I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 790 How can they compete with you?

It’s just that most ghost cultivators are unwilling to come to the world of immortal cultivation. They don’t need spiritual energy to cultivate, but ghost energy and willpower.

As long as they have enough willpower, their cultivation will be promoted quickly.

Instead of coming to the world of immortal cultivation, it’s better to go to the human world! Send a dream to the relatives who are still alive, and ask them to burn more incense, candles and paper money for themselves.

Among the many secret realms in the world of immortal cultivation that have not been inherited, Sen Yao Secret Realm is a big secret realm. Not only are there cultivators from the world of immortal cultivation, but many cultivators from the ghost world and the demon world have also come secretly this time.

Qin Shu couldn’t help but frowned when she heard Wen Chi’s words.

“I thought I only needed to compete with human cultivators before, but I didn’t expect that I would have to compete with ghost cultivators now.”

Luan Yue on the side couldn’t help but said, “Ghost cultivators? How can they compete with you?”

Could it be that this girl still doesn’t have a clear understanding of her own strength until now?

Qin Shu raised her hand and put it on her shoulder, grinning, "Keep a low profile."

They haven't even seen what the inheritance looks like, but they have already set a flag. Isn't that setting a threshold for themselves? It's probably going to be bad.

Qin Shu continued: "I don't know much about formations, so it doesn't matter whether I can get this inheritance."

After she said this, they all suddenly didn't care.

They all took a dispensable attitude towards the formation inheritance, but if they could get some treasures from the inheritance place, it would be very good.

"Let's go, let's go in."

They were not the first wave to come here, and everyone knew the principle of shooting the first bird to come out.

And they originally wanted to wait for their own people, and wait until everyone was almost there before going to the inheritance place, but they didn't expect to be robbed by someone.

According to Qin Shu's speculation, the first person to enter the inheritance place was Qin Mian.

She guessed correctly. Qin Mian relied on her rebirth and brought some of the memories left by Qin Wuya. Knowing that the inheritance of Senyao Secret Realm would fall into her hands, she opened the inheritance door without hesitation.

But she had never expected that this time she would be transported to a different place after entering the inheritance door.

She looked at the unfamiliar scene around her and fell into deep thought.

Snow? Why is it snow? Shouldn't it be a palace?

A gust of cold wind blew, and she had a thin layer of goose bumps. She couldn't tell whether it was cold or she was scared by this sudden change.

Qin Mian frowned and looked very ugly.

Everything has changed. She is not Qin Wuya, and she can't drive Qin Shu away from Xuantianmen.

She is no longer the pride of the Sword Sect, and all the senior brothers will not favor her. Everyone seems to like Qin Wuya who occupied her body in the previous life more?

She really doesn't understand. Could it be... this is that men understand men better?

Qin Shu didn't know that her good sister was in a century-old dilemma. She was just surprised that she had just entered the inheritance land. Luan Yue, who was originally on her shoulder, and Lu Jin, who was walking on her left, and her senior brothers and others all disappeared.

She looked around and found that she was standing on a desert at this time.

She subconsciously took out the communication jade slip to send a message to Senior Brother Wen Chi, but found that the message could not be sent out at all.

She looked around and felt the temperature here. Although it was very hot, it was quite comfortable for her.

All she could see with her naked eyes was the desert. Qin Shu was no longer the naive person who had just entered the world of immortal cultivation.

She was well aware that this world was three-dimensional, and she could not see only one side of everything. Her consciousness gradually spread out, slowly going down along the fine sand, wanting to see if there was anything hidden underground.

At this glance, some black and red things under the desert seemed to have awakened, densely packed, and madly poured out towards the surface at the same time.

Qin Shu subconsciously soared into the air, and from the moment she left the ground, a group of dark red things emerged from where she had just stood.

Qin Shu's spiritual sense swept across the ground, desert scorpions? !

In an instant, the originally golden desert was covered with a thick layer of dark red.

Qin Shu clicked her tongue twice, this thing is poisonous and will devour spiritual energy.

If you are not careful and are attacked by so many scorpions, your spiritual energy will be exhausted in an instant, and there will be no way to survive?

The inheritance of Master Sen Yao is really not easy to get, and you will lose your life if you are not careful.

Of course, what Qin Shu didn't know was that when no one disturbed these desert scorpions, they would only appear in groups of two or three at night, and there would be no large-scale riots.

But who knew that Qin Shu had just arrived here and made such a big scene, and her spiritual sense range was wide, so there were more desert scorpions.

Qin Shu raised her hand and used her spiritual energy to catch a desert scorpion, then placed it in her fair palm and examined it carefully.

It was not big, and was only about as long as her middle finger.

Its hard mouth bit Qin Shu's finger, but it didn't even leave a mark.

This desert scorpion seemed to have never been so humiliated before, and it raised its tail high in anger, and its stinger stabbed directly into Qin Shu's palm.

Qin Shu smiled, holding its little tail in one hand and throwing it far away, while throwing it, she didn't forget to say, "It's like tickling, little thing, you should go back and practice for a few more years."

Qin Shu felt relieved when she realized that although the number of these things was amazing, it seemed that they could not have any effect on her.

If they couldn't even break the defense, there was no need to waste spiritual energy, right?

She landed on the ground again, and stepped on the backs of many desert scorpions with her feet, making two "squeak" sounds.

As she landed, these desert scorpions seemed to have found their target at the same time. In just one breath, they wrapped Qin Shu up. From a distance, she seemed to be wearing a black armor from head to toe.

Although these desert scorpions could not break Qin Shu's defense, so many scorpions hanging on Qin Shu were heavy after all.

She raised her arms and smiled.

"Not bad?" She made a random gesture, and the desert scorpions on her fingers fell down one after another, but soon they would be covered by the newly climbed shoes.

Qin Shu didn't care. She used the newly learned method of finding objects to find the direction, and then raised her feet and ran away.

She didn't care about the scorpions on her body at all, just running with a load.

These little things would attack anytime and anywhere, which was also good for her body training, so there was no need to waste spiritual energy.

She didn't know how long she ran before two breaths appeared in the range covered by her spiritual consciousness.

"Is there someone?" Qin Shu thought of the large number of desert scorpions around her, so in order not to implicate others, she quickly changed direction and ran.

However, what she didn't expect was that when she ran, the other party caught up with her.

"Brother! What is that black mass? Why does it seem like there is a human figure in it? Could it be a demon cultivator in the transformation stage?!"

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