I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 793 Someone is coming

Wen Chi looked at Qin Shu's movements with great curiosity, and wanted to move over to take a look, but he was sealed on the futon and couldn't move at all, "What is that?"

Qin Shu didn't even raise her head to look at him, and said casually: "The map."

Wen Chi was stunned, "Map? Map of the secret realm? You actually have such a thing."

Qin Shu shook her head, "It's not a map of the secret realm."

Then she raised her head to meet his inquiring look and said, "It's the map of the inheritance place."

Wen Chi's expression suddenly changed, "You even have this? Where did you get it?"

Qin Shu pursed her lips and smiled, "Of course someone came to the door."

When she said this, Wen Chi understood everything. He also met a lot of gangsters on the way here, but he dealt with them all easily.

Seeing Qin Shu's understatement, Wen Chi couldn't help but sigh, "You are so lucky. Since the map of the inheritance place is in your hands, let's see if the inheritance is here?"

Qin Shu sat cross-legged on the ground, spread the map in her hand on the ground, then sighed and said to Wen Chi: "It's a pity that this map is just a fragment, and... I can't understand it very well."

Wen Chi: "..."

He knew that this secret realm had existed for so long and no one had accessed it, so it must not be that simple.

Qin Shu opened the "Encyclopedia of Formations" in her hand and looked through it while comparing it with the patterns on the map.

"This map may not be a treasure map. I think the symbols on it look like formation markings." Qin Shu said.

Wen Chi raised his eyebrows and heard Qin Shu continue to say: "It should just be a lightning protection strategy."

"Lightning avoidance strategy? What does this mean?" Wen Chi asked.

Qin Shu glanced at the futon under him and said, "For example, according to the map, where we are now is a trap."

Wen Chi: "..."

"Do you need to say this? I have experienced it myself!"

Qin Shu pointed to an earth-yellow corner on the corner of the map and said: "If I guessed correctly, the place of inheritance is distributed according to the five elements. The place we are now is of the fire attribute, and everyone who comes here is fire. "Linggen monk."

The fluctuating light fan in Wen Chi's hand shook slightly, as if he was thinking about Qin Shu's statement.

A moment later, I heard him ask: "What about the disciples with multiple spiritual roots? I still have wood spiritual roots. Why aren't I allowed to go to the land with the wood attribute?"

Qin Shu shrugged, "I don't know, but according to my guess, whichever attribute is the strongest should be sent to it, or it may be random."

Wen Chi nodded slightly, as if he thought Qin Shu was right.

After Qin Shu said this, she seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly said: "By the way, what kind of spiritual root does Master Sen Yao have?"

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other and highlighted three words at the same time, "Mu Linggen."

Qin Shu realized, "Let's go to another place."

Wen Chi spread his hands and said, "I can't get out."

"I have a solution."

Qin Shu raised her hand and touched the storage ring, and her all-purpose wooden barrel appeared in her hand again.

Wen Chi smiled knowingly when he saw her taking out the barrel, "This method of yours is really the nemesis of the trapped formation."

Qin Shu took out another brush, mixed a drop of blood into the ink, and drew a circle of runes around her. Her movements were so skillful that Wen Chi was amazed.

"Long time no see, you are becoming more and more skilled in drawing. You must have really learned the formation, right?"

Qin Shu finished the last stroke and threw the barrel in her other hand to him.

"Catch it."

Wen Chi's hands reacted faster than his brain. He caught the barrel, and the next moment a burst of fiery red light lit up around him.

After a moment, the red light dissipated, and Wen Chi appeared next to Qin Shu.

Seeing Qin Shu put away the pen and ink and the barrel with satisfaction, she said: "I only learn useful formations."

Wen Chi clicked his tongue twice, "It's all your fault this time. Let's go to the area with the wood attribute now?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "I used the finding method to find it. Logically speaking, there should be something hidden here."

Wen Chi was stunned for a moment, and then he raised his hand to perform the Searching Object Jue.

Then he frowned, "Why didn't I find anything?"

Qin Shu glanced at him and said, "Is there a possibility that you are not good at studying?"

Wen Chi: "?"

Qin Shu met Wen Chi's eyes, touched her nose very sensibly, coughed, and said, "Maybe... this thing has nothing to do with you?"

Wen Chi: "..."

There was nothing he wanted to hear.

Qin Shu lifted up the seven futons in front of her and rummaged through them, but couldn't find any clues.

She touched her chin and thought for a long time, and finally thought of something.

He took out seven of his puppets with his backhand and placed them on the futon.

Why do you need people to sit on it? Maybe it's the formation changes caused by the weight.

But after the puppets were put up, the formation still had no reaction.

Qin Shu knelt down and thought for a long time with a frown on her face, then suddenly stood up and found seven middle-grade spiritual stones in her hand.

Before she had time to put the spirit stone on, her ears suddenly twitched, and then she heard Wen Chi reminding: "Someone is coming!"

Qin Shu looked around, and finally her eyes fell on the stairs on the second floor.

The two brothers and sisters immediately rushed towards the second floor, and were stopped by a red barrier just as they reached the stairs.

"No, the first level is not cracked, so you can't go to the next level."

Qin Shu rolled up her sleeves while talking.

Since there is no place to hide, just do it!

Wen Chi was speechless when he saw her eager to make a move.

He raised his hand and threw a scroll on the opposite wall, and then pulled Qin Shu's wrist and went in.

As the two figures disappeared, a mural appeared in the originally empty room.

In the yellow sand, a male cultivator held the female cultivator's wrist and did not move.

Wen Chi did not forget to tell Qin Shu: "Don't move, be careful of being exposed."

Qin Shu also whispered to him, "Don't worry, I'm good at playing wooden man."

As soon as the two disappeared, a series of footsteps appeared outside the tower.

The door was pushed open with a "creaky" sound, and a bald red-bearded strong man appeared in front of them, with a string of white bone beads hanging around his neck.

Qin Shu looked at this posture and knew... This person is probably another evil cultivator.

The red beard stood outside the door and looked around in his beard, and finally his eyes fell on the formation that Qin Shu had drawn on the ground before.

What kind of formation is this? How come he has never seen it before?

Red Beard walked in and touched the ink on the ground.

The temperature here is too high, and the ink has dried up long ago.

He just rubbed off some debris, and then put his finger to his nose to smell it. The fragrance of ink is condensed and does not dissipate.

It can be seen that this formation was drawn not long ago when he came.

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