I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 756 Someone is calling her name

This idea just emerged from Qin Shu's mind, and the strange feeling became even more obvious when she looked at the Chuan Gong Hall in front of her.

Qin Shu thought about what she saw accidentally when she came here for the first time, and she boldly guessed that this...could it be an artifact?

So many books, the independent space, and the little golden man who taught me body skills and sword skills...

The more you look at it, the more it looks like an artifact. Only the spirit of the artifact has such great permission to let you in.

No wonder she clearly went to the wrong place back then and still managed to get in by some strange combination of circumstances. Now it seems that it was all because of this weapon spirit.

Before, her cultivation was not enough and she could not feel this breath of swallowing. Now that her cultivation has improved, she can feel something unusual.

Sure enough, Xuantianmen has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!

Qin Shu pretended not to notice anything and went up the steps of the Teleportation Hall as usual.

The door of the teleportation hall was slightly ajar. She raised her hand and pushed the door open. She walked in and kowtowed three times to the portrait of her ancestor again.

The scene around him changed, it was still the golden room, and there was still the "Book of Passing on Gong" on the table.

Qin Shu opened it casually, and she came to the illusory space again, but unlike before, the originally illusory little golden man gradually took on physical form.

She could even clearly see the facial features and expression on his face. She was a little surprised, but it was within her expectations.

That face was exactly the same as the one in the portrait outside. Although Qin Shu had long suspected this, she couldn't help but feel happy after her guess was confirmed.

Fortunately, she kowtowed three times by mistake before, and it turned out that it was the Patriarch who was teaching her how to practice!

The body technique, the seal, and the sword technique modified by the ancestor... they are all excellent!

Such a powerful Patriarch must have ascended, right?

She was distracted for a moment, and a golden sword in front of her stabbed directly at her face. Her body reacted faster than her brain, and she dodged the attack.

At the same time, she completely came to her senses, no longer daring to think wildly, and only thinking about how to deal with the sword technique.

Grandmaster is a swordsman. He only learned two moves in swordsmanship because of his insufficient cultivation. Now that she has broken through the Nascent Soul stage, she should be able to learn them all, right?

Qin Shu's brain was like a precise instrument, simulating his sword skills while avoiding the Little Golden Man's attack.

After having the entity, she could more intuitively see some of his subtle movements. Any mistakes she had learned before were corrected this time.

Qin Shu only stayed here for one night. When the sky lit up outside, she sheathed her sword and saluted the little golden man before leaving.

She agreed to help He Xin exercise. She had just taken two steps when she heard a voice calling her name in her head.

"Qin Shu."

She was certain that she had never heard this voice before, but she was very sure that it was indeed calling her this time.

She subconsciously looked back and saw that the huffing of breath in the Chuan Gong Hall seemed to be more obvious.

A mist rushed toward her face. Qin Shu blinked subconsciously, and when she opened her eyes again, everything around her seemed to open up like the beginning of time.

The darkness around him was swept away, and the chaotic energy was divided into two poles, yin and yang, with half becoming the sky and half sinking into the earth.

However, a wisp of chaotic energy in the middle turned into Hongmeng purple energy, dissipated and gradually floated towards Qin Shu. Qin Shu subconsciously reached out to touch it.

The moment she encountered this purple energy, the situation around her changed again.

All kinds of powerful mythical beasts were born around them, such as Suzaku, Qinglong, Kunpeng... everywhere.

Qin Shu herself seemed to have become this wisp of purple energy, floating among many powerful mythical beasts. Watching them display their power, she could blow out a breath of flame and shake the mountains and rivers at will.

Immediately after the birth of the God Clan, they were called the executors of Heaven's Dao. Under the banner of enforcing Heaven's Dao, they attacked many divine beasts. The first one to snatch away was the Phoenix Clan's sycamore tree...

Nine of the ten three-legged Golden Crow brothers were killed. The mythical beasts united to fight against the gods. For a time, the mountains and rivers were strange. The newly born human race was either submerged by floods or buried under thick volcanic ash...

Qin Shu drifted like this without any joy or sorrow for a long time. After she saw with her own eyes that the Fire Tribe was trapped in the volcano but could never get out, her emotions seemed to return to her body.

Finally, when it came to the legendary battle to destroy the sky, the gods and beasts each took sides. Qin Shu's eyes fell on a huge black figure that almost occupied half of the sky, and she felt a hint of familiarity.

She wanted to explore again, but her consciousness felt another pain. Her mental strength was exhausted, and her whole body gradually regained consciousness. She fell to the ground, her forehead covered with sweat.

What she didn't notice was that the thick purple energy in her eyes swept away at this moment, which was even thicker than when she absorbed the purple energy in her eyes before.

She seemed to have spied something. As expected, the black figure had something to do with the big snake.

Is it his ancestor?

Qin Shu felt a stab of pain in her mind again, and something seemed to well up in her eyes. Qin Shu thought she was crying, but when she raised her hand to wipe it, she realized that it was blood.

Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, then quickly sat cross-legged and circulated the purple energy to the extreme.

The discomfort in her eyes gradually receded, and she no longer paid attention to the call behind her, and headed down the mountain without looking back.

Secrets are secrets after all. If you want to know something before you have enough strength, you will be risking your life.

Qin Shu returned to her cave, and He Xin was already waiting outside.

Seeing her figure appear, He Xin hurried to meet her. Just as he was about to speak, he saw her slightly pale face.

He Xin's face changed, "Qin Shu, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "It's just a little accident, it's okay."

He Xin didn't dare to do it blindly, frowned and said, "Otherwise, don't practice today, and talk about it tomorrow."

Qin Shu shook her head, "It's okay, but the soul has been slightly injured, and the soul is not needed for body training. Hurry up, I hope you get better soon."

When she didn't know anything before, she was also ignorant, but now she knows more and more, and she has some ideas in her heart.

Her intuition tells her that when she can watch the big show completely, the world will be in turmoil again.

At that time, the only way to survive is to improve her cultivation to the highest level.

Qin Shu pursed her lips, took out the jade slip, and found the name of the snake.

What was strange was that after so long, he had not even sent her a message.

What happened? What tripped him up?

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