this, the warm medicinal power in his body seemed to be soothing his fatigue bit by bit. At the same time, his body's endurance seemed to have improved a lot.

Feeling this change, Wen Run quickly sat cross-legged, closed her eyes and absorbed the power of the elixir seriously.

At the same time, he also clearly realized that his cousin would probably not let him go back to rest even after feeding him the elixir.

I just don’t know how long it will take for her energy to be exhausted?

Wen Run accompanied Qin Shu to practice boxing, but he didn't see her using her spiritual power, but even if he put up a protective shield, he still couldn't withstand her attack.

Wenrun was embarrassed to ask at first, but after three days, she became familiar with her.

This time he received a punch from Qin Shu, and the warm protective shield shattered, and he stepped back three feet before stopping.

The spiritual energy circulated in his body, and when he felt the pain on the surface of his body subsided slightly, he asked: "Cousin, is there anything special about your boxing technique? Why can't I clearly feel the fluctuation of spiritual energy, but your boxing technique is still there?" Can you break my protective shield?"

Qin Shu laughed and said, "I didn't use spiritual energy. That's because you can't beat me physically."

Wen Run was stunned, "What are you..."

Qin Shu rubbed her wrists and stretched her muscles before continuing: "This is self-cultivation of physical fitness."

Wen Run: "?"

"Physical cultivation? Didn't you say you were a sword cultivator?"

No wonder she can hold them down and beat them. Her body is so strong, and with her spiritual energy, she can fight and resist. Who can be her opponent?

Qin Shu shrugged, "Of course you have to train your body first to practice swordsmanship!"

Wen Run felt more and more that she should have hugged her thigh with this response! Although he is not very old in his life, he is very able to accept that others are better than himself!

"My cousin is really amazing." After saying this, he put his hand on the ground and stood up.

Feeling the power coming from his arms, Wen Run also laughed, "It's only been three days, why do I feel like I'm better than before?"

He just said it casually, but Qin Shu nodded very seriously, "This is how cultivation is originally. If you move forward day by day, each day will be better than the previous day."

When Wen Run met Qin Shu's look, the smile on her face gradually faded away. She cupped her fist at Qin Shu and said proactively: "Come again!"

Cousin Qin Shu is indeed different from other people in the clan, and her cultivation method cannot be imitated by others.

Her talent is indeed great, but her efforts are equally astonishing.

These arrogant guys in the clan will have to pay the price for their arrogance one day.

While Qin Shu and Wen Run were practicing, Wen Gu was still negotiating persistently with several elders in the clan.

Originally, they refused to let Qin Shu and her daughter go back, but her breakthrough three days ago accidentally helped them.

When Wen Gu saw that they didn't agree, he simply didn't force it.

He said directly: "Old ancestors, if you still don't let them go, then keep them. I think my niece is very talented, and I'm afraid she will break through again soon. I just don't know how many times the spiritual energy that our clan has left behind can support her breakthroughs!"

The third elder was a little disdainful at first after hearing his words, "Don't threaten us! How can someone break through so quickly? When you reach the Nascent Soul stage, it's common to be stuck in a realm for decades or even hundreds of years!"

Wen Gu chuckled, and his expression was also a little proud, "Those are ordinary people, Third Elder, my niece has just broken through the Nascent Soul not long ago, and she came to us. She will break through in 2017. If you don't believe me, just keep her. She is in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul at the age of 23. She should be able to leave the body before she is 40, right? I just don't know if the old ancestors of Xuantian Sect will come to find her in person by then. "

The third elder glared at this and said, "If they come, they will! Will our Wen family be afraid of them? !"

As soon as he said this, he was interrupted, "Okay!"

The person who spoke was the eldest elder, who was also the most experienced person of their generation. He glared at the third elder and then looked at Wen Gu again, "Little Gu, let me ask you, is the junior named Qin Shu a congenital moon spirit body?"

How could Wen Gu tell them openly?

He laughed and said, "Uncles, the secret technique has been lost, and the Jianzhen Mirror has also been lost. I really can't be sure of her talent. "

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