I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 764 Is there any gossip?

Under the gravity that was several times greater than that of the outside world, Qin Shu's figure fell towards the dense forest under her feet like a huge rock.

She subconsciously resisted this gravity and tried her best to use the body skills taught by the Suzaku Patriarch to fly farther.

At the same time, her eyes and brain were like a precision instrument running at high speed. Her eyes and consciousness transmitted all the information she saw to her brain, and her brain also presented a 3D map in her mind based on this information.

These were just her subconscious actions. After she did all this, Qin Shu vaguely realized that she might have made a very right decision.

After arriving in a strange place, the most important thing is to understand the terrain map first.

It's a pity that this secret realm is too big. The closer you fly to the center, the greater the gravity you will bear in the air.

The blue veins on her forehead bulged, as if she had reached her limit.

That's all. Seeing so much is already a profit.

She gave up fighting gravity, and the whole person fell to the ground like a meteorite from outer space.

Qin Shu was confident in her physique, and she didn't even add a protective shield, and just let herself fall into the soil.


A human-shaped, three-meter-deep pit appeared on the ground.

Qin Shu climbed out of the pit, and then pinched a cleaning spell to clean the dirt on her body.

At the same time, she also carefully checked the surrounding environment.

Jungle, all jungle.

No one knew where the inheritance of Master Sen Yao was hidden. Qin Shu used her Du'e Gongfa to the extreme, but didn't get any useful information.

She crossed her arms and thought for a moment, and finally decided to rely on God to give her a decision.

She picked up a branch from the ground, put her hands together and chanted, "Sanqing, I am lost in the secret realm of Sen Yao, please point the way for me!"

Then she threw it casually, and the end of the branch that was left pointed to the north.

Qin Shu glanced at the north and raised her feet to the north.

"I don't know which way to go anyway, so I'll just follow God's will."

She came in from the east, and any direction would be fine as long as she didn't go back.

She had only walked for a short while when she suddenly felt a vibration coming from the communication jade slip. Qin Shu didn't stop, but took out the communication jade slip.

There were many unread messages on it, and their senior brothers and sisters from the sect, as well as Senior Brother Kong Shen from Putuo Temple, had also sent messages.

Kong Shen: [Junior sister, are you in Sen Yao Secret Realm? ]

Qin Shu replied: [You're here too? 】

The next moment, Kong Shen's voice came out, "Master Sen Yao is a formation master! I must be there! But my cultivation is not enough, I am afraid I can't get his inheritance..."

His voice was low for a moment, but his mentality was really good, "But anything I get in this secret realm may be of great benefit to me."

Qin Shu thought so, so she hurriedly asked him about the information of the Sen Yao Secret Realm, "Brother, do you know where Master Sen Yao's inheritance is? Where should we go?"

Kong Shen: "If I knew, I would have gone there long ago! I am afraid that no one in the entire secret realm wants to get this inheritance more than me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly chanted two Amitabhas.

If he said more, he would break the precepts.

When Qin Shu heard this, he knew that they were almost at the same starting line.

Since no one had any gossip, there was no need to worry.

In such a large forest, what is the difference between wanting to find inheritance and looking for a needle in a haystack?

As Qin Shu walked, she reminded Kong Shen, "Brother, the secret realm is very large, and there may be dangers hidden there. You have to be careful. If I find anything, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Kong Shen also made a promise to her that he would share his findings with her as soon as possible.

As for the other brothers and sisters, the messages they sent were all asking about her whereabouts.

Wen Chi directly sent two words: [Where? ]

Qin Shu took the time to reply with four words: [Sen Yao Secret Realm. ]

Wen Chi said again: [I guessed it. The aura on the space barrier outside just now is exactly the same as the outer perimeter of Qiyuan Mountain. You can tell with your toes that Xie Shiyuan is here. ]

Xie Shiyuan has reached the Ascension Realm and can't get in here at all. Who is he here for? Is there any need to say it?

Qin Shu suddenly realized something when she saw this line of words and asked: [You are here too? 】

Wen Chi's response was very natural, "Of course! This is the best secret realm below the Nascent Soul stage. You all cultivate at a speed as fast as flying. I was scolded by Master a few days ago."

Qin Shu laughed, "That's embarrassing. I see that Senior Brother and Junior Sister are here? Are you together?"

Wen Chi: "Who wants to go with them? Senior Brother, I want to make a splash alone! But Wen Run, the tail-chaser, followed me."

"I'm not a tail-chaser! I'm also a Golden Core. Sen Yao Secret Realm opens once every three hundred years, so of course I'm here!"

Qin Shu vaguely heard Wen Run's voice and suddenly frowned. Open once every three hundred years? Didn't the people who came in before leave some maps or something?

Qin Shu thought so and asked so.

Wen Chi's voice came again, "Junior Sister, have you forgotten what Sen Yao Zhenren does?"

Qin Shu was stunned and suddenly realized.

Array Master? !

That is to say, they were already in his formation from the moment they stepped into this secret realm?

Then what's the point? If you don't have some attainments in formation, you may never see the place of inheritance in your life.

Oh, except Qin Mian, she has the aura of the heroine.

"Let it go. This place is so big. If we find some spiritual herbs and fruits, it will be a profit. We are not formation masters, but we are also alchemists." Qin Shu said casually.

After thinking for a while, she asked again, "Is Qin Mian here?"

Wen Chi replied quickly, "Who is Qin Mian?"

Qin Shu: "..."

She found the message of Junior Sister Chiyu and asked her again.

Chiyu: "I didn't notice it. I flew here by myself."

Qin Shu didn't plan to ask again. She could come or not.

At this time, Lu Jin sent her a message for the first time, [My good friend who has stood me up many times, the annoying guy that your Xuantian Sect sent to our Tianji Pavilion, went to Senyao Secret Realm. ]

Qin Shu: [? 】

Why did this young lady think of sending her a message?

Lu Jin: [I just saw you, let me remind you, she looked at you with a strange look in her eyes. ]

Qin Shu confirmed that Qin Mian was here, and Lu Jin was here too.

[You are here too? ]

Lu Jin simply stopped writing and sent a message directly, "I didn't want to come either, and I'm weak, but my father insisted that I come. He arranged twenty guards for me and stuffed me in."

Qin Shu raised her eyebrows. The head of Tianji Pavilion would definitely not do anything unnecessary. He personally sent his daughter here this time? Could it be... that the opportunity of Sen Yao Secret Realm would fall on her?

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