I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 853 Danger ahead, please stop

It had been a long time since he had left the teahouse, and Ji Duo was still chuckling. Qin Shu helplessly rubbed his little head and asked, "Are you so happy?"

Jiduo's little head nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and she said seriously: "Mom! Duoduo likes this uncle."

Qin Shu was happy, "We just met her once and you already like her?"

Ji Duo chuckled, "But we just met once, and Duo Duo is his little friend!"

Qin Shu laughed even louder. When it comes to coaxing children, Yan Ming is the best.

She had just gotten the Jingyin Yuzhang and investigated it, but she didn't discover the mystery.

She also tried to shed blood to identify her master, but to no avail.

But she soon figured out the reason. Since it was the inheritance place of the Kunpeng clan, her blood as an outsider's blood would certainly not suffice.

We can only wait until we are clear and then think about it carefully. If we still can't find the solution, we will have to look for Yan Ming again.

Qin Shu is going to Lin'an City this time, which is the most severe situation on the dividing line between immortals and demons guarded by Xuantianmen.

The teleportation array lit up again, and Qin Shu led Ji Duo to appear in Lin'an City.

Pedestrians on the road were bustling with people, many of whom were monks wearing the costumes of Xuantianmen disciples. Looking at it, it felt a bit like Scarlet Gold City.

Qin Shu led Ji Duo and originally wanted to settle him in the city, but she came back when it got dark.

But Ji Duo took her hand and shook her head, looking up at Qin Shu pitifully, "Mother, Duo Duo is very powerful and is not afraid of evil spirits. Can you take Duo Duo with you?"

Qin Shu frowned. It was said that there were many high-level demons here. She was worried that if she encountered two high-level demons at the same time, she would not be able to concentrate on protecting Ji Duo.

Jiduo seemed to see what she was thinking, and quickly continued: "Duoduo's whiskers run super fast! Didn't we agree? Duoduo wants to help mother with the task."

Qin Shu thought for a while and finally agreed. She also had a few thousand-mile teleportation talismans in her hand so that she could use them if she encountered any bad situation.

"We don't have to go too deep. We won't encounter too powerful demons in the edge area." Qin Shu said.

Ji Duo nodded honestly, "Just listen to me!"

Two people, one large and one small, held hands and walked toward the edge of the demonic energy.

Just when they were about to approach the dividing line between immortals and demons, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them.

This female cultivator was wearing the uniform of a Xuantian Clan disciple and raised her hand to block their way.

"Fellow Taoist, there is danger ahead, please stop."

Qin Shu handed over her belt, "My name is Qin Shu, and I have come with a sect mission. Please let me go."

This female cultivator is a disciple of the Formation Sect. She has only heard of Qin Shu's name, but has never seen him.

Now, after staring at Qin Shu's face for a long time, he asked in a confused manner, "Junior sister Qin Shu, you don't use any form-changing magic weapon, do you?"

Qin Shu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "I'll use it."

The female cultivator seemed to realize how presumptuous her question was. She coughed lightly and clasped her fists quickly, "I've offended my junior sister. Since my junior sister has accepted the sect's mission, I should let him go. But there are high-level demons here. Even if my junior sister is... If you want to go, please pay attention to your own safety. If you are not an opponent, please send the signal immediately. "

As she spoke, she handed over something that looked like a firework.

Qin Shu took it and cupped her fists to thank her.

Then he led Ji Duo away.

After walking far away, I could vaguely hear the senior sister muttering in a low voice, "I knew that someone as amazing and talented as junior sister Qin Shu would not be so ordinary in appearance..."

Qin Shu: "..."

It seems that this senior sister is also a sweet-tempered person, otherwise she would not have asked this question.

Qin Shu led Ji Duo into the demonic aura. As soon as she entered, she noticed something strange.

The demonic energy here is obviously stronger than outside Nanxiang City before. Maybe it's because of what the big snake did there?

She made a preliminary estimate and found that the concentration of demonic energy here, even with the Awakening Hoop and the fifth-level demonic core, could barely last for three quarters of an hour.

Of course there are exceptions, such as her mother and her son, the demonic energy here is useless to them.

Qin Shu roughly estimated that it would be better to plant 50*50 magic plants here. If the area were larger, the concentration of magic energy in the square would not be reduced, and it would be dangerous for other monks to come again.

If it is still small, then she might as well plant it together, and no one else will use it.

There was already a young disciple on the dividing line between immortals and demons who had taken over the task of planting demon-conquering grass. She moved back about three feet and then raised her hand to circulate the earth spiritual energy to expand a hole.

Then he took out the spiritual plants that he had cultivated in the courtyard for three more days and planted them. Then he backfilled the dug-out soil and injected a certain concentration of wood spiritual energy.

Immediately afterwards, a magical scene appeared.

She watched with her own eyes as the black and gray demonic energy around the green plants disappeared, revealing a vacuum area of ​​about an inch. Of course, it was quickly filled with new demonic energy.

Even so, Qin Shu was still refreshed.

Since it is really useful, their hard work these days is not in vain. Maybe if they keep planting it, next year this place will become the territory of the world of immortality!

Qin Shu repeated the action before and planted the second devil-killing grass. Jiduo squatted next to the devil-killing grass with her little head in her hands. After looking at it for a long time, she suddenly said: "Mother, do you want to dig a pit?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Yeah."

Jiduo raised his hand and volunteered: "Mother, Duoduo can help!"

Qin Shu was happy to let him try, so she said: "Okay, then I'll leave it to Duoduo."

Jiduo wanted to show his power and let his mother see his ability.

He suddenly stood up, and his roots spread out little by little. At the same time, he turned into his original form.

A huge flower suddenly rose from the ground, and its roots spread in all directions.

Qin Shu's consciousness fell on his roots, and as it took root, it dug out a few holes that were just the right size, and even the distance was just right.

Qin Shu was silent. She was blind, and her son was much more useful than her.

Luckily, she brought it with her, otherwise, according to her original speed, it would take a long time to finish planting these 20,000 demon-subduing grasses.

Qin Shu didn't stop, and quickly planted the demon-subduing grasses one by one.

Jiduo's roots moved casually, and the soil that had been turned up was filled back.

Qin Shu no longer slowly injected spiritual energy into each plant one by one, but directly raised her hand and made a gesture, and threw out a wood-based spell - Reviving All Things.

The entire area of ​​demon-subduing grass was nourished, and even Jiduo, who was rooted here, happily shook his flower bud.

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