Master Sen Yao looked at Qin Shu and asked, "Do you have any blank jade slips?"

Qin Shu nodded. There were so many blank jade slips. She was always a studious person. If she encountered something good when she was out, she would write it down with blank jade slips.

She casually took out a handful of blank jade slips and handed them over.

Master Sen Yao glanced at her helplessly, took one out and held it in his hand. He also glanced meaningfully at Qin Shu and said, "You must not be too greedy."

Qin Shu blinked her eyes, but before she could speak, she saw Sen Yao's two fingers pointing at the blank jade slip, as if he was rubbing something on it.

Sang Ze, who was originally noisy, rarely shut up at this time. After a while, Master Senyao handed the jade slip back.

Qin Shu looked at the extra spells and suddenly understood his intention.

Master Sen Yao also sighed at the right time and said: "Now I have nothing left except these skills in my memory."

Qin Shu's consciousness swept through the jade slips and found that Master Senyao had really given her a good thing.

In the process of fighting the enemy, the most important things are combat power and repair power.

She is quite capable of fighting now, and her defense is pretty good. With the same level of cultivation, it would be difficult for ordinary monks to break through her defense.

She is also an alchemist, and if she takes pills after being injured, she will recover quickly.

It was precisely because of this that she had hardly paid much attention to her repair power in the past.

At this time, what Master Senyao gave her was a wood-attribute repair technique.

As we all know, wood spirit energy is the most vital form of spirit energy. Wood spirit energy monks may not have enough attack power, but according to records, if a wood spirit root monk majors in healing and reaches great success, it will be difficult for him to die.

The technique given by Master Senyao is a healing technique that can use the vitality in the wood spirit energy to quickly heal wounds.

I have to say that Qin Shu was quite satisfied with this gift.

But Sang Ze, who was standing next to her, just glanced at it, leaned on the coffin, looked at Sen Yao and said, "Is your life worth such a technique? Senior, I'm not telling you that this move of yours is too much." A bit stingy."

Master Senyao: "..."

Qin Shu also came to her senses at this time and knew that Sang Ze was helping her fight for welfare. It was rare that this guy was reliable. She quickly put away the excitement in her heart and nodded solemnly, "What he said is absolutely true. You can’t really use this trick to get rid of me, can you?”

When they said this, Master Sen Yao suddenly felt a little less confident.

He frowned, "This technique was a heaven-level technique in ancient times. How can it be considered a waste of time?"

Qin Shu said again: "Senior, most of the ancient magic techniques have been lost today, and I'm afraid you are the only one who knows it. It's a pity that the treasures of wisdom of our seniors have been lost. Why don't you take a look and see if there is anything else you remember? How many more can you pass on to the juniors? indivual?"

Master Sen Yao thought for a long time, and suddenly said: "It's not that I don't want to, it's just that other techniques cannot be learned by Mu Linggen monks, and the Great Sun Flame Technique..."

Qin Shu quickly clasped her fists and said, "Senior, to be honest, my junior's fire spirit roots are pretty good."

Master Senyao: "..."

Qin Shu thought for a moment and then added, "The earth spirit root is also pretty good. If you have a suitable technique, why don't you give it to the juniors as well?"

Master Senyao's expression became more and more solemn, and he suddenly raised his hand to rub his temples, "My soul was damaged and I haven't fully recovered yet... My head hurts again."

Qin Shu directly raised her hand and took out a handful of magic cores and placed it in front of Master Senyao. Master Senyao was puzzled, so he saw Qin Shu took out another jade slip, rubbed it with magic and handed it over.

"Senior, this "Soul Nourishing Technique" may be of some help to you."

Sang Ze watched Qin Shu's actions from the side and couldn't help laughing.

When it comes to attracting attention, no one can rival her.

Besides, Master Sen Yao was really moved when he saw the technique that Qin Shu handed to him.

Although his soul has been reunited, after thousands of years of consumption, it is naturally incomparable to the peak period.

But he could clearly feel that the world of immortality today was probably more turbulent than before, and the power of heaven in the air was so full that it felt like a storm was coming.

He knew that this was a deal proposed by Qin Shu, and he was really moved by this deal...

He took the jade slip and glanced at it, his expression suddenly became extremely complicated.

"You mean this magic core can help me restore my soul?"

Qin Shu nodded, "It's true, I have tried it myself."

Master Senyao asked again: "Then how did you get rid of the evil spirit in it?"

Qin Shu shrugged, "Use the spiritual energy to turn around and it will be gone."

Master Senyao handed her a crystal core and said, "Remove the evil spirit and show me."

Qin Shu followed the instructions and controlled the purple energy to circle around it. Sure enough, the spiritual energy in it completely disappeared.

She handed the magic core back to Master Senyao. Master Senyao felt it and looked extremely surprised.

He stared at the magic core for a long time and suddenly threw an olive branch towards Qin Shu.

"Let's make a deal. You help me remove the demonic energy from the demon core and help me restore my soul. Every time my soul recovers three levels, I will give you an ancient spell. How about it?"

Qin Shu's eyes lit up, but she was able to restrain her excitement and negotiated with him: "What level of magic? What if you use a low-level magic to fool me?"

"At least they are all techniques above the earth level, and you can definitely practice them. How about that?"

Qin Shu was satisfied, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly, revealing a beautiful arc.


Just then, the hall suddenly began to shake, and the originally transparent crystal palace suddenly became illusory.

In the outside world, the sky and the earth began to collapse. Qin Shu could hear the voice of Senior Brother Wen Chi, who contained the power of blood, coming to her ears, "Junior sister, someone has inherited the inheritance, the secret realm is about to collapse, let's get out quickly."

Master Sen Yao raised his eyes and glanced outside, saying: "This secret realm was originally maintained by my body and soul. When my soul awakened, this place has undergone changes. Now the body has also left the original structure, and the secret realm can't hold on."

"We should leave too." Qin Shu said.

Sang Ze flew to the monster bag hanging on Qin Shu's waist by himself, and Master Sen Yao looked at it in surprise.

Qin Shu looked at Master Sen Yao again, not knowing what he was planning, whether to leave with her or come back to find her later.

At this moment, a space source stone was thrown towards Qin Shu.

Qin Shu subconsciously reached out to catch it, and then heard Master Sen Yao say: "The things here were originally given to the younger generation who inherited the master's legacy. You keep it well. This is also the master's hiding place. If it is not necessary in the future, there is no need to wake me up."

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