I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 838 The Dagger for You

Zhenren Yuezhi was shocked when he saw this.

As a master of weapon refining, he naturally knew that the corpses of demons could be used to refine weapons.

But he was surprised that where did she get so many corpses of demons?

"Shu'er, you..."

Qin Shu glanced at him and said with a smile: "I went to hunt demons a few days ago, and these are my spoils of war."

Zhenren Yuezhi blinked and was stunned for a moment before he suddenly realized that although his disciple was a weapon refiner, he was also very strong in combat.

As he spoke, Qin Shu started to smash with a hammer.

Zhenren Yuezhi watched from the side and found that she seemed to be more skilled than last time, and even the use of Yun was more handy.

Zhenren Yuezhi nodded with satisfaction. It seemed that she had not been idle during the time she left the sect, and she had practiced seriously.

There were many lazy disciples in the sect. Refining weapons was like refining pills and practicing swords. You must study hard and practice hard.

Now that she can remember to refine weapons, it means that she did not join the Weapon Sect on a whim.

Watching a shield take shape under Qin Shu's hands, it turned out to be a top-grade spiritual weapon.

Master Yue Zhi raised his eyebrows in surprise. The formation of magic weapons has a lot to do with the materials. A second-level demon can refine a top-grade spiritual weapon, which is already its limit.

But obviously, this is not Qin Shu's limit.

He watched Qin Shu refine four magic weapons in a row, including a shield, a sword, and a dagger...

She has entered the door of refining weapons. As a master, he can't teach her much. The rest depends on her own perception.

Master Yue Zhi retreated from the house, and the dazzling sunlight hit his eyes. He squinted his eyes and adapted for a long time before he gradually saw the child sitting cross-legged in the yard and practicing obediently.

The child's body is a spiritual plant, but strangely, with his cultivation level, he still couldn't see what the child's body was.

What's even more strange is that he has transformed at such a young age, and after the transformation, he can actually use the five hearts of the human form to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth?

He looked for a long time, and finally slowly retracted his sight and left his cave.

Before leaving, he specifically told his child to take good care of the yard and not let anyone disturb him.

Qin Shu's physique is much stronger than before. She guarded this small yard and refined the weapon for a whole month without stopping for a moment.

The disciples of the entire weapon sect heard the ding-dong sound coming from the top of the mountain. At first, they thought that Master Yue Zhi was refining the weapon, but soon everyone found out...

The rhythm is wrong, why does this knocking sound look so similar...

"Junior Sister Qin Shu?"

"Senior Sister is back?!"

"Senior Sister refined the weapon for a month?!"

"What level of magic weapon is it that can be refined for so long?"

"In just over a year, Junior Sister has grown to this point?"


This is not over yet. Three months of such days passed, and Ji Duo also entered into meditation in the yard for three months. He was so steady that he didn't look like a child playing around.

The people of the Qi Sect were used to the rhythmic background sound of ding-dong every day. The disciples of the entire Qi Sect became diligent again, and even handed in a lot more magic weapons to the mission hall than usual.

Finally, on an ordinary morning, the knocking sound stopped.


The door of the weapon refining room was pushed open, and Qin Shu walked out of the room.

Ji Duo, who was sitting cross-legged in the yard, seemed to have sensed something, and the next moment his eyes opened and looked in the direction of Qin Shu.

His eyes were instantly lit up, "Mom! You're out!"

While Qin Shu was concentrating on refining the weapon, she didn't forget to use her spiritual sense to take a look at Ji Duo outside.

He had been meditating seriously from beginning to end, and he didn't even move.

While others were still worried about their noisy children, Ji Duo had already mastered a self-disciplined life.

Qin Shu couldn't help but sigh in her heart that she was indeed too relaxed as a mother.

When he was busy, he practiced alone, neither clingy nor causing trouble.

It was really worry-free.

"Well, Duoduo has been very well behaved recently." Qin Shu praised.

She was not saying this to fool the child, she was sincere.

Jiduo grinned at her, with a cute and innocent face, and a bit embarrassed.

Qin Shu moved her wrist, and a palm-sized dagger appeared in her hand.

Jiduo rushed over, looked at the dagger emitting green light in Qin Shu's hand, and raised his head to look into Qin Shu's eyes, as if to confirm her meaning.

Qin Shu raised her head slightly at him, indicating that he should accept the dagger.

This dagger was made from the double blades of the eighth-level blade demon she killed a while ago, and it was also the highest-level magic weapon she could refine now-a top-grade treasure.

Jiduo stretched out her little hand and held the dagger in her hand, and her eyes became brighter.

Qin Shu said to him, "This dagger is the most powerful one that mother can make. Give it to Duoduo. When mother makes a higher-level magic weapon in the future, she will give Duoduo another one."

Ji Duo was very happy. He raised his head and said to Qin Shu, "Okay."

Just as the mother and son finished talking, Master Yue Zhi appeared in the middle of the yard.

Qin Shu looked over. Duoduo moved her hand and the dagger disappeared. He pulled his mother's finger and looked at Master Yue Zhi.

The scene of Qin Shu giving Ji Duo the dagger was seen by Master Yue Zhi, and he looked at Qin Shu with more and more satisfaction.

His disciple did not disappoint him. He had just joined the Qi Sect not long ago, but he could even refine top-grade treasures.

"Come out of retreat?" Master Yue Zhi said.

Qin Shu nodded, "I have refined all the materials I prepared."

Master Yue Zhi nodded slightly, "Yes, if you have any magic tools you have refined that are not useful, you can take them to the Mission Hall to exchange for points. Nowadays, most of the disciples of the sect have received missions to hunt demons, and the magic tools in their hands are consumed very quickly."

Qin Shu nodded respectfully, "That's what my disciple meant."

Master Yue Zhi personally sent the mother and son away, and looking at the child in Qin Shu's hand, he fell into deep thought again.

During the three months that Qin Shu was in retreat, the fact that she had a child had long been known to everyone.

On her way to the Mission Hall, everyone stared at Qin Shu and Ji Duo curiously, but no one came forward to ask.

Qin Shu had long been accustomed to everyone's gaze, and she just flew her own way without looking sideways.

Until she arrived at the Mission Hall, Senior Sister Shu Ying was on duty in the Mission Hall today. She looked at the child in Qin Shu's hand and kindly stuffed a handful of spiritual fruits into his hand.

"I didn't believe it when I heard that Junior Sister had a child, but now I can see it with my own eyes. This little baby looks like Junior Sister, so cute!"

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