I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 800 Invisible Sculpture

There seemed to be some sculptures hidden further back, but they were out of Qin Shu's sight and she couldn't see them at all.

If ordinary cultivators saw this scene, they would probably be too scared to move forward, but Qin Shu seemed unaffected and continued to walk forward.

Her footsteps landed on the bluestone slabs, and every step seemed to have been measured, not a centimeter off.

Master Sen Yao made such a big scene, it was impossible for her to walk through it so easily.

Sure enough, Qin Shu had just taken two steps when a huge figure slowly walked out of the darkness in the distance.

He was tall, and Qin Shu was barely as long as his calf.

Qin Shu took a breath of cold air when she saw this. Would she be asked to fight with this person?

As the black shadow in the distance walked out, rows of dim lights suddenly lit up around.

The huge sculptures were revealed one by one, but their faces were still hidden in the darkness above.

However, Qin Shu couldn't care about these things at this time, because... she felt vaguely that the figure coming from a distance had locked onto her aura.

This was nothing, what was more uncomfortable was that this figure actually carried a certain amount of pressure. She didn't know what level of cultivation this person had, but this pressure really had a certain impact on her.

The corridor was unusually quiet, with only the footsteps of the sculpture in the distance.

These sounds seemed to step on Qin Shu's heart, and she could clearly feel that she seemed to be unable to use even 30% of her strength.

How could she fight this? Was she crushed without coming up?

What happened to the Du'e technique? This difficulty also made her come in to see it?

But she soon remembered that when Senior Brother Wen Chi taught her the Du'e technique, he once said that the Du'e technique was always trustworthy. In the tens of thousands of years that their Wen family had practiced the Du'e technique, the Du'e technique had never made any mistakes.

Qin Shu touched her chin and thought, could it be that... there was something else she had missed?

"In a one-on-one situation, I can hardly be its opponent. It would be great if someone could help me." Qin Shu sighed in a low voice.

Just as this thought came to her mind, there was another "click" sound beside her.

Qin Shu's consciousness was a few points faster than her sight. Her consciousness drifted over and saw another sculpture moving.

Qin Shu's heart "clicked". How could it be possible? One sculpture was enough to kill her. Would she be allowed to live if another one came?

This secret realm is restricted to those below the Nascent Soul stage. This intensity of trial is enough to drink a pot even if you come from the Out-of-Body stage.

However, when her consciousness fell on the sculpture, Qin Shu suddenly noticed something strange.

She was stunned, and her consciousness went in along the body of the human sculpture.

Soon, she found that she had established a connection with the sculpture!

In other words, she could control this sculpture.

Qin Shu was overjoyed. Sure enough! Master Sen Yao also left a helper for her!

Qin Shu's consciousness tried the dwarves and elves next to her, and finally found that it was easier to control the human cultivator.

The human cultivator sculpture was a sword cultivator, and Qin Shu was also a sword cultivator. Only by using the human cultivator sculpture could she release her full strength.

Qin Shu sat cross-legged and controlled the human cultivator sculpture to walk out.

The two tall sculptures stood face to face, and almost at the moment when the other raised his hand, Qin Shu also controlled the sword cultivator sculpture to draw his sword and attack...

The pressure of the sculpture suppressed her, but not the sculpture.

She just adapted a little, and gradually learned to control this big guy.

This feeling is quite special. The sculpture's arm is like an extension of her arm, and although her cultivation is the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, her consciousness has already reached the peak of the Nascent Soul.

In addition, this sculpture is a sword cultivator, Qin Shu only needs to display her swordsmanship.


On the other side, Wen Chi sat in meditation. The incense burner in the hall where he was originally sitting cross-legged suddenly emitted a puff of smoke, and the next moment the scene around Wen Chi changed.

Then, Wen Chi opened his eyes instantly.

His young face was full of astonishment, just because... his Du'e Gongfa actually started to work.

Once the Du'e Gongfa started to work, it would either be a good omen or a taboo.

At this time, he felt it a little and knew that his chance had come.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that the scene in front of him had changed. He seemed to be standing in a Buddhist temple, surrounded by various Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Eighteen Arhats in various postures.

Wen Chi was stunned. Although he had no intention of finding a Taoist partner for the time being, he had never thought of joining Buddhism. What was going on?

He wanted to get up and check, but found that he couldn't stand up at all. This feeling was exactly the same as when he was trapped on the cushion, the only difference was that there was no cushion under his butt now.

He could only be forced to try to use his spiritual sense to explore the surroundings again. This time... he actually found that his spiritual sense seemed to be able to establish some kind of connection with the sculpture in front of him.

The scene in front of him changed rapidly, and Wen Chi had now learned to be as still as a mountain.

He sat firmly on the high platform, watching as one of the Arhat statues slowly walked into the center of the venue under his control. It seemed that someone was playing chess with him.

He was very familiar with this feeling. He was always good at playing chess, but this time, the chess pieces in his hand were replaced by sculptures.

He controlled the Arhat to use seals and spells, and the person on the other side seemed to be a sword cultivator.

As the two sides fought, Wen Chi gradually fell into deep thought.

It's not that he thought too much, it's just that the swordsmanship used by the man on the opposite side seems to be somewhat similar to Xiao Shu'er's vast swordsmanship?

In addition, Xiao Shu'er did enter this door just now, could it be... that the person playing against him on the opposite side is actually Qin Shu?

Wen Chi's movements slowed down, and Qin Shu also noticed the moves of the black shadow on the opposite side, which were full of the breath of her senior brother.

When Wen Chi was thinking about how to communicate with Qin Shu, he saw the sword cultivator on the opposite side holding a sword and writing two words on the ground, [Senior Brother? ]

Qin Shu's action also inspired Wen Chi, and his Luohan also squatted down and used his fingers to pick out two words on the ground: [It's me. ]

Qin Shu saw that he guessed correctly, and the corners of his lips gradually flew up, and he quickly controlled the sword cultivator sculpture to write another line of words, [Senior Brother, let me pass. ]

Wen Chi didn't understand, so he drew a question mark on the ground.

Qin Shu quickly wrote: [Your sculpture blocked my way, I want to pass. ]

Wen Chi understood instantly, it seems that the two of them are experiencing different scenes now.

[You pass, I don't move. 】

If her opponent was someone else, Qin Shu might have to be careful, but that person was her senior brother! Or the second senior brother who loved her the most, Qin Shu naturally assumed that Master Sen Yao was letting her go, happily withdrew her consciousness, and walked forward in a swagger.

All the way to the end of the road, the shadow of the sword sculpture who faced her did not move at all.

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