I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 779 This is the real swordsmanship

Then Qin Shu found that Luan Yue and Qi Zhan were always whispering to each other. She didn't know what they were talking about, but she could tell that they didn't seem to be communicating very happily.

Qin Shu didn't ask much, Luan Yue chose not to say anything, so she just kept it to herself.

When the three of them had been traveling for a day, monsters suddenly appeared.

The first one to attack them was a fire stork, and as it flapped its wings, each feather would turn into an arrow.

Qin Shu couldn't attack her even if she stood there, but she had promised Luan Yue to hide her strength, so she had to act.

She rolled clumsily on the ground and dodged three feather arrows, but one arrow finally landed on her arm.

She quickly applied a plaster and wrapped her intact arm tightly.

Then he pretended to be nervous and looked at Luan Yue, and asked in a deep voice: "Daoyou, this fire stork is quite powerful!"

Luan Yue held back her laughter and said in the same heavy voice: "Daoyou, I'll give you a try!"

Qin Shu turned her head and looked at Qi Zhan on the side, and said solemnly: "Daoyou, we must attack from both sides, and we must take it down as soon as possible even if we get hurt. The longer we delay, the more disadvantageous it will be for us."

Qi Zhan glanced at her, not knowing what he was thinking, but nodded.


Qin Shu took out the defective spiritual sword she had bought from You Zijin from her storage ring and made a not-so-standard starting posture.

Qi Zhan saw all her little movements and believed in Qin Shu's casual cultivation personality even more.

You can't even take out a better spiritual sword, and you still have the nerve to learn from others to be a sword cultivator?

Qin Shu and Qi Zhan attacked at the same time, but this time was different from the countless attacks before. Qin Shu didn't dare to use any sword moves, and could only use the simplest and most common flat stab.

When the sword move almost fell on the fire stork, her hand moved slightly, and the sword light deviated a little, brushing the wings of the fire stork.

The next moment, the feather arrow of the fire stork fell again, and she was embarrassed again.

"Hiss--" She took a breath while holding the injured arm, and said solemnly: "This bird is too strong! Otherwise, let's run away!"

Qi Zhan glanced at her, "No need."

Then, he took out a sword and made a sword flower, and said to Luan Yue behind him: "Yuer, add some gain."

Qin Shu's consciousness clearly felt that Luan Yue stiffened unnaturally, as if she had goose bumps, but her universal celebration still fell on Qi Zhan.

Qi Zhan confidently made a standard opening move, and then said to Qin Shu behind him: "Let me show you what real swordsmanship is!"

Qin Shu: "..."

This is the real bking...

She exchanged glances with Luan Yue, and Luan Yue whispered to her, "You acted well."

Qin Shu grinned, and everything was self-evident.

Looking at the green figure fighting with the fire stork in the distance, she suddenly felt pretty good.

With more thugs, she didn't have to do it herself.

It took more than half an hour before Qi Zhan finally killed the fire stork with his sword.

Qin Shu also understood that this Qi Zhan should only have the strength of the late Jindan, and with Luan Yue's Universal Celebration, he could barely fight with the peak of the Jindan.

Qi Zhan put away his sword and took out a full spirit pill from the storage ring and swallowed it, and then went forward to collect the corpse of the fire stork.

"Let's go!"

Given that he had just turned the tide, Qi Zhan naturally put himself in a dominant position among the three.

Luan Yue and Qin Shu looked at each other, got up and followed him.

Qin Shu was thinking in her heart while rushing on the road. If she ran into those black and gold fragments again, should she attack directly or knock the two people unconscious before attacking?

When she stopped to rest, Qi Zhan vaguely found something wrong.

He couldn't see through the cultivation level of this female cultivator, but she didn't seem tired after traveling for so long?

Qin Shu sat cross-legged on the side, but her eyes fell on the open space on the side, as if she was distracted.

Qi Zhan called her, "Fellow Daoist Qin, what are you thinking about?"

Qin Shu came back to her senses and frowned, saying, "My arm hurts a little. I want to see if there are any herbs around here."

As she spoke, she stood up and pulled out two spiritual plants from the side, chewed them and swallowed them.

Seeing this, Qi Zhan asked again: "We are in a hurry, can you keep up?"

Qin Shu's heart was immediately alarmed, knowing that she was probably suspected, and quickly explained: "It is a bit difficult, and fortunately I brought some spiritual pills before entering the secret realm."

Qi Zhan was about to speak, but he heard Luan Yue say again: "Brother, your way of chatting up female cultivators is really not smart. I didn't see you take me with you even when I was tired."

Qi Zhan glanced at Qin Shu with a smile, "If Fellow Daoist Qin is willing to practice dual cultivation with me, it would be okay to take him with you."

Qin Shu: "?"

Her face suddenly became serious, and she said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Qi, please respect yourself!"

She is now using such an inconspicuous mask, and he can also be emotional?

Qi Zhan sneered, "You casual cultivators have nothing to ask for, so you might as well follow me."

Qin Shu looked wooden-faced, glanced at Luan Yue, and whispered, "Can I draw my sword?"

Luan Yue: "Daoyou Qin, please bear with it."

Qin Shu snorted coldly, "If Daoyou Qi is like that! Then we might as well go our separate ways!"

Qi Zhan was waiting for her to say this, but Luan Yue was frightened by her and hurried to smooth things over.

"Let's stop fighting among ourselves. There are more and more monsters here. The more people we have, the more strength we have."

Qi Zhan has already made up his mind. If he goes forward, there will be more and more monsters. If he wants to take action, now is the best opportunity.

Luan Yue is not good at fighting, and fellow Taoist Qin is also incompetent, so there is nothing to worry about.

Qin Shu sat cross-legged and suddenly felt something strange behind her.

As soon as her consciousness swept away, she felt relieved, she was just an idiot.

Before Qi Zhan's hand touched Qin Shu's shoulder, a sudden burst of heat came from his fingertips and hurt to his bones.

Qi Zhan's eyes widened, and he saw the female cultivator in front of him slowly turning around, smiling at him, and asked: "Fellow Daoist Qi, I forgot to tell you, I am a cultivator from the Fire Spirit Root, and I am afraid I have some attributes with you. It doesn’t fit.”

Qi Zhan quickly transferred his spiritual energy to his left hand, only to find that the fire seemed to be burning along with his spiritual energy.

"You...what did you do!"

Qin Shu shrugged, "When the fire spirit energy meets the wood spirit energy, isn't it just a matter of time?"

Qi Zhan immediately drew his sword, "Stop your little moves! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

His sword was about to fall on Qin Shu's neck, but Qin Shu dodged it. She looked at Qi Zhan and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Qi, what are you going to do to me?"

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