I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 85: Beginning to doubt life

The stall owner raised his head and came face to face with two little guys. They were just a little taller than the fortune-telling table, and they looked young at first glance.

"Does fate count at such a young age? Are you afraid that you don't even know what fate is?"

This man held a crow feather fan in his hand. When he shook the fan in his hand, the hair on his temples swayed with his movements. He also looked quite young.

However, Qin Shu knew in her heart that in the world of immortality, one should not look at faces at all. Some people who looked young could be as old as 800 or even a thousand years old.

After hearing this, Qin Shu deliberately raised her eyebrows and looked at him and asked, "Could it be that...you can't be sure?"

Her narrow eyes, coupled with her questioning tone, immediately made the stall owner unhappy. He sneered lightly, leaned back on the chair, raised his chin and said rather arrogantly: "If you don't go out and ask around, will I, Lu Li, be wrong?!"

Qin Shu's brows suddenly knitted together. She raised her hand and scratched her hair, Lu Li? Why does this name sound so familiar? Where had she heard it before?

She tilted her head and thought for a long time before she caught the flash of inspiration in her mind. She raised her head and looked at the man in front of her. Without hiding the surprise on her face, she took a step forward and asked, "Are you Tianji Pavilion Lu Li?" ?”

The crow feather fan in Lu Li's hand shook even more vigorously, "That's right! It's me! Now that you've heard my name, do you need to say more about my fortune-telling skills, Lu Li?"

Qin Shu frowned and shook her head solemnly, "There's really no need to say more."

Lu Li's expression had just turned tense when he heard the little girl in front of him turn her head and lean into the ear of the crane next to her, whispering: "Since he is Lu Li, let's go. Others tell fortunes and ask for money. , He’s a fortune teller.”

Ruiming didn't want to tell fortunes at first. He was just a crane. Even if the sky fell, old man Fucheng would hold it up for him. His life was good!

Hearing what Qin Shu said, she nodded slightly, "Then let's go. Senior brother will buy spiritual fruits for you to eat."

Lu Li listened to the conversation between the two little ones, and his forehead jumped. Is there anyone in this world who can't transmit sounds? Actually whispering so loudly in front of the rightful owner?

He stopped the two little ones who turned around and walked away, "You guys, stop!"

Qin Shu looked back at him and saw that Lu Li had stood up. His hands were shaking with anger. He pointed at Qin Shu with his fan and scolded: "You, you, you... tell me clearly! What do you mean by telling others' fortunes?" If you want money, my fortune will be ruined?”

Ruiming subconsciously took a step forward and blocked Qin Shu behind him.

The cultivation level of this immortal master should be higher than theirs. Neither he nor Qin Shu can be the opponent of each other, but he is also a monster after all. His body defense is much higher than that of his junior sister, and he can withstand beatings much better than her. .

But Qin Shu was relatively calm. Although Chijin City was not as large as Tailai City, it was still an affiliated city of Xuantianmen. Fighting was prohibited here, which was originally a way for Xuantianmen to protect its disciples.

She also imitated Lu Li's actions and raised her chin slightly, narrowed her eyes and raised her brows, "Immortal Master Lu Li is also a smart person, I will only say two words. Whether it is right or not, the Immortal Master must have his own judgment in his heart. ”

When Lu Li heard what she said, his expression tightened, and he had some bad premonitions in his heart. He saw the little girl in front of him suddenly smiled and uttered two words, "Spiritual pulse..."

Lu Li's heart thumped, his eyes rolled, and he quickly gave in. He clasped his hands together and begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, I'll tell you your fortune for free, okay? Stop talking."

Seeing his reaction, Qin Shu's lips curved deeper, "Thank you for your kindness, Master Immortal, but we don't have to forget it and leave first."

Seeing the little girl walking away with the crane, Lu Li frowned, turned around and hit the table with a fan. White light suddenly appeared, and a pair of oracle bones appeared on the table.

"If you don't let me count, I will!"

When he was calculating the spiritual pulse for the Zhong family that day, someone had tricked him into blocking the secret, which was why he failed to figure out the trick and almost caused a catastrophe.

As a result, he was almost unable to gain a foothold in Dongzhou, so he came to Scarlet Gold City out of desperation. Fewer people know him here, and it is also the headquarters of the Zhong family. If he can find a way to help the Zhong family in the future, it can be regarded as settling the cause and effect for himself.

However, he himself did not expect that good things would not go out, but bad things would spread thousands of miles.

Do even the young children in Scarlet Gold City know that his fortune telling is inaccurate? Will I have to use a pseudonym when I go out in the future?

Lu Li quickly made the seal and opened his eyes to look at the hexagrams on the oracle bones. He was completely confused by this?

What hexagram is this? The oracle bone is broken?

Or is he really dying now? Can’t even see clearly the fate of a child?

No! A real man can never say no!

He kneaded the knot again, squeezed out a drop of blood, and applied it on the center of his eyebrows.


After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Lu Li's entire expression became much more depressed.

Damn it, who is this kid? He was actually bitten?

It didn't matter if he was bitten back, but he didn't see anything.

Lu Li has been regarded as a proud man in cultivation over the years, but this time he began to have some doubts about life.

Could it be that he is really bad at the word "calculation"?

As soon as this idea came up, he suppressed it hard. After reciting two more heart-clearing mantras in his heart, he exhaled a breath of filthy air, took out the jade slip of communication, found Suihan's Lingxi in it, and sent a message to he.

"Junior brother."

He had just called out when the message came back: [Brother, is your Dao heart unstable? ]

Lu Li looked at the familiar words on the jade slip, and his heart was in turmoil.

Although he didn't want to admit it, his master was right, Sui Han was indeed more talented than him.

The blue veins on the back of his hand popped out, and it took a long time to disperse. He knew in his heart that the only one who could help him now was his junior brother Sui Han.

[Yeah. ]

He didn't know what kind of mood he was in when he wrote this word, but Sui Han knew.

He wrote casually and sent a sentence lightly: [The one who tied the bell must untie it. ]

Lu Li's handsome eyebrows frowned slightly, and said: [Brother, do you mean, let me go to the Zhong family? ]

"Tsk——" Sui Han couldn't bear it anymore, and sent a voice message directly, "I mean, you go find someone who makes you doubt your Dao heart."

Lu Li understood this time, wasn't it just that little boy?

He looked at the jade slip in his hand, then at the oracle bones on the table, and then looked up at the bustling street, his eyes gradually becoming firm.

He waved his sleeves, and the stalls on the street disappeared.

He raised his feet and chased in the direction Qin Shu left. He walked slowly, but he disappeared in a few seconds.

Qin Shu was squatting in front of the stall flipping through a few jade slips, and a familiar voice came from behind, "You want to learn body skills?"

Qin Shu turned around and saw Lu Li standing beside her, with his hands behind his back, hunched over and his eyes fixed on the jade slip in his hand.

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