I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 79 This is the life of a god.

Qin Shu wanted to say that in their 21st century, learning summary is just a mediocre skill that every candidate must possess.

She smiled coquettishly, luckily not all of her classmates passed through, otherwise this group of salted fishes in the world of immortality would have been swept to death long ago.

"Master, this is not really a skill."

Master Lingxu only thought she was being modest, and he felt better about this little girl.

He stroked his beard and looked at Qin Shu with a kind smile on his face, and said, "Shu'er, what are the chances of perfecting your spirit-boosting pill?"

Qin Shu raised her fists respectfully and said, "To return to Master, Shu'er has been making ten top-quality pills for each pot since half a month ago."

Master Lingxu was secretly surprised, and then he smiled happily, "Not bad, not bad. Shu'er, you have now mastered the essence of refining the spirit-boosting pill. I think it's time for you to learn how to refining other pills." The elixir is gone.”

As soon as he said these words, Qin Shu smiled bitterly, looked at Master Lingxu and said, "Master, I also want to do this, but my debt has not been paid off yet."

Master Lingxu was even more surprised when he heard this, "What kind of debt? You haven't paid off the top-quality spirit-boosting pills you've been practicing for half a month?"

She had only started working for a year, how could she owe so much foreign debt?

Qin Shu sighed and explained to him: "The second senior brother once gave the disciple a flying magic weapon, so the disciple agreed to help the senior brother repay the sixty-year sect alchemy task he owed. Not long ago, the second senior brother rented this alchemy furnace. I gave it to the disciple, and the disciple promised the senior brother that every time he made a pot of pills, one of them would be rent to the senior brother."

Master Lingxu: "..."

This warm pool! It’s true that the richer you are, the more stingy you are! He is so clear with his fellow junior sister!

"Master knows it." Master Lingxu said, and he took out an alchemy furnace from his storage ring and gave it to Qin Shu, "Give your senior brother the alchemy furnace back to him. Using this for refining, our Alchemy Sect is the least likely to do it." What’s missing is the alchemy furnace.”

Qin Shu looked at the alchemy furnace he stuffed into her arms. The purple-gold furnace was covered with runes.

She was startled for a moment, then became worried again, "Master, my disciple's aura seems to be somewhat special. Before using the alchemy furnace of Second Senior Brother, I had already exploded five furnaces. Your alchemy furnace... just in case..."

Before she could finish her words, Master Lingxu knew what she meant and said, "It doesn't matter, this alchemy furnace is strong, you don't need to worry."

Qin Shu's face lit up with joy, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, "Disciple, thank you Master for the reward!"

She immediately put away Wenchi's alchemy furnace and set up the purple and gold furnace to start refining.

When Master Lingxu saw her action, he thought she wanted to practice a furnace to test her skills, so he just stood aside and watched, and could even give her some pointers when he turned around.

But he didn't expect Qin Shu to finish refining one furnace and then continue to refining the next one as if no one else was around. Master Lingxu stood aside and watched helplessly as she finished refining five furnaces of elixirs and exhausted her spiritual energy. She swallowed a spirit-boosting elixir very skillfully. , and then raised his hand to prepare for the next furnace.

The ignored Master Lingxu couldn't help but call her, "Shu'er."

Qin Shu came back to her senses and looked at Master Lingxu behind her. Her reaction seemed to be even more surprised than Master Lingxu, "Master?"

Why haven't you left yet?

She didn't say the last sentence, but Master Lingxu saw it.

"Have you always made elixirs like this before?" Master Lingxu asked.

Qin Shu shook his head. Master Lingxu had just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Qin Shu reply with a natural expression: "Disciples can only practice alchemy during the day. They still have to practice at night when there is moonlight."

Master Lingxu: "..."

Conscience of heaven and earth, if the disciples of their Alchemy Sect were so diligent, not everyone would be burdened with debts for sixty years, and their Alchemy Sect would be rich long ago!

Although Master Lingxu was shocked, he only left two more bottles of Bigu Pill for her and went back.

As soon as Master Lingxu left, Qin Shu sent a message to Wen Chi.

"Second Senior Brother, if you pay back your alchemy furnace, we won't take out this high-interest loan!"

Wen Chi also responded quickly, "What? Is the mission completed?"

"Master, he gave me a new alchemy furnace. You, Wen Papi, can no longer exploit me!" Qin Shu's melodious voice sounded, making Wen Chi burst into laughter.

This little thing didn’t know where he learned these new words. “It’s hard to say.”

Qin Shu thought at first that he just didn't want to lose face, but then she heard a message from Wen Chi, "A little squirrel suddenly ran over on my mountain and damaged one of my golden plum orchids."

The expression on Qin Shu's face froze, and a thought just came to her mind, could she deny this little squirrel?

However, Wen Chi's voice broke her fantasy immediately, "How did I detect that this little squirrel has your breath on it?"

Qin Shu: "..."

The harder she works, the poorer she becomes. Is she the only one in the world?

"Keep an eye on her. If she breaks something again, I won't pay for it." Qin Shu had a dull face, but her heart was bleeding.

After this incident, Qin Shu had no intention of refining elixirs anymore. At this time, she had already paid off her senior brother's task in the 1960s for eight and a half years.

She put away the stove, walked out of the alchemy room, and flew straight to Wenchi's cave on the Bodhi leaves.

This was her first time here, and there were various restrictions on Wenchi's peak. Qin Shu could only send Wenchi a message honestly when she arrived at the door.

The more this happened, the more curious she became.

How did Xiaoxiao get into her senior brother's cave, which was so densely packed?

Before she could figure out what was going on, the restriction in front of her was already opened.

The peak, which was originally ordinary, seemed to have been uncovered with a thin veil covering the outside, and the pavilions, towers, jade buildings, and idle clouds and wild cranes inside all emerged.

This... is the life of a god, right?

Compared with his mountain, Qin Shu seemed like a caveman.

Even Granny Liu who entered the Grand View Garden was not as shocked as she was at this moment. She lifted her jaw and stepped into this fairyland.

She stepped over the small bridge and a group of koi fish gathered around her, all of them as red as the sunset on the horizon.

She wished she could grow eight pairs of eyes to see her senior brother's residence in full view.

Wen Chi lived in a palace. As soon as she came to the bottom of the steps, a neon light extended from the palace to her feet.

Qin Shu: "..."

Is this the elevator in the world of immortal cultivation?

She stepped on it carefully and found that she was actually standing firmly, and the neon light slowly floated her to the palace on the top of the mountain.

"Junior sister, senior brother has been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as she appeared in front of the door, a voice came from the palace.

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