I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 783 What's the use of you?

Qi Zhan didn't know the man in front of him, but he was considered a famous figure in the Hehuan Sect, so it was normal for him to be recognized.

Before Qi Zhan could speak, the man in front of him quickly introduced himself: "Senior brother! I am Shuanghe, a disciple of Zhenren Wu Yan. I have been unable to find my direction after entering Senyao Secret Realm. After walking for a long time, I didn't even find a monk. I didn’t expect that the first person I met would be you! What a coincidence!”

Qi Zhan looked at the excited Shuang He in front of him, closed his eyes slightly, calmed down for a long time, then opened his eyes again, looked at him and said: "You came to the secret realm alone? Is there anyone with you?"

Shuanghe nodded, "I came here with Junior Sister Futaba."

Qi Zhan's eyes brightened obviously, "Where is she?"

Shuanghe spread his hands and said, "It was too crowded when we entered the secret realm, so we got separated."

Qi Zhan: "..."

What's the use of you!

The old man Mi Xian glanced at their brothers and asked, "How is it? Can it detoxify?"

Qi Zhan shook his head, "It takes a female cultivator."

The old man lost his mind and realized it instantly. He nodded slightly and said, "Since there is no such thing, there is no need to keep it."

The old man Mi Xian slowly raised his hand, and Shuang He gradually realized that something was wrong and subconsciously took two steps back.

Just when the old man Mi Xian was about to take action, Qi Zhan suddenly said: "Senior, keep him for now. If you really can't find a female cultivator, he can make do..."

The old man retracted his hand, glanced at their senior brothers meaningfully, and finally walked into his own pink mist, leaving only one sentence.

"Let's go."

Shuanghe escaped from death and looked at Qi Zhan with gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you, senior brother, for saving my life! From now on, all the gains I make in the secret realm will be dedicated to senior brother!"

Qi Zhan said nothing and followed Old Man Mi Xian in another direction.

At this time, Qin Shu carried Luan Yue and searched for it according to the key's guidance, and picked up three more fragments along the way.

The five black gold fragments fused together and gradually took on some shape.

Qin Shu quietly observed the shape of the fragment with her consciousness, and felt a little confused, "How come...it looks a bit like the corner of a lampshade?"

As soon as this idea came up, I couldn't suppress it no matter what.

A bolder idea also came up. She quietly took out the wick she had packed at the bottom of the box and put it into a pile with the fragments.

Although they have no connection with each other, their appearance has not changed much.

However, their scents blended together perfectly.

Qin Shu's eyes lit up and she was in a good mood. No wonder Xie Shiyuan had suggested that she go to Senyao Secret Realm before. No matter whether she could get the inheritance or not, these fragments were worth it!

I just don’t know how many fragments there are in this Senyao secret realm? The piece she had on hand at this moment was estimated to be not even a tenth of it.

Qin Shu's change in mood was also noticed by Luan Yue on her shoulder.

When she was carried around by Qin Shu at first, she refused, and the whole sea of ​​consciousness was buzzing.

It wasn't until Qin Shu put a protective shield of wood spirit energy on her head that this feeling disappeared, and all that was left was enjoyment.

Qin Shu was very fast, so she didn't have to get tired when she was carrying her, and no one would recognize her at such a fast speed.

Once you accept this, everything becomes easier.

"What's wrong? You're in such a good mood suddenly?" Luan Yue asked.

Qin Shu said casually: "Isn't it rare that you have the opportunity to get close to a beauty like this? Even I am a little envious of myself now."

Luan Yue couldn't help but move, and Qin Shu asked, "What's wrong?"

"Your thin shoulders hurt the beauty's breasts."

Qin Shu: "..."

She calmly hugged Luan Yue's legs and lifted her up. Luan Yue said again, "Now it touches the beauty's belly."

Qin Shu said ruthlessly: "Bear it."

Luan Yue just sighed when suddenly there was a wave of movement in the key in her hand.

She raised her hand and glanced, realized something, quickly raised her head, struggled and said: "Quick! Quick! Put me down!"

Qin Shu thought she was having trouble with her, so she raised her hand and patted her round butt, "Stop it, we have to hurry, and you don't want to be beaten first!"

Luan Yue's face turned red and white, "If you don't let me down, someone else will get there first."

Qin Shu was stunned, suddenly realized something, and put Luan Yue down.

Luan Yue glanced at Qin Shu and raised the jade pendant.

The landscape painting in front of her gradually overlapped with the undulating green lines on her jade pendant. She roughly determined the direction, pointed in that direction, and said to Qin Shu, "We're here!"

Qin Shu looked in the direction of her finger and became excited.

A place of inheritance! She is coming!

Even if she can't get all the inheritance, she has come here, so she has to get some wool, right?

The closer they got to the direction of the mountains and rivers, the more vigilant they became, and Qin Shu was also worried that there would be an ambush here.

If she were alone, she would have no worries, but now that she was traveling with Luan Yue, she naturally had more worries.

The two flew another two hundred miles, getting closer to the mountains.

At this time, Qin Shu suddenly noticed a trace of spiritual energy fluctuation.

She frowned and looked in the direction of the spiritual energy fluctuations.

She could feel that this aura was somewhat familiar, as if the other party had deliberately exposed it to give her a signal.

Qin Shu made the decision almost in a moment and flew in a different direction with Luan Yue.

When Luan Yue saw that she was flying off the track, she quickly said, "You're flying in the wrong direction! It's the direction of the mountain. That place just happens to match the jade pendant. The place of inheritance must be there!"

Qin Shu responded, "I know, but there's someone familiar over there, let's go over and take a look first."

After changing direction and with the wind in her favor, her speed was even faster.

When she stood on a branch, the spiritual energy fluctuations stopped.

"It should be here."

Qin Shu had just looked around when she heard a voice from above her head, "Xiao Shu'er, look up."

Qin Shu and Luan Yue looked up at the same time. After seeing who was coming, Qin Shu had no time to react before she heard Luan Yue beside her shouting in an extremely exaggerated and excited voice, "Master Wen Chi! Oh my God! It's really Master Wen Chi! So handsome! Better looking than in the photo!"

Qin Shu: "..."

Wen Chi: "..."

Wen Run: "..."

The three of them were speechless, and in the end, Wen Chi couldn't help but speak first.

"Xiao Shu'er, who is this?"

Qin Shu coughed lightly and was about to answer when she heard Luan Yue shyly answer, "Master Wen Chi, I am Luan Yue from the Hehuan Sect."

Qin Shu was amazed to see her shy look. She was born in the Hehuan Sect and was known for her boldness. How could she be shy sometimes?

Luan Yue secretly thought in her heart that she finally got to talk to Master Wen Chi. She can brag to her sisters when she goes back!

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