I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 807 I have another condition

The giant ape was silent for a moment, and then he continued to send a voice message to Qin Shu: "What can I exchange for it?"

When Qin Shu heard this, she knew that it was moved.

Since it was moved, there was still room for negotiation.

She thought for a moment, looked up and met the giant ape's copper bell-like eyes, and said: "Pellets, okay?"

For demon cultivators, pills are very rare, and the giant ape was indeed moved.

"What pills?" The giant ape asked.

Qin Shu: "I am an alchemist, and I can refine pills of grade six and below, or you can wait for me to be promoted in the future, and I can promise to help you refine two furnaces of grade eight pills."

The giant ape did not respond directly, and the cave was unusually quiet, and only its breathing could be heard.

After a long time, the giant ape spoke again, "I have another condition."

Qin Shu frowned, but decided to listen to what it said first, so she asked, "Please speak."

The giant ape's eyes swept across the faces of their brothers and sisters one by one, and then slowly said, "If you can take me away from here, I will agree to it. If not, you should not be able to enter the next time the secret realm opens."

Qin Shu suddenly realized that it did not come from outside, but was a monster that grew up in the secret realm.

According to the restrictions of the Sen Yao Secret Realm, its cultivation should also be suppressed at the Nascent Soul stage.

She thought about it, she took Xiao Xiao out of the secret realm at the beginning, and now she can try to take the giant ape out.

But her jade pendant has grown from the size of a bathroom to the size of a living room after so many years of growth.

Looking at the giant ape again, Qin Shu frowned and asked: "I can try, but... can you become smaller?"

The giant ape responded, and instantly shrank into the size of a doll like a deflated balloon.

It seemed that it was not as tall as the smaller version of Wen Chi. The man and the ape looked at each other, and the giant ape looked at Qin Shu and asked: "Is this size okay? It can't be smaller."

Qin Shu was very satisfied, holding a small one in each hand, and crawled out from underground.

As soon as they emerged, a shrill voice rang out, "They appeared!"

Qin Shu jumped out of the ground, threw the two little ones in her hands behind her, and shouted at them: "You go first, I'll take care of it."

The little monkey was a beat slower to react, and was pulled by Wen Chi's arm and ran away.

"Is she okay?" the little monkey asked.

Wen Chi directly transmitted the message: "Let's not leave it to hinder our junior sister."

They have been senior brothers and sisters for many years, and they have some tacit understanding.

He knew very well that his sister was indeed belligerent, but she was not a fool. With so many people besieging her, she would definitely run away. If she was alone, she would have ten thousand ways to leave.

At the moment when the two little guys ran away, Qin Shu drew out the black sword of life and death with her backhand. At the critical moment, she remembered that she could not be exposed. Using her strongest sword intent, the unity of man and nature, plus the fourth style of the vast sword technique, she slashed with a sword, and a huge blade of light cut through the sky.

With her sword, even the peak cultivator of the Nascent Soul stage who caught up with her had to temporarily avoid the edge.

When the light dissipated, looking in the direction where she had just stood, even her figure could not be seen.

But because of her full-strength move just now, the people who had originally chased her were obviously a little hesitant.

A Nascent Soul stage cultivator, and a sword cultivator who had comprehended the sword intent.

Looking at the spiritual energy she used in that move just now, I'm afraid it's even better than that of the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage...

Such a cultivator is already a peak existence in this secret realm. Of course, if they besiege her together, they are not without the strength to fight, and they can kill her even if they are exhausted.

However, who can guarantee that the one who gets the Golden Milk Earth Spirit Fruit is definitely himself?

What if I die and make wedding clothes for others?

This is something no one wants to see, and everyone has the intention of waiting and watching.

However, time waits for no one.

As soon as they hesitated, Qin Shu had no idea where she flew.

She could sense that someone behind her had locked her aura, and she pulled the corner of her mouth. She could even block the secret of the sky, but she couldn't avoid his locking aura?

She floated hundreds of miles away with the wind, and the purple aura on her body slowly began to circulate.

If someone opened the sky eye at this time, they could see that a smoke-purple giant sword phantom gradually formed around Qin Shu. As she used the shielding sword to cut down, a thin line that was originally hanging above her head was cut cleanly by the sword.

A black monk in the distance suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and then looked at the distance with a little more fear.

He knew what his cultivation level was. The trick of locking the aura was always useful. Over the years, even if he encountered someone who broke free from his lock, he had never encountered someone who was hurt in return.

His soul was slightly affected. It seemed that this time... it should not be appropriate to chase after him.

Qin Shu chased forward for a distance and caught up with Wen Chi and the little monkey who were running away.

A man and a monkey were sitting on Wen Chi's flying boat. Seeing Qin Shu jump up, the man and the monkey breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Are you okay?" Wen Chi asked.

Qin Shu shook her head and asked them, "Has anyone locked onto your Qi?"

Wen Chi patted the jade pendant on his waist and said, "They can't lock onto it."

Qin Shu looked at the little monkey again. It didn't dare to look at Qin Shu and slowly lowered its head.

When Qin Shu saw him like this, she understood everything.

Wen Chi's face changed drastically. He raised his hand and pasted the speed-up talisman all over the flying boat. He took off his jade pendant and threw it into the little monkey's hand, saying, "I'll lend it to you first, but you have to return it!"

The little monkey didn't say anything, but nodded honestly.

After flying for a long time, Qin Shu's consciousness covered the area and no longer felt that someone was following them. Only then did she breathe a sigh of relief, "This group of people are thoughtful. They didn't come to rob the golden milk earth spirit fruit, but instead followed us. They must want to find the inheritance place."

The speed-up talisman pasted on the flying boat had been completely burned out, and the speed of the flying boat slowed down. Wen Chi was so tired that he collapsed on the flying boat. He couldn't help but complain, "What's the point of following us? I also want to know where the inheritance place is."

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something again, and suddenly got up and looked at the little monkey sitting next to him.

The little monkey was confused by his gaze, and then he asked, "Do you know?"

The little monkey shook his head, "Never heard of it."

Compared to Wen Chi's disappointed face, Qin Shu seemed to have known it for a long time. She glanced at them and said, "It has been tens of thousands of years since Master Sen Yao died. At that time..."

Qin Shu suddenly paused, looked at the giant ape beside him, and asked solemnly, "You can't be more than ten thousand years old, right?"

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