Before Qin Shu could figure out the key, she had already entered the cave of the leader.

At this time, the leader's cave was also very lively, and almost all the elders with wood spirit roots from the entire sect were here.

As soon as Qin Shu walked in, everyone's eyes fell on her.

Logically speaking, Qin Shu is not qualified to participate in the meeting here. She should wait outside the door like the other brothers and sisters.

However, under the strong recommendation of the headmaster and Master Lingxu, Qin Shu came in anyway.

She bowed to the elders, sat down next to her Master Lingxu, and then asked quietly: "Master, is there something big going on in our sect? Why are there so many people here today?"

As the elder of the sect, Master Lingxu was naturally better informed than ordinary people. He turned slightly to Qin Shu's side and transmitted seven words to her with a mysterious face, "You will be here later. knew."

Qin Shu: "..."

It's been a mystery for a long time, but the result still has to wait.

They come, the security.

Seeing how many people are coming now, I guess they won’t be able to wait for long.

By the time Qin Shu finished her third cup of tea, the stools in the leader's cave were almost full.

The leader cleared his throat and said in a deep voice: "Everyone knows what I am thinking of when I invite you all here today."

Qin Shu: "???"

What's the matter? She doesn't know!

She turned her head to look at her master with a confused look on her face. Unexpectedly, her master gave her a calm look.

Qin Shu was wise and didn't say anything. Although she didn't know the truth, it was obvious that her master knew it and she would ask him carefully later.

However, the master's next words made Qin Shu understand the master's intention of calling them here.

Seeing the leader's eyes sweeping over everyone, he spoke, "A few days ago, Dan Zong discovered a spiritual plant from Master Wu that can absorb demonic energy. However, my disciples searched everywhere, but could only find a few. There are more than ten plants, and half of them are seedlings.”

Qin Shu was stunned on the spot while holding the tea cup. What? A spiritual plant that absorbs evil energy?

She suddenly thought of the scene of afforestation in the 21st century. No wonder the monks who came there were all monks from the wood spirit root. I see...

Immediately afterwards, I heard the master of the sect continue to say: "Previously, I had ordered several elders of the Alchemy Sect such as Master Xiang Wu and Master Lingxu to cultivate the spiritual plant seedlings, but after several months, they all ended in failure. Today in our sect, All the monks with wood spirit roots are here, so I want to ask you if you have any other ideas?"

Except for Qin Shu, everyone here has more or less heard about it.

At this time, everyone looked at each other, but no one responded.

Master Lingxu and Master Xiang Wu can't do anything. What can they do?

The master's eyes gradually dimmed from expectation. He sighed and glanced sideways at Shu You, who was standing next to him.

Shu You understood immediately, turned his wrist, and a white light appeared in his palm.

When the white light dissipated, a black wooden box appeared in his hand.

The leader said again: "Zhenren Xiangwu and Lingxu matured several of the spiritual plants and got a lot of seeds. Today, I asked Shu You to distribute the seeds. If anyone can plant them, they can go to the sect warehouse to select them. A ninth-grade elixir.”

As soon as these words came out, not to mention Qin Shu, even the other elders became excited.

Ninth-grade elixirs are priceless in the entire world of immortality. No one in the world of immortality has been able to successfully refine ninth-grade elixirs for many years.

First, there is less and less spiritual energy nowadays, and ninth-grade elixirs cannot be turned into elixirs; second, the alchemy methods left behind in today's world of immortality are really not worth mentioning compared to the ancient times when hundreds of flowers bloomed.

Of course, it can also be concluded from this that this seed... is really difficult to plant!

Shu You held the box and distributed the seeds to everyone one by one. When he arrived in front of Qin Shu, he even said hello to her.

"Junior sister is back, long time no see."

Qin Shu nodded in response, "I heard that there was chaos in the world of immortality, so I came back quickly."

Shu You exchanged greetings with her and then went to the next elder.

Qin Shu looked at the dark seeds in her hand and used wood spirit energy to explore the life inside.

There is vitality, how could it not be planted?

My flower-growing family can grow melons and trees in the desert, but it’s just a seed!

Logically speaking, there are three major factors that affect seeds: light, temperature, and water. If you slowly experiment with one of them as a variable, you may have an answer.

But Qin Shu only had one seed in her hand. If the vitality in it was lost, the ninth-grade elixir would no longer be available to her.

After the seeds in Shu You's hand were distributed, the head of Qi Nan began to drive people away.

"The seeds in your hands are related to the situation in the world of immortality. Without further ado, everyone should go back and think of something. I will not keep you here."

Qin Shu did not take the seed back into the storage ring, but kept it in her hand, nourishing it with the spiritual energy of the wood.

After leaving the master's cave, Qin Shu returned to Lingxiao Peak with Master Lingxu. Qin Shu then asked the master beside him: "The sect has so many seeds, but none of them can be planted?"

Master Ling Xu shook his head, "A single plant of Demon-Conquering Grass has thousands of seeds. There are indeed many seeds, but I and Master Xiang Wu have been thinking about it for a long time, but they still haven't planted it yet."

Qin Shu frowned and asked again: "Where are the seeds that were not planted?"

It would be a pity to lose them all. Maybe it's just that the germination period of the seeds is relatively long?

The next moment, she saw Master Ling Xu raising his chin in the direction of her hand, "Didn't they all dig it out?"

Qin Shu: "..."

That's okay.

Now that the master is right in front of her, Qin Shu needs to ask some questions. Can she avoid taking some detours?

"Master, how did you plant it in the first place? Can you tell me about it?"

It was rare for Master Lingxu to teach her once, so after thinking about it for a moment, he agreed.

"You go back with me later, and I will tell you in detail."

Qin Shu followed Master Lingxu and entered his cave.

Master Lingxu told Qin Shu all the methods he had tried before, including the changes in temperature and moisture.

When he said this, Qin Shu was also confused.

They have tried all the variables, and they have a lot of test seeds, so why can't they plant them all at once?

She thought for a long time and then asked: "Master, where did this seed come from? What is the environment there? Can we imitate it?"

Master Lingxu shook his head, "How could I not have thought of it? I have tried it all. What's more, when Master Xiang Wu took the seeds to plant them there, they didn't even come out."

Qin Shu: "..."

Master Lingxu looked at her sad face, sighed, and said comfortingly: "You go back and try, don't worry if you can't plant it. If this kind of seed can be grown so well, how can the leader be willing to take out a ninth-grade elixir?" The medicine is a reward.”

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